LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gjs - profiler.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: gjs- Code Coverage Lines: 53.5 % 316 169
Test Date: 2025-02-09 21:27:27 Functions: 45.5 % 22 10
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 34.3 % 198 68

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR LGPL-2.0-or-later
       2                 :             : // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Christian Hergert <>
       3                 :             : 
       4                 :             : #include <config.h>  // for ENABLE_PROFILER, HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H, HAVE_UNISTD_H
       5                 :             : 
       6                 :             : #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H
       7                 :             : #    include <signal.h>  // for siginfo_t, sigevent, sigaction, SIGPROF, ...
       8                 :             : #endif
       9                 :             : 
      10                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
      11                 :             : // IWYU has a weird loop where if this is present, it asks for it to be removed,
      12                 :             : // and if absent, asks for it to be added
      13                 :             : #    include <alloca.h>  // IWYU pragma: keep
      14                 :             : #    include <errno.h>
      15                 :             : #    include <stdint.h>
      16                 :             : #    include <stdio.h>        // for sscanf
      17                 :             : #    include <string.h>       // for memcpy, strlen
      18                 :             : #    include <sys/syscall.h>  // for __NR_gettid
      19                 :             : #    include <sys/types.h>    // for timer_t
      20                 :             : #    include <time.h>         // for size_t, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, itimerspec, ...
      21                 :             : #    ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
      22                 :             : #        include <unistd.h>  // for getpid, syscall
      23                 :             : #    endif
      24                 :             : #    include <array>
      25                 :             : #endif
      26                 :             : 
      27                 :             : #include <glib-object.h>
      28                 :             : #include <glib.h>
      29                 :             : 
      30                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
      31                 :             : #    ifdef G_OS_UNIX
      32                 :             : #        include <glib-unix.h>
      33                 :             : #    endif
      34                 :             : #    include <sysprof-capture.h>
      35                 :             : #endif
      36                 :             : 
      37                 :             : #include <js/GCAPI.h>           // for JSFinalizeStatus, JSGCStatus, GCReason
      38                 :             : #include <js/ProfilingStack.h>  // for EnableContextProfilingStack, ...
      39                 :             : #include <js/TypeDecls.h>
      40                 :             : #include <mozilla/Atomics.h>  // for ProfilingStack operators
      41                 :             : 
      42                 :             : #include "gjs/auto.h"
      43                 :             : #include "gjs/context.h"
      44                 :             : #include "gjs/jsapi-util.h"  // for gjs_explain_gc_reason
      45                 :             : #include "gjs/mem-private.h"
      46                 :             : #include "gjs/profiler-private.h"
      47                 :             : #include "gjs/profiler.h"
      48                 :             : 
      49                 :             : #define FLUSH_DELAY_SECONDS 3
      50                 :             : 
      51                 :             : /*
      52                 :             :  * This is mostly non-exciting code wrapping the builtin Profiler in
      53                 :             :  * mozjs. In particular, the profiler consumer is required to "bring your
      54                 :             :  * own sampler".  We do the very non-surprising thing of using POSIX
      55                 :             :  * timers to deliver SIGPROF to the thread containing the JSContext.
      56                 :             :  *
      57                 :             :  * However, we do use a Linux'ism that allows us to deliver the signal
      58                 :             :  * to only a single thread. Doing this in a generic fashion would
      59                 :             :  * require thread-registration so that we can mask SIGPROF from all
      60                 :             :  * threads except the JS thread. The gecko engine uses tgkill() to do
      61                 :             :  * this with a secondary thread instead of using POSIX timers. We could
      62                 :             :  * do this too, but it would still be Linux-only.
      63                 :             :  *
      64                 :             :  * Another option might be to use pthread_kill() and a secondary thread
      65                 :             :  * to perform the notification.
      66                 :             :  *
      67                 :             :  * From within the signal handler, we process the current stack as
      68                 :             :  * delivered to us from the JSContext. Any pointer data that comes from
      69                 :             :  * the runtime has to be copied, so we keep our own dedup'd string
      70                 :             :  * pointers for JavaScript file/line information. Non-JS instruction
      71                 :             :  * pointers are just fine, as they can be resolved by parsing the ELF for
      72                 :             :  * the file mapped on disk containing that address.
      73                 :             :  *
      74                 :             :  * As much of this code has to run from signal handlers, it is very
      75                 :             :  * important that we don't use anything that can malloc() or lock, or
      76                 :             :  * deadlocks are very likely. Most of GjsProfilerCapture is signal-safe.
      77                 :             :  */
      78                 :             : 
      79                 :             : #define SAMPLES_PER_SEC G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1000)
      80                 :             : #define NSEC_PER_SEC G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1000000000)
      81                 :             : 
      82   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 : G_DEFINE_POINTER_TYPE(GjsProfiler, gjs_profiler)
                   #  # ]
      83                 :             : 
      84                 :             : struct _GjsProfiler {
      85                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
      86                 :             :     /* The stack for the JSContext profiler to use for current stack
      87                 :             :      * information while executing. We will look into this during our
      88                 :             :      * SIGPROF handler.
