Gitlab Continuous Integration (CI) for at-spi2-core =================================================== Summary: make the robots set up an environment for running the test suite, run it, and report back to us. Have them also run lints and formatters, and get interesting reports for our perusal. If you have questions about the CI, mail, or `file an issue `__ and mention ``@federico`` in it. Quick overview -------------- By having a `.gitlab-ci.yml `_ file in the toplevel directory of a project, Gitlab knows that it must run a continuous integration pipeline when certain events occur, for example, when someone creates a merge request, or pushes to a branch. What’s a pipeline? It is an automated version of the following. Running the test suite for at-spi2-core involves some repetitive steps: - Create a reproducible environment for testing, without all the random gunk from one’s development system. Gitlab CI uses Linux containers, with pre-built operating system images in the `Open Container Initiative `__ format — this is what Docker, Podman, etc. all use. - Install the build-time dependencies (gcc, meson, libfoo-devel, etc.), the test-time dependencies (dbus-daemon, etc.) in that pristine environment, as well as special tools (lcov, libasan, clang-tools). - Run the build and install it, and run the test suite. - Run variations of the build and test suite with other tools — for example, using static analysis during compilation, or with address sanitizer (asan), or with a code coverage tool. Gitlab can collect the analysis results of each of these tools and present them as part of the merge request that is being evaluated. It also lets developers obtain those useful results without dealing with a lot of fiddly tools on their own computers. Additionally, on each pipeline run we’d like to do extra repetitive work like building the reference documentation, and publishing it on a web page. The ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` file defines the CI pipeline, the jobs it will run (build/test, coverage, asan, static-scan, etc.), and the locations where each job’s artifacts will be stored. What’s an artifact or a job? Read on! A little glossary ----------------- **Pipeline** - A collection of **jobs**, which can be run in parallel or sequentially. For example, a pair of “build” and “test” jobs would need to run sequentially, but maybe a “render documentation” job can run in parallel with them. Similarly, “build” jobs for various distributions or configurations could be run in parallel. **Job** - Think of it as running a shell script within a container. It can have input from other previous jobs: if you have separate “build” and “test” jobs, then the “build” job will want to keep around its compiled artifacts so that the “test” job can use them. It can provide output artifacts that can be stored for human perusal, or for use by other jobs. **Artifact** - Something produced from a job. If your job compiles binaries, those binaries could be artifacts if you decide to keep them around for use later. A documentation job can produce HTML artifacts from the rendered documentation. A code coverage job will produce a coverage report artifact. **Runner** - An operating system setup for running jobs. provides runners for Linux, BSD, Windows, and MacOS. For example. the Linux runners let you use any OCI image, so you can test on openSUSE, Fedora, a custom distro, etc. You don’t normally need to be concerned with runners; Gitlab assigns the shared runners automatically to your pipeline. **Container** - You can think of it as a chroot with extra isolation, or a lightweight virtual machine. Basically, the Linux kernel can isolate groups of processes in control groups (cgroups). Each cgroup can have a different view of the file system, as if you had a different chroot for each cgroup. Cgroups can be isolated to be in their own PID namespace, so running “ps” in the container will not show all the processes in the system, but only those inside the container’s cgroup. File system overlays allow you to have read-only images for the operating system (the OCI images we talked about above) plus a read-write overlay that is kept around only during the lifetime of a container, or persistently if one wants. For Gitlab CI one does not need to deal with containers directly, but keep in mind that your jobs will run inside a container, which is more limited than e.g. a shell session on a graphical, development machine. The CI pipeline for at-spi2-core -------------------------------- The ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` file is a more-or-less declarative description the CI pipeline, with some ``script`` sections which are imperative commands to actually *do stuff*. Jobs are run in ``stages``, and the names of the stages are declared near the beginning of the YAML file. The stage names are arbitrary; the ones here follow some informal GNOME conventions. Jobs are declared at the toplevel of the YAML file, and they are distinguished from other declarations by having a container ``image`` declared for them, as well as a ``script`` to execute. Many jobs need exactly the same kind of setup (same container images, mostly same package dependencies), so they use ``extends:`` to use a declared template with all that stuff instead of redeclaring it each time. The ``container-build`` stage builds container images with the reproducible environments described above. See the :ref:`ci_templates` below for details. The ``style-check`` stage runs a code formatter