Introspection attributes

GI-DocGen consumes the following attributes found in the introspection data when generating the API reference for that data.


The following attributes apply to properties.

org.gtk.Property.get = s

Defines the getter method for a given property. The value of the attribute is the C symbol of the function.

org.gtk.Property.set = s

Defines the setter method for a given property. The value of the attribute is the C symbol of the function.

org.gtk.Property.default = s

Defines the default value for a given property.


The following attributes apply to methods of a classed type or interface.

org.gtk.Method.set_property = s

Defines the property set by the function. The property name must be in the same type as the method

org.gtk.Method.get_property = s

Defines the property retrieved by the function. The property name must be in the same type as the method

org.gtk.Method.signal = s

Defines the signal emitted by the function. The signal name must be in the same type as the method