      89                 :             :      */
      90                 :             :     ProfilingStack stack;
      91                 :             : 
      92                 :             :     /* The context being profiled */
      93                 :             :     JSContext *cx;
      94                 :             : 
      95                 :             :     /* Buffers and writes our sampled stacks */
      96                 :             :     SysprofCaptureWriter* capture;
      97                 :             :     GSource* periodic_flush;
      98                 :             : 
      99                 :             :     SysprofCaptureWriter* target_capture;
     100                 :             : 
     101                 :             :     // Cache previous values of counters so that we don't overrun the output
     102                 :             :     // with counters that don't change very often
     103                 :             :     uint64_t last_counter_values[GJS_N_COUNTERS];
     104                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     105                 :             : 
     106                 :             :     /* The filename to write to */
     107                 :             :     char *filename;
     108                 :             : 
     109                 :             :     /* An FD to capture to */
     110                 :             :     int fd;
     111                 :             : 
     112                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     113                 :             :     /* Our POSIX timer to wakeup SIGPROF */
     114                 :             :     timer_t timer;
     115                 :             : 
     116                 :             :     /* Cached copy of our pid */
     117                 :             :     GPid pid;
     118                 :             : 
     119                 :             :     /* Timing information */
     120                 :             :     int64_t gc_begin_time;
     121                 :             :     int64_t sweep_begin_time;
     122                 :             :     int64_t group_sweep_begin_time;
     123                 :             :     const char* gc_reason;  // statically allocated
     124                 :             : 
     125                 :             :     /* GLib signal handler ID for SIGUSR2 */
     126                 :             :     unsigned sigusr2_id;
     127                 :             :     unsigned counter_base;  // index of first GObject memory counter
     128                 :             :     unsigned gc_counter_base;  // index of first GC stats counter
     129                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     130                 :             : 
     131                 :             :     /* If we are currently sampling */
     132                 :             :     unsigned running : 1;
     133                 :             : };
     134                 :             : 
     135                 :             : static GjsContext *profiling_context;
     136                 :             : 
     137                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     138                 :             : /*
     139                 :             :  * gjs_profiler_extract_maps:
     140                 :             :  *
     141                 :             :  * This function will write the mapped section information to the
     142                 :             :  * capture file so that the callgraph builder can generate symbols
     143                 :             :  * from the stack addresses provided.
     144                 :             :  *
     145                 :             :  * Returns: %TRUE if successful; otherwise %FALSE and the profile
     146                 :             :  *   should abort.
     147                 :             :  */
     148                 :           5 : [[nodiscard]] static bool gjs_profiler_extract_maps(GjsProfiler* self) {
     149                 :           5 :     int64_t now = g_get_monotonic_time() * 1000L;
     150                 :             : 
     151                 :           5 :     g_assert(((void) "Profiler must be set up before extracting maps", self));
     152                 :             : 
     153                 :           5 :     Gjs::AutoChar path{g_strdup_printf("/proc/%jd/maps", intmax_t(self->pid))};
     154                 :             : 
     155                 :           5 :     Gjs::AutoChar content;
     156                 :             :     size_t len;
     157         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (!g_file_get_contents(path, content.out(), &len, nullptr))
     158                 :           0 :         return false;
     159                 :             : 
     160                 :           5 :     Gjs::AutoStrv lines{g_strsplit(content, "\n", 0)};
     161                 :             : 
     162         [ +  + ]:        1427 :     for (size_t ix = 0; lines[ix]; ix++) {
     163                 :             :         char file[256];
     164                 :             :         unsigned long start;
     165                 :             :         unsigned long end;
     166                 :             :         unsigned long offset;
     167                 :             :         unsigned long inode;
     168                 :             : 
     169                 :        1422 :         file[sizeof file - 1] = '\0';
     170                 :             : 
     171                 :        1422 :         int r = sscanf(lines[ix], "%lx-%lx %*15s %lx %*x:%*x %lu %255s",
     172                 :             :                        &start, &end, &offset, &inode, file);
     173         [ +  + ]:        1422 :         if (r != 5)
     174                 :         361 :             continue;
     175                 :             : 
     176         [ +  + ]:        1061 :         if (strcmp("[vdso]", file) == 0) {
     177                 :           5 :             offset = 0;
     178                 :           5 :             inode = 0;
     179                 :             :         }
     180                 :             : 
     181         [ -  + ]:        1061 :         if (!sysprof_capture_writer_add_map(self->capture, now, -1, self->pid,
     182                 :             :                                             start, end, offset, inode, file))
     183                 :           0 :             return false;
     184                 :             :     }
     185                 :             : 
     186                 :           5 :     return true;
     187                 :           5 : }
     188                 :             : 
     189                 :          80 : static void setup_counter_helper(SysprofCaptureCounter* counter,
     190                 :             :                                  const char* counter_name,
     191                 :             :                                  unsigned counter_base, size_t ix) {
     192                 :          80 :     g_snprintf(counter->category, sizeof counter->category, "GJS");
     193                 :          80 :     g_snprintf(counter->name, sizeof counter->name, "%s", counter_name);
     194                 :          80 :     g_snprintf(counter->description, sizeof counter->description, "%s",
     195                 :          80 :                GJS_COUNTER_DESCRIPTIONS[ix]);
     196                 :          80 :     counter->id = uint32_t(counter_base + ix);
     197                 :          80 :     counter->type = SYSPROF_CAPTURE_COUNTER_INT64;
     198                 :          80 :     counter->value.v64 = 0;
     199                 :          80 : }
     200                 :             : 
     201                 :           5 : [[nodiscard]] static bool gjs_profiler_define_counters(GjsProfiler* self) {
     202                 :           5 :     int64_t now = g_get_monotonic_time() * 1000L;
     203                 :             : 
     204                 :           5 :     g_assert(self && "Profiler must be set up before defining counters");
     205                 :             : 
     206                 :             :     std::array<SysprofCaptureCounter, GJS_N_COUNTERS> counters;
     207                 :           5 :     self->counter_base =
     208                 :           5 :         sysprof_capture_writer_request_counter(self->capture, GJS_N_COUNTERS);
     209                 :             : 
     210                 :             : #    define SETUP_COUNTER(counter_name, ix)                                    \
     211                 :             :         setup_counter_helper(&counters[ix], #counter_name, self->counter_base, \
     212                 :             :                              ix);
     213                 :           5 :     GJS_FOR_EACH_COUNTER(SETUP_COUNTER);
     214                 :             : #    undef SETUP_COUNTER
     215                 :             : 
     216         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (!sysprof_capture_writer_define_counters(
     217                 :           5 :             self->capture, now, -1, self->pid,, GJS_N_COUNTERS))
     218                 :           0 :         return false;