to ensure that new code preserves the coding style. It does not modify your code; instead the job will fail if your code does not match the rest of the coding style, so you can fix it. See :ref:`code_formatting` for details. The ``build`` stage has these jobs: - ``opensuse-x86_64`` - Extends the ``.only-default`` rule, builds/installs the code, and runs the tests. Generally this is the job that one cares about during regular development. - ``fedora-x86_64`` - Same as the previous job, but runs on Fedora instead of openSUSE. The intention is to run the build configuration for ``dbus-broker`` here instead of ``dbus-daemon``. The ``analysis`` stage has these jobs: - ``static-scan`` - Runs static analysis during compilation, which performs interprocedural analysis to detect things like double ``free()`` or uninitialized struct fields across functions. - ``asan-build`` - Builds and runs with Address Sanitizer (libasan). - ``coverage`` - Instruments the build to get code coverage information, and runs the test suite to see how much of the code it manages to exercise. This is to see which code paths may be untested automatically, and to decide which ones would require manual testing, or refactoring to allow automated testing. Finally, the ``docs`` stage builds documentation: - ``reference`` - Public API reference. - ``devel-docs`` - Development guide for the accessibility internals, including the document you are reading right now. .. _ci_templates: CI templates ------------ The task of setting up a container image to do CI for a particular distro or build configuration is rather repetitive. One has to start with a “bare” distro image, then install the build-time dependencies that your project requires, which is slow; then you want to test another distro, then you want to make those container images easily available to your project’s forks, and then you start pulling your hair. `Fredesktop CI Templates `__ (`documentation `__) are a solution to this. They can automatically build container images for various distros, make them available to forks of your project, and have some nice amenities to reduce the maintenance burden. At-spi2-core uses CI templates to test its various build configurations, since it actually works differently depending on a distro’s choice of ``dbus-daemon`` versus ``dbus-broker``. The prebuilt container images are stored here: They get updated automatically thanks to the CI Templates machinery. .. _code_formatting: Code formatting --------------- The C coding style is enforced via `clang-format `_ and a `.clang-format `_ configuration file (`docs on configuration `_). The ``style-check-diff`` job in CI will fail if you put in new code that does not match what ``clang-format`` would do for it. You must fix your code by hand; it is not re-indented automatically to give you a chance to selectively opt-out of formatting some chunks of code. To format a whole file, run ``clang-format -i some_file.c``. The ``-i`` option means "in place"; with it the file will be overwritten, otherwise clang-format will write to standard output. You can prevent a chunk of code from being changed with comments like the following, for example, for a struct initializer: .. code:: c /* clang-format off */ static MyStruct some_array[] = { { "a", 42, "b" }, { "long string", 0, "blahblah" }, { "etc etc", -42, "" }, }; /* clang-format on */ Note that **clang-format likes to re-order includes alphabetically** within chunks separated by blank lines: .. code:: c #include #include "de-marshaller.h" #include "de-types.h" #include "keymasks.h" #include "paths.h" #include "deviceeventcontroller.h" #include "introspection.h" #include "reentrant-list.h" Here, each of the three groups of includes will be sorted independently. You can fix your header files so that the order of inclusion doesn't matter, or separate them out with blank lines to enforce ordering. General advice and future work ------------------------------ A failed run of a CI pipeline should trouble you; it either means that some test broke, or that something is not completely deterministic. Fix it at once. Try not to accept merge requests that fail the CI, as this will make ``git bisect`` hard in the future. There are tools like Marge-bot to enforce this; ask about it. Read `“The Not Rocket Science Rule Of Software Engineering” `__, which can be summarized as “automatically maintain a repository of code that always passes all the tests” for inspiration. Marge-bot is an implementation of that, and can be used with Gitlab. If your software can be configured to build with substantial changes, the CI pipeline should have jobs that test each of those configurations. For example, at-spi-bus-launcher operates differently depending on whether ``dbus-daemon`` or ``dbus-broker`` are being used. As of 2022/Apr/19 the CI only tests ``dbus-daemon``; there should be a test for dbus-broker, too, in the ``fedora-x86_64`` job since that is one of the distros that uses ``dbus-broker``. Although the YAML syntax for ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` is a bit magic, the scripts and configuration are quite amenable to refactoring. Do it often! Minimizing the amount of time that CI takes to run is a good goal. It reduces energy consumption in the build farm, and allows you to have a faster feedback loop. Instead of installing package dependencies on each job, we can move to prebuilt container images. References ---------- Full documentation for Gitlab CI: Introduction to Gitlab CI: Freedesktop CI templates: