
FolksBackend — A single backend to libfolks, such as Telepathy or evolution-data-server. Each backend provides FolksPersonas which are aggregated to form FolksIndividuals.

Types and Values


After creating a Backend instance, you must connect to the "persona-store-added" and "persona-store-removed" signals, then call folks_backend_prepare(), otherwise a race condition may occur between emission of "persona-store-added" and your code connecting to it.


Types and Values


#define FOLKS_TYPE_BACKEND (folks_backend_get_type ())

The type for FolksBackend.

struct FolksBackend

struct FolksBackend {
	GObject parent_instance;
	FolksBackendPrivate * priv;

A single backend to libfolks, such as Telepathy or evolution-data-server. Each backend provides FolksPersonas which are aggregated to form FolksIndividuals.

After creating a Backend instance, you must connect to the "persona-store-added" and "persona-store-removed" signals, then call folks_backend_prepare(), otherwise a race condition may occur between emission of "persona-store-added" and your code connecting to it.

struct FolksBackendClass

struct FolksBackendClass {
	GObjectClass parent_class;
	void (*disable_persona_store) (FolksBackend* self, FolksPersonaStore* store);
	void (*enable_persona_store) (FolksBackend* self, FolksPersonaStore* store);
	void (*set_persona_stores) (FolksBackend* self, GeeSet* storeids);
	void (*prepare) (FolksBackend* self, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_);
	void (*prepare_finish) (FolksBackend* self, GAsyncResult* _res_, GError** error);
	void (*unprepare) (FolksBackend* self, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_);
	void (*unprepare_finish) (FolksBackend* self, GAsyncResult* _res_, GError** error);
	gboolean (*get_is_prepared) (FolksBackend* self);
	gboolean (*get_is_quiescent) (FolksBackend* self);
	const gchar* (*get_name) (FolksBackend* self);
	GeeMap* (*get_persona_stores) (FolksBackend* self);

The class structure for FOLKS_TYPE_BACKEND. All the fields in this structure are private and should never be accessed directly.


disable_persona_store ()

virtual method called by folks_backend_disable_persona_store()


enable_persona_store ()

virtual method called by folks_backend_enable_persona_store()


set_persona_stores ()

virtual method called by folks_backend_set_persona_stores()


prepare ()

virtual method called by folks_backend_prepare()


prepare_finish ()

asynchronous finish function for prepare, called by folks_backend_prepare()


unprepare ()

virtual method called by folks_backend_unprepare()


unprepare_finish ()

asynchronous finish function for unprepare, called by folks_backend_unprepare()


get_is_prepared ()

getter method for the abstract property "is-prepared"


get_is_quiescent ()

getter method for the abstract property "is-quiescent"


get_name ()

getter method for the abstract property "name"


get_persona_stores ()

getter method for the abstract property "persona-stores"