     219                 :             : 
     220                 :             :     std::array<SysprofCaptureCounter, Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS> gc_counters;
     221                 :           5 :     self->gc_counter_base = sysprof_capture_writer_request_counter(
     222                 :             :         self->capture, Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS);
     223                 :             : 
     224                 :           5 :     constexpr size_t category_size = sizeof gc_counters[0].category;
     225                 :           5 :     constexpr size_t name_size = sizeof gc_counters[0].name;
     226                 :           5 :     constexpr size_t description_size = sizeof gc_counters[0].description;
     227                 :             : 
     228         [ +  + ]:          15 :     for (size_t ix = 0; ix < Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS; ix++) {
     229                 :          10 :         g_snprintf(gc_counters[ix].category, category_size, "GJS");
     230                 :          10 :         gc_counters[ix].id = uint32_t(self->gc_counter_base + ix);
     231                 :          10 :         gc_counters[ix].type = SYSPROF_CAPTURE_COUNTER_INT64;
     232                 :          10 :         gc_counters[ix].value.v64 = 0;
     233                 :             :     }
     234                 :           5 :     g_snprintf(gc_counters[Gjs::GCCounters::GC_HEAP_BYTES].name, name_size,
     235                 :             :                "GC bytes");
     236                 :           5 :     g_snprintf(gc_counters[Gjs::GCCounters::GC_HEAP_BYTES].description,
     237                 :             :                description_size, "Bytes used in GC heap");
     238                 :           5 :     g_snprintf(gc_counters[Gjs::GCCounters::MALLOC_HEAP_BYTES].name, name_size,
     239                 :             :                "Malloc bytes");
     240                 :           5 :     g_snprintf(gc_counters[Gjs::GCCounters::MALLOC_HEAP_BYTES].description,
     241                 :             :                description_size, "Malloc bytes owned by tenured GC things");
     242                 :             : 
     243                 :           5 :     return sysprof_capture_writer_define_counters(self->capture, now, -1,
     244                 :           5 :                                                   self->pid,,
     245                 :           5 :                                                   Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS);
     246                 :             : }
     247                 :             : 
     248                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     249                 :             : 
     250                 :             : /*
     251                 :             :  * _gjs_profiler_new:
     252                 :             :  * @context: The #GjsContext to profile
     253                 :             :  *
     254                 :             :  * This creates a new profiler for the #JSContext. It is important that
     255                 :             :  * this instance is freed with _gjs_profiler_free() before the context is
     256                 :             :  * destroyed.
     257                 :             :  *
     258                 :             :  * Call gjs_profiler_start() to enable the profiler, and gjs_profiler_stop()
     259                 :             :  * when you have finished.
     260                 :             :  *
     261                 :             :  * The profiler works by enabling the JS profiler in spidermonkey so that
     262                 :             :  * sample information is available. A POSIX timer is used to signal SIGPROF
     263                 :             :  * to the process on a regular interval to collect the most recent profile
     264                 :             :  * sample and stash it away. It is a programming error to mask SIGPROF from
     265                 :             :  * the thread controlling the JS context.
     266                 :             :  *
     267                 :             :  * If another #GjsContext already has a profiler, or @context already has one,
     268                 :             :  * then returns %NULL instead.
     269                 :             :  *
     270                 :             :  * Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): A newly allocated #GjsProfiler
     271                 :             :  */
     272                 :             : GjsProfiler *
     273                 :           5 : _gjs_profiler_new(GjsContext *context)
     274                 :             : {
     275                 :           5 :     g_return_val_if_fail(context, nullptr);
     276                 :             : 
     277         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (profiling_context == context) {
     278                 :           0 :         g_critical("You can only create one profiler at a time.");
     279                 :           0 :         return nullptr;
     280                 :             :     }
     281                 :             : 
     282         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (profiling_context) {
     283                 :           0 :         g_message("Not going to profile GjsContext %p; you can only profile "
     284                 :             :                   "one context at a time.", context);
     285                 :           0 :         return nullptr;
     286                 :             :     }
     287                 :             : 
     288                 :           5 :     GjsProfiler *self = g_new0(GjsProfiler, 1);
     289                 :             : 
     290                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     291                 :           5 :     self->cx = static_cast<JSContext *>(gjs_context_get_native_context(context));
     292                 :           5 :     self->pid = getpid();
     293                 :             : #endif
     294                 :           5 :     self->fd = -1;
     295                 :             : 
     296                 :           5 :     profiling_context = context;
     297                 :             : 
     298                 :           5 :     return self;
     299                 :             : }
     300                 :             : 
     301                 :             : /*
     302                 :             :  * _gjs_profiler_free:
     303                 :             :  * @self: A #GjsProfiler
     304                 :             :  *
     305                 :             :  * Frees a profiler instance and cleans up any allocated data.
     306                 :             :  *
     307                 :             :  * If the profiler is running, it will be stopped. This may result in blocking
     308                 :             :  * to write the contents of the buffer to the underlying file-descriptor.
     309                 :             :  */
     310                 :             : void
     311                 :           5 : _gjs_profiler_free(GjsProfiler *self)
     312                 :             : {
     313         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (!self)
     314                 :           0 :         return;
     315                 :             : 
     316         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (self->running)
     317                 :           0 :         gjs_profiler_stop(self);
     318                 :             : 
     319                 :           5 :     profiling_context = nullptr;
     320                 :             : 
     321         [ +  + ]:           5 :     g_clear_pointer(&self->filename, g_free);
     322                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     323         [ -  + ]:           5 :     g_clear_pointer(&self->capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     324         [ -  + ]:           5 :     g_clear_pointer(&self->periodic_flush, g_source_destroy);
     325         [ -  + ]:           5 :     g_clear_pointer(&self->target_capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     326                 :             : 
     327         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (self->fd != -1)
     328                 :           0 :         close(self->fd);
     329                 :             : 
     330                 :           5 :     self->stack.~ProfilingStack();
     331                 :             : #endif
     332                 :           5 :     g_free(self);
     333                 :             : }
     334                 :             : 
     335                 :             : /*
     336                 :             :  * _gjs_profiler_is_running:
     337                 :             :  * @self: A #GjsProfiler
     338                 :             :  *
     339                 :             :  * Checks if the profiler is currently running. This means that the JS
     340                 :             :  * profiler is enabled and POSIX signal timers are registered.
     341                 :             :  *
     342                 :             :  * Returns: %TRUE if the profiler is active.
     343                 :             :  */
     344                 :             : bool
     345                 :         104 : _gjs_profiler_is_running(GjsProfiler *self)
     346                 :             : {
     347                 :         104 :     g_return_val_if_fail(self, false);
     348                 :             : 
     349                 :         104 :     return self->running;
     350                 :             : }
     351                 :             : 
     352                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     353                 :             : 
     354                 :           5 : static void gjs_profiler_sigprof(int signum [[maybe_unused]], siginfo_t* info,
     355                 :             :                                  void*) {
     356                 :           5 :     GjsProfiler *self = gjs_context_get_profiler(profiling_context);
     357                 :             : 
     358                 :           5 :     g_assert(((void) "SIGPROF handler called with invalid signal info", info));
     359                 :           5 :     g_assert(((void) "SIGPROF handler called with other signal",
     360                 :             :               info->si_signo == SIGPROF));
     361                 :             : 
     362                 :             :     /*
     363                 :             :      * NOTE:
     364                 :             :      *
     365                 :             :      * This is the SIGPROF signal handler. Everything done in this thread
     366                 :             :      * needs to be things that are safe to do in a signal handler. One thing
     367                 :             :      * that is not okay to do, is *malloc*.
     368                 :             :      */
     369                 :             : 
     370   [ +  -  -  + ]:           5 :     if (!self || info->si_code != SI_TIMER)
     371                 :           1 :         return;
     372                 :             : 
     373                 :           5 :     uint32_t depth = self->stack.stackSize();
     374         [ +  + ]:           5 :     if (depth == 0)
     375                 :           1 :         return;
     376                 :             : 
     377                 :           4 :     int64_t now = g_get_monotonic_time() * 1000L;
     378                 :             : 
     379                 :             :     /* NOTE: cppcheck warns that alloca() is not recommended since it can
     380                 :             :      * easily overflow the stack; however, dynamic allocation is not an option
     381                 :             :      * here since we are in a signal handler.
     382                 :             :      */
     383                 :             :     SysprofCaptureAddress* addrs =
     384                 :             :         // cppcheck-suppress allocaCalled
     385                 :           4 :         static_cast<SysprofCaptureAddress*>(alloca(sizeof *addrs * depth));
     386                 :             : 
     387         [ +  + ]:          13 :     for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix < depth; ix++) {
     388                 :           9 :         js::ProfilingStackFrame& entry = self->stack.frames[ix];
     389                 :           9 :         const char *label = entry.label();
     390                 :           9 :         const char *dynamic_string = entry.dynamicString();
     391                 :           9 :         uint32_t flipped = depth - 1 - ix;
     392                 :           9 :         size_t label_length = strlen(label);
     393                 :             : 
     394                 :             :         /*
     395                 :             :          * 512 is an arbitrarily large size, very likely to be enough to
     396                 :             :          * hold the final string.
     397                 :             :          */
     398                 :             :         char final_string[512];
     399                 :           9 :         char *position = final_string;
     400                 :           9 :         size_t available_length = sizeof (final_string) - 1;
     401                 :             : 
     402         [ +  + ]:           9 :         if (label_length > 0) {
     403         [ +  - ]:           5 :             label_length = MIN(label_length, available_length);
     404                 :             : 
     405                 :             :             /* Start copying the label to the final string */
     406                 :           5 :             memcpy(position, label, label_length);
     407                 :           5 :             available_length -= label_length;
     408                 :           5 :             position += label_length;
     409                 :             : 
     410                 :             :             /*
     411                 :             :              * Add a space in between the label and the dynamic string,
     412                 :             :              * if there is one.
     413                 :             :              */
     414   [ -  +  -  - ]:           5 :             if (dynamic_string && available_length > 0) {
     415                 :           0 :                 *position++ = ' ';
     416                 :           0 :                 available_length--;
     417                 :             :             }
     418                 :             :         }
     419                 :             : 
     420                 :             :         /* Now append the dynamic string at the end of the final string.
     421                 :             :          * The string is cut in case it doesn't fit the remaining space.
     422                 :             :          */
     423         [ -  + ]:           9 :         if (dynamic_string) {
     424                 :           0 :             size_t dynamic_string_length = strlen(dynamic_string);
     425                 :             : 
     426         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (dynamic_string_length > 0) {
     427         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 size_t remaining_length = MIN(available_length, dynamic_string_length);
     428                 :           0 :                 memcpy(position, dynamic_string, remaining_length);
     429                 :           0 :                 position += remaining_length;
     430                 :             :             }
     431                 :             :         }
     432                 :             : 
     433                 :           9 :         *position = 0;
     434                 :             : 
     435                 :             :         /*
     436                 :             :          * GeckoProfiler will put "js::RunScript" on the stack, but it has
     437                 :             :          * a stack address of "this", which is not terribly useful since
     438                 :             :          * everything will show up as [stack] when building callgraphs.
     439                 :             :          */
     440         [ +  + ]:           9 :         if (final_string[0] != '\0')
     441                 :           5 :             addrs[flipped] =
     442                 :           5 :                 sysprof_capture_writer_add_jitmap(self->capture, final_string);
     443                 :             :         else
     444                 :           4 :             addrs[flipped] = SysprofCaptureAddress(entry.stackAddress());
     445                 :             :     }
     446                 :             : 
     447         [ -  + ]:           4 :     if (!sysprof_capture_writer_add_sample(self->capture, now, -1, self->pid,
     448                 :             :                                            -1, addrs, depth)) {
     449                 :           0 :         gjs_profiler_stop(self);
     450                 :           0 :         return;
     451                 :             :     }
     452                 :             : 
     453                 :             :     unsigned ids[GJS_N_COUNTERS];
     454                 :             :     SysprofCaptureCounterValue values[GJS_N_COUNTERS];
     455                 :           4 :     size_t new_counts = 0;
     456                 :             : 
     457                 :             : #    define FETCH_COUNTERS(name, ix)                       \
     458                 :             :         {                                                  \
     459                 :             :             uint64_t count = GJS_GET_COUNTER(name);        \
     460                 :             :             if (count != self->last_counter_values[ix]) {  \
     461                 :             :                 ids[new_counts] = self->counter_base + ix; \
     462                 :             :                 values[new_counts].v64 = count;            \
     463                 :             :                 new_counts++;                              \
     464                 :             :             }                                              \
     465                 :             :             self->last_counter_values[ix] = count;         \
     466                 :             :         }
     467   [ -  +  -  +  :          64 :     GJS_FOR_EACH_COUNTER(FETCH_COUNTERS);
          -  +  -  +  -  
          +  -  +  -  +  
          -  +  -  +  -  
          +  -  +  -  +  
          -  +  -  +  -  
                +  -  + ]
     468                 :             : #    undef FETCH_COUNTERS
     469                 :             : 
     470   [ -  +  -  + ]:           4 :     if (new_counts > 0 &&
     471         [ #  # ]:           0 :         !sysprof_capture_writer_set_counters(self->capture, now, -1, self->pid,
     472                 :             :                                              ids, values, new_counts))
     473                 :           0 :         gjs_profiler_stop(self);
     474                 :             : }
     475                 :             : 
     476                 :           0 : static gboolean profiler_auto_flush_cb(void* user_data) {
     477                 :           0 :     auto* self = static_cast<GjsProfiler*>(user_data);
     478                 :             : 
     479         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!self->running)
     480                 :           0 :         return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
     481                 :             : 
     482                 :           0 :     sysprof_capture_writer_flush(self->capture);
     483                 :             : 
     484                 :           0 :     return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE;
     485                 :             : }
     486                 :             : 
     487                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     488                 :             : 
     489                 :             : /**
     490                 :             :  * gjs_profiler_start:
     491                 :             :  * @self: A #GjsProfiler
     492                 :             :  *
     493                 :             :  * As expected, this starts the GjsProfiler.
     494                 :             :  *
     495                 :             :  * This will enable the underlying JS profiler and register a POSIX timer to
     496                 :             :  * deliver SIGPROF on the configured sampling frequency.
     497                 :             :  *
     498                 :             :  * To reduce sampling overhead, #GjsProfiler stashes information about the
     499                 :             :  * profile to be calculated once the profiler has been disabled. Calling
     500                 :             :  * gjs_profiler_stop() will result in that delayed work to be completed.
     501                 :             :  *
     502                 :             :  * You should call gjs_profiler_stop() when the profiler is no longer needed.
     503                 :             :  */
     504                 :             : void
     505                 :           5 : gjs_profiler_start(GjsProfiler *self)
     506                 :             : {
     507                 :           5 :     g_return_if_fail(self);
     508         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (self->running)
     509                 :           0 :         return;
     510                 :             : 
     511                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     512                 :             : 
     513                 :           5 :     g_return_if_fail(!self->capture);
     514                 :             : 
     515                 :           5 :     struct sigaction sa = {{0}};
     516                 :           5 :     struct sigevent sev = {{0}};
     517                 :           5 :     struct itimerspec its = {{0}};
     518                 :             :     struct itimerspec old_its;
     519                 :             : 
     520         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (self->target_capture) {
     521                 :           0 :         self->capture = sysprof_capture_writer_ref(self->target_capture);
     522         [ -  + ]:           5 :     } else if (self->fd != -1) {
     523                 :           0 :         self->capture = sysprof_capture_writer_new_from_fd(self->fd, 0);
     524                 :           0 :         self->fd = -1;
     525                 :             :     } else {
     526                 :          10 :         Gjs::AutoChar path{g_strdup(self->filename)};
     527         [ +  + ]:           5 :         if (!path)
     528                 :           3 :             path = g_strdup_printf("gjs-%jd.syscap", intmax_t(self->pid));
     529                 :             : 
     530                 :           5 :         self->capture = sysprof_capture_writer_new(path, 0);
     531                 :           5 :     }
     532                 :             : 
     533         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (!self->capture) {
     534                 :           0 :         g_warning("Failed to open profile capture");
     535                 :           0 :         return;
     536                 :             :     }
     537                 :             : 
     538                 :             :     /* Automatically flush to be resilient against SIGINT, etc */
     539         [ +  - ]:           5 :     if (!self->periodic_flush) {
     540                 :           5 :         self->periodic_flush =
     541                 :           5 :             g_timeout_source_new_seconds(FLUSH_DELAY_SECONDS);
     542                 :           5 :         g_source_set_name(self->periodic_flush,
     543                 :             :                           "[sysprof-capture-writer-flush]");
     544                 :           5 :         g_source_set_priority(self->periodic_flush, G_PRIORITY_LOW + 100);
     545                 :           5 :         g_source_set_callback(self->periodic_flush,
     546                 :             :                               (GSourceFunc)profiler_auto_flush_cb, self,
     547                 :             :                               nullptr);
     548                 :           5 :         g_source_attach(self->periodic_flush,
     549                 :             :                         g_main_context_get_thread_default());
     550                 :             :     }
     551                 :             : 
     552         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (!gjs_profiler_extract_maps(self)) {
     553                 :           0 :         g_warning("Failed to extract proc maps");
     554         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     555         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->periodic_flush, g_source_destroy);
     556                 :           0 :         return;
     557                 :             :     }
     558                 :             : 
     559         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (!gjs_profiler_define_counters(self)) {
     560                 :           0 :         g_warning("Failed to define sysprof counters");
     561         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     562         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->periodic_flush, g_source_destroy);
     563                 :           0 :         return;
     564                 :             :     }
     565                 :             : 
     566                 :             :     /* Setup our signal handler for SIGPROF delivery */
     567                 :           5 :     sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;
     568                 :           5 :     sa.sa_sigaction = gjs_profiler_sigprof;
     569                 :           5 :     sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
     570                 :             : 
     571         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (sigaction(SIGPROF, &sa, nullptr) == -1) {
     572                 :           0 :         g_warning("Failed to register sigaction handler: %s", g_strerror(errno));
     573         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     574         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->periodic_flush, g_source_destroy);
     575                 :           0 :         return;
     576                 :             :     }
     577                 :             : 
     578                 :             :     /*
     579                 :             :      * Create our SIGPROF timer
     580                 :             :      *
     581                 :             :      * We want to receive a SIGPROF signal on the JS thread using our
     582                 :             :      * configured sampling frequency. Instead of allowing any thread to be
     583                 :             :      * notified, we set the _tid value to ensure that only our thread gets
     584                 :             :      * delivery of the signal. This feature is generally just for
     585                 :             :      * threading implementations, but it works for us as well and ensures
     586                 :             :      * that the thread is blocked while we capture the stack.
     587                 :             :      */
     588                 :           5 :     sev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD_ID;
     589                 :           5 :     sev.sigev_signo = SIGPROF;
     590                 :           5 :     sev._sigev_un._tid = syscall(__NR_gettid);
     591                 :             : 
     592         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sev, &self->timer) == -1) {
     593                 :           0 :         g_warning("Failed to create profiler timer: %s", g_strerror(errno));
     594         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     595         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->periodic_flush, g_source_destroy);
     596                 :           0 :         return;
     597                 :             :     }
     598                 :             : 
     599                 :             :     /* Calculate sampling interval */
     600                 :           5 :     its.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
     601                 :           5 :     its.it_interval.tv_nsec = NSEC_PER_SEC / SAMPLES_PER_SEC;
     602                 :           5 :     its.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
     603                 :           5 :     its.it_value.tv_nsec = NSEC_PER_SEC / SAMPLES_PER_SEC;
     604                 :             : 
     605                 :             :     /* Now start this timer */
     606         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (timer_settime(self->timer, 0, &its, &old_its) != 0) {
     607                 :           0 :         g_warning("Failed to enable profiler timer: %s", g_strerror(errno));
     608                 :           0 :         timer_delete(self->timer);
     609         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     610         [ #  # ]:           0 :         g_clear_pointer(&self->periodic_flush, g_source_destroy);
     611                 :           0 :         return;
     612                 :             :     }
     613                 :             : 
     614                 :           5 :     self->running = true;
     615                 :             : 
     616                 :             :     /* Notify the JS runtime of where to put stack info */
     617                 :           5 :     js::SetContextProfilingStack(self->cx, &self->stack);
     618                 :             : 
     619                 :             :     /* Start recording stack info */
     620                 :           5 :     js::EnableContextProfilingStack(self->cx, true);
     621                 :             : 
     622                 :           5 :     g_message("Profiler started");
     623                 :             : 
     624                 :             : #else  /* !ENABLE_PROFILER */
     625                 :             : 
     626                 :             :     self->running = true;
     627                 :             :     g_message("Profiler is disabled. Recompile with it enabled to use.");
     628                 :             : 
     629                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     630                 :             : }
     631                 :             : 
     632                 :             : /**
     633                 :             :  * gjs_profiler_stop:
     634                 :             :  * @self: A #GjsProfiler
     635                 :             :  *
     636                 :             :  * Stops a currently running #GjsProfiler. If the profiler is not running,
     637                 :             :  * this function will do nothing.
     638                 :             :  *
     639                 :             :  * Some work may be delayed until the end of the capture. Such delayed work
     640                 :             :  * includes flushing the resulting samples and file location information to
     641                 :             :  * disk.
     642                 :             :  *
     643                 :             :  * This may block while writing to disk. Generally, the writes are delivered
     644                 :             :  * to a tmpfs device, and are therefore negligible.
     645                 :             :  */
     646                 :             : void
     647                 :           5 : gjs_profiler_stop(GjsProfiler *self)
     648                 :             : {
     649                 :             :     /* Note: can be called from a signal handler */
     650                 :             : 
     651                 :           5 :     g_assert(self);
     652                 :             : 
     653         [ -  + ]:           5 :     if (!self->running)
     654                 :           0 :         return;
     655                 :             : 
     656                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     657                 :             : 
     658                 :           5 :     struct itimerspec its = {{0}};
     659                 :           5 :     timer_settime(self->timer, 0, &its, nullptr);
     660                 :           5 :     timer_delete(self->timer);
     661                 :             : 
     662                 :           5 :     js::EnableContextProfilingStack(self->cx, false);
     663                 :           5 :     js::SetContextProfilingStack(self->cx, nullptr);
     664                 :             : 
     665                 :           5 :     sysprof_capture_writer_flush(self->capture);
     666                 :             : 
     667         [ +  - ]:           5 :     g_clear_pointer(&self->capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     668         [ +  - ]:           5 :     g_clear_pointer(&self->periodic_flush, g_source_destroy);
     669                 :             : 
     670                 :           5 :     g_message("Profiler stopped");
     671                 :             : 
     672                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     673                 :             : 
     674                 :           5 :     self->running = false;
     675                 :             : }
     676                 :             : 
     677                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     678                 :             : 
     679                 :             : static gboolean
     680                 :           0 : gjs_profiler_sigusr2(void *data)
     681                 :             : {
     682                 :           0 :     GjsContext* context = GJS_CONTEXT(data);
     683                 :           0 :     GjsProfiler *current_profiler = gjs_context_get_profiler(context);
     684                 :             : 
     685         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (current_profiler) {
     686         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (_gjs_profiler_is_running(current_profiler))
     687                 :           0 :             gjs_profiler_stop(current_profiler);
     688                 :             :         else
     689                 :           0 :             gjs_profiler_start(current_profiler);
     690                 :             :     }
     691                 :             : 
     692                 :           0 :     return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE;
     693                 :             : }
     694                 :             : 
     695                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     696                 :             : 
     697                 :             : /*
     698                 :             :  * _gjs_profiler_setup_signals:
     699                 :             :  * @context: a #GjsContext with a profiler attached
     700                 :             :  *
     701                 :             :  * If you want to simply allow profiling of your process with minimal
     702                 :             :  * fuss, simply call gjs_profiler_setup_signals(). This will allow
     703                 :             :  * enabling and disabling the profiler with SIGUSR2. You must call
     704                 :             :  * this from main() immediately when your program starts and must not
     705                 :             :  * block SIGUSR2 from your signal mask.
     706                 :             :  *
     707                 :             :  * If this is not sufficient, use gjs_profiler_chain_signal() from your
     708                 :             :  * own signal handler to pass the signal to a GjsProfiler.
     709                 :             :  */
     710                 :             : void
     711                 :           0 : _gjs_profiler_setup_signals(GjsProfiler *self,
     712                 :             :                             GjsContext  *context)
     713                 :             : {
     714                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(context == profiling_context);
     715                 :             : 
     716                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     717                 :             : 
     718         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (self->sigusr2_id != 0)
     719                 :           0 :         return;
     720                 :             : 
     721                 :           0 :     self->sigusr2_id = g_unix_signal_add(SIGUSR2, gjs_profiler_sigusr2, context);
     722                 :             : 
     723                 :             : #else  /* !ENABLE_PROFILER */
     724                 :             : 
     725                 :             :     g_message("Profiler is disabled. Not setting up signals.");
     726                 :             :     (void)self;
     727                 :             : 
     728                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     729                 :             : }
     730                 :             : 
     731                 :             : /**
     732                 :             :  * gjs_profiler_chain_signal:
     733                 :             :  * @context: a #GjsContext with a profiler attached
     734                 :             :  * @info: #siginfo_t passed in to signal handler
     735                 :             :  *
     736                 :             :  * Use this to pass a signal info caught by another signal handler to a
     737                 :             :  * GjsProfiler. This might be needed if you have your own complex signal
     738                 :             :  * handling system for which GjsProfiler cannot simply add a SIGUSR2 handler.
     739                 :             :  *
     740                 :             :  * This function should only be called from the JS thread.
     741                 :             :  *
     742                 :             :  * Returns: %TRUE if the signal was handled.
     743                 :             :  */
     744                 :             : bool
     745                 :           0 : gjs_profiler_chain_signal(GjsContext *context,
     746                 :             :                           siginfo_t *info)
     747                 :             : {
     748                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     749                 :             : 
     750         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (info) {
     751         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (info->si_signo == SIGPROF) {
     752                 :           0 :             gjs_profiler_sigprof(SIGPROF, info, nullptr);
     753                 :           0 :             return true;
     754                 :             :         }
     755                 :             : 
     756         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (info->si_signo == SIGUSR2) {
     757                 :           0 :             gjs_profiler_sigusr2(context);
     758                 :           0 :             return true;
     759                 :             :         }
     760                 :             :     }
     761                 :             : 
     762                 :             : #else  // !ENABLE_PROFILER
     763                 :             : 
     764                 :             :     (void)context;
     765                 :             :     (void)info;
     766                 :             : 
     767                 :             : #endif  /* ENABLE_PROFILER */
     768                 :             : 
     769                 :           0 :     return false;
     770                 :             : }
     771                 :             : 
     772                 :             : /**
     773                 :             :  * gjs_profiler_set_capture_writer:
     774                 :             :  * @self: A #GjsProfiler
     775                 :             :  * @capture: (nullable): A #SysprofCaptureWriter
     776                 :             :  *
     777                 :             :  * Set the capture writer to which profiling data is written when the @self
     778                 :             :  * is stopped.
     779                 :             :  */
     780                 :           0 : void gjs_profiler_set_capture_writer(GjsProfiler* self, gpointer capture) {
     781                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(self);
     782                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(!self->running);
     783                 :             : 
     784                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     785         [ #  # ]:           0 :     g_clear_pointer(&self->target_capture, sysprof_capture_writer_unref);
     786                 :           0 :     self->target_capture =
     787         [ #  # ]:           0 :         capture ? sysprof_capture_writer_ref(
     788                 :             :                       reinterpret_cast<SysprofCaptureWriter*>(capture))
     789                 :             :                 : NULL;
     790                 :             : #else
     791                 :             :     // Unused in the no-profiler case
     792                 :             :     (void)capture;
     793                 :             : #endif
     794                 :             : }
     795                 :             : 
     796                 :             : /**
     797                 :             :  * gjs_profiler_set_filename:
     798                 :             :  * @self: A #GjsProfiler
     799                 :             :  * @filename: string containing a filename
     800                 :             :  *
     801                 :             :  * Set the file to which profiling data is written when the @self is stopped.
     802                 :             :  * By default, this is `gjs-$PID.syscap` in the current directory.
     803                 :             :  */
     804                 :             : void
     805                 :           2 : gjs_profiler_set_filename(GjsProfiler *self,
     806                 :             :                           const char  *filename)
     807                 :             : {
     808                 :           2 :     g_return_if_fail(self);
     809                 :           2 :     g_return_if_fail(!self->running);
     810                 :             : 
     811                 :           2 :     g_free(self->filename);
     812                 :           2 :     self->filename = g_strdup(filename);
     813                 :             : }
     814                 :             : 
     815                 :           0 : void _gjs_profiler_add_mark(GjsProfiler* self, int64_t time_nsec,
     816                 :             :                             int64_t duration_nsec, const char* group,
     817                 :             :                             const char* name, const char* message) {
     818                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(self);
     819                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(group);
     820                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(name);
     821                 :             : 
     822                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     823   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (self->running && self->capture != nullptr) {
     824                 :           0 :         sysprof_capture_writer_add_mark(self->capture, time_nsec, -1, self->pid,
     825                 :             :                                         duration_nsec, group, name, message);
     826                 :             :     }
     827                 :             : #else
     828                 :             :     // Unused in the no-profiler case
     829                 :             :     (void)time_nsec;
     830                 :             :     (void)duration_nsec;
     831                 :             :     (void)message;
     832                 :             : #endif
     833                 :             : }
     834                 :             : 
     835                 :           0 : bool _gjs_profiler_sample_gc_memory_info(
     836                 :             :     GjsProfiler* self, int64_t gc_counters[Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS]) {
     837                 :           0 :     g_return_val_if_fail(self, false);
     838                 :             : 
     839                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     840   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (self->running && self->capture) {
     841                 :             :         unsigned ids[Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS];
     842                 :             :         SysprofCaptureCounterValue values[Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS];
     843                 :             : 
     844         [ #  # ]:           0 :         for (size_t ix = 0; ix < Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS; ix++) {
     845                 :           0 :             ids[ix] = self->gc_counter_base + ix;
     846                 :           0 :             values[ix].v64 = gc_counters[ix];
     847                 :             :         }
     848                 :             : 
     849                 :           0 :         int64_t now = g_get_monotonic_time() * 1000L;
     850         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!sysprof_capture_writer_set_counters(self->capture, now, -1,
     851                 :             :                                                  self->pid, ids, values,
     852                 :             :                                                  Gjs::GCCounters::N_COUNTERS))
     853                 :           0 :             return false;
     854                 :             :     }
     855                 :             : #else
     856                 :             :     // Unused in the no-profiler case
     857                 :             :     (void)gc_counters;
     858                 :             : #endif
     859                 :           0 :     return true;
     860                 :             : }
     861                 :             : 
     862                 :           0 : void gjs_profiler_set_fd(GjsProfiler* self, int fd) {
     863                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(self);
     864                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(!self->filename);
     865                 :           0 :     g_return_if_fail(!self->running);
     866                 :             : 
     867                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     868         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (self->fd != fd) {
     869         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (self->fd != -1)
     870                 :           0 :             close(self->fd);
     871                 :           0 :         self->fd = fd;
     872                 :             :     }
     873                 :             : #else
     874                 :             :     (void)fd;  // Unused in the no-profiler case
     875                 :             : #endif
     876                 :             : }
     877                 :             : 
     878                 :           0 : void _gjs_profiler_set_finalize_status(GjsProfiler* self,
     879                 :             :                                        JSFinalizeStatus status) {
     880                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     881                 :             :     // Implementation note for mozjs-128:
     882                 :             :     //
     883                 :             :     // Sweeping happens in three phases:
     884                 :             :     // 1st phase (JSFINALIZE_GROUP_PREPARE): the collector prepares to sweep a
     885                 :             :     // group of zones. 2nd phase (JSFINALIZE_GROUP_START): weak references to
     886                 :             :     // unmarked things have been removed, but no GC thing has been swept. 3rd
     887                 :             :     // Phase (JSFINALIZE_GROUP_END): all dead GC things for a group of zones
     888                 :             :     // have been swept. The above repeats for each sweep group.
     889                 :             :     // JSFINALIZE_COLLECTION_END occurs at the end of all GC. (see jsgc.cpp,
     890                 :             :     // BeginSweepPhase/BeginSweepingZoneGroup and SweepPhase, all called from
     891                 :             :     // IncrementalCollectSlice).
     892                 :             :     //
     893                 :             :     // Incremental GC muddies the waters, because BeginSweepPhase is always run
     894                 :             :     // to entirety, but SweepPhase can be run incrementally and mixed with JS
     895                 :             :     // code runs or even native code, when MaybeGC/IncrementalGC return.
     896                 :             :     // After GROUP_START, the collector may yield to the mutator meaning JS code
     897                 :             :     // can run between the callback for GROUP_START and GROUP_END.
     898                 :             : 
     899                 :           0 :     int64_t now = g_get_monotonic_time() * 1000L;
     900                 :             : 
     901   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     switch (status) {
                      # ]
     902                 :           0 :         case JSFINALIZE_GROUP_PREPARE:
     903                 :           0 :             self->sweep_begin_time = now;
     904                 :           0 :             break;
     905                 :           0 :         case JSFINALIZE_GROUP_START:
     906                 :           0 :             self->group_sweep_begin_time = now;
     907                 :           0 :             break;
     908                 :           0 :         case JSFINALIZE_GROUP_END:
     909         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (self->group_sweep_begin_time != 0) {
     910                 :           0 :                 _gjs_profiler_add_mark(self, self->group_sweep_begin_time,
     911                 :           0 :                                        now - self->group_sweep_begin_time,
     912                 :             :                                        "GJS", "Group sweep", nullptr);
     913                 :             :             }
     914                 :           0 :             self->group_sweep_begin_time = 0;
     915                 :           0 :             break;
     916                 :           0 :         case JSFINALIZE_COLLECTION_END:
     917         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (self->sweep_begin_time != 0) {
     918                 :           0 :                 _gjs_profiler_add_mark(self, self->sweep_begin_time,
     919                 :           0 :                                        now - self->sweep_begin_time, "GJS",
     920                 :             :                                        "Sweep", nullptr);
     921                 :             :             }
     922                 :           0 :             self->sweep_begin_time = 0;
     923                 :           0 :             break;
     924                 :           0 :         default:
     925                 :             :             g_assert_not_reached();
     926                 :             :     }
     927                 :             : #else
     928                 :             :     (void)self;
     929                 :             :     (void)status;
     930                 :             : #endif
     931                 :           0 : }
     932                 :             : 
     933                 :           0 : void _gjs_profiler_set_gc_status(GjsProfiler* self, JSGCStatus status,
     934                 :             :                                  JS::GCReason reason) {
     935                 :             : #ifdef ENABLE_PROFILER
     936                 :           0 :     int64_t now = g_get_monotonic_time() * 1000L;
     937                 :             : 
     938      [ #  #  # ]:           0 :     switch (status) {
     939                 :           0 :         case JSGC_BEGIN:
     940                 :           0 :             self->gc_begin_time = now;
     941                 :           0 :             self->gc_reason = gjs_explain_gc_reason(reason);
     942                 :           0 :             break;
     943                 :           0 :         case JSGC_END:
     944         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (self->gc_begin_time != 0) {
     945                 :           0 :                 _gjs_profiler_add_mark(self, self->gc_begin_time,
     946                 :           0 :                                        now - self->gc_begin_time, "GJS",
     947                 :             :                                        "Garbage collection", self->gc_reason);
     948                 :             :             }
     949                 :           0 :             self->gc_begin_time = 0;
     950                 :           0 :             self->gc_reason = nullptr;
     951                 :           0 :             break;
     952                 :           0 :         default:
     953                 :             :             g_assert_not_reached();
     954                 :             :     }
     955                 :             : #else
     956                 :             :     (void)self;
     957                 :             :     (void)status;
     958                 :             :     (void)reason;
     959                 :             : #endif
     960                 :           0 : }

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