LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gio/tests - srvtarget.c (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: unnamed Lines: 93.5 % 31 29
Test Date: 2024-11-26 05:23:01 Functions: 100.0 % 2 2
Branches: - 0 0

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : /* GLib testing framework examples and tests
       2                 :             :  * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
       3                 :             :  *
       4                 :             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-old-glib-tests
       5                 :             :  *
       6                 :             :  * This work is provided "as is"; redistribution and modification
       7                 :             :  * in whole or in part, in any medium, physical or electronic is
       8                 :             :  * permitted without restriction.
       9                 :             :  *
      10                 :             :  * This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      11                 :             :  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      12                 :             :  * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
      13                 :             :  *
      14                 :             :  * In no event shall the authors or contributors be liable for any
      15                 :             :  * direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
      16                 :             :  * damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute
      17                 :             :  * goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
      18                 :             :  * interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether
      19                 :             :  * in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
      20                 :             :  * otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even
      21                 :             :  * if advised of the possibility of such damage.
      22                 :             :  */
      23                 :             : 
      24                 :             : #include <glib/glib.h>
      25                 :             : #include <gio/gio.h>
      26                 :             : #include <stdlib.h>
      27                 :             : #include <string.h>
      28                 :             : 
      29                 :             : #define NUM_TRIALS 250000
      30                 :             : 
      31                 :             : struct {
      32                 :             :   const char *order;
      33                 :             :   gdouble expected;
      34                 :             :   unsigned int seen;
      35                 :             : } ordering[] = {
      36                 :             :   /* There are 32 legitimate orderings; the result always has to start
      37                 :             :    * with either "fe" (usually) or "ef" (rarely). For the remaining
      38                 :             :    * letters, "cbda" is the most likely, with various other orders
      39                 :             :    * possible, down to "adbc" being the most improbable. However,
      40                 :             :    * almost all "fe" orderings are more likely than almost any "ef"
      41                 :             :    * orderings. The complete probability ordering, from most-likely
      42                 :             :    * to least-likely is something roughly like:
      43                 :             :    */
      44                 :             :   { "fecbda", 0.2468 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      45                 :             :   { "febcda", 0.1885 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      46                 :             :   { "fecdba", 0.1346 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      47                 :             :   { "fedcba", 0.0830 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      48                 :             :   { "febdca", 0.0706 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      49                 :             :   { "fedbca", 0.0571 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      50                 :             :   { "fecbad", 0.0496 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      51                 :             :   { "febcad", 0.0374 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      52                 :             :   { "fecabd", 0.0185 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      53                 :             :   { "fecdab", 0.0136 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      54                 :             :   { "fecadb", 0.0110 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      55                 :             :   { "febacd", 0.0108 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      56                 :             :   { "feacbd", 0.0096 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      57                 :             :   { "fedcab", 0.0083 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      58                 :             :   { "feabcd", 0.0073 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      59                 :             :   { "feacdb", 0.0058 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      60                 :             :   { "efcbda", 0.0049 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      61                 :             :   { "febdac", 0.0048 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      62                 :             :   { "febadc", 0.0043 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      63                 :             :   { "fedbac", 0.0038 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      64                 :             :   { "efbcda", 0.0038 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      65                 :             :   { "feadcb", 0.0036 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      66                 :             :   { "fedacb", 0.0035 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      67                 :             :   { "feabdc", 0.0029 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      68                 :             :   { "feadbc", 0.0026 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      69                 :             :   { "fedabc", 0.0026 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      70                 :             :   { "efcdba", 0.0026 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      71                 :             :   { "efdcba", 0.0017 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      72                 :             :   { "efbdca", 0.0014 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      73                 :             :   { "efdbca", 0.0011 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      74                 :             :   { "efcbad", 0.0010 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      75                 :             :   { "efbcad", 0.0008 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      76                 :             :   { "efcabd", 0.0004 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      77                 :             :   { "efcdab", 0.0003 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      78                 :             :   { "efcadb", 0.0002 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      79                 :             :   { "efbacd", 0.0002 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      80                 :             :   { "efacbd", 0.0002 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      81                 :             :   { "efdcab", 0.0002 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      82                 :             :   { "efabcd", 0.0002 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      83                 :             :   { "efacdb", 0.0001 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      84                 :             :   { "efbdac", 0.0001 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      85                 :             :   { "efadcb", 0.0001 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      86                 :             :   { "efdbac", 0.0001 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      87                 :             :   { "efbadc", 0.0001 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      88                 :             :   { "efdacb", 0.0001 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      89                 :             :   { "efabdc", 0.0001 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      90                 :             :   { "efadbc", 0.00005 * NUM_TRIALS, 0},
      91                 :             :   { "efdabc", 0.00005 * NUM_TRIALS, 0}
      92                 :             : };
      93                 :             : #define NUM_ORDERINGS G_N_ELEMENTS (ordering)
      94                 :             : 
      95                 :             : static void
      96                 :           1 : test_srv_target_ordering (void)
      97                 :             : {
      98                 :             :   GList *targets, *sorted, *t;
      99                 :             :   char result[7], *p;
     100                 :             :   int i;
     101                 :             :   guint o;
     102                 :             : 
     103                 :           1 :   targets = NULL;
     104                 :             :   /*                                 name, port, priority, weight */
     105                 :           1 :   targets = g_list_append (targets, g_srv_target_new ("a", 0, 2, 0));
     106                 :           1 :   targets = g_list_append (targets, g_srv_target_new ("b", 0, 2, 10));
     107                 :           1 :   targets = g_list_append (targets, g_srv_target_new ("c", 0, 2, 15));
     108                 :           1 :   targets = g_list_append (targets, g_srv_target_new ("d", 0, 2, 5));
     109                 :           1 :   targets = g_list_append (targets, g_srv_target_new ("e", 0, 1, 0));
     110                 :           1 :   targets = g_list_append (targets, g_srv_target_new ("f", 0, 1, 50));
     111                 :             : 
     112                 :      250001 :   for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRIALS; i++)
     113                 :             :     {
     114                 :      250000 :       g_random_set_seed (i);
     115                 :             : 
     116                 :      250000 :       sorted = g_srv_target_list_sort (g_list_copy (targets));
     117                 :             : 
     118                 :     1750000 :       for (t = sorted, p = result; t; t = t->next)
     119                 :     1500000 :         *(p++) = *g_srv_target_get_hostname (t->data);
     120                 :      250000 :       *p = '\0';
     121                 :      250000 :       g_list_free (sorted);
     122                 :             : 
     123                 :     1204522 :       for (o = 0; o < NUM_ORDERINGS; o++)
     124                 :             :         {
     125                 :     1204522 :           if (!strcmp (result, ordering[o].order))
     126                 :             :             {
     127                 :      250000 :               ordering[o].seen++;
     128                 :      250000 :               break;
     129                 :             :             }
     130                 :             :         }
     131                 :             : 
     132                 :             :       /* Assert that @result matched one of the valid orderings */
     133                 :      250000 :       if (o == NUM_ORDERINGS)
     134                 :             :         {
     135                 :           0 :           char *msg = g_strdup_printf ("result '%s' is invalid", result);
     136                 :           0 :           g_assertion_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, msg);
     137                 :             :         }
     138                 :             :     }
     139                 :             : 
     140                 :             :   /* Assert that each ordering appeared roughly the expected
     141                 :             :    * number of times.
     142                 :             :    */
     143                 :          49 :   for (o = 0; o < NUM_ORDERINGS; o++)
     144                 :             :     {
     145                 :          48 :       g_assert_cmpuint (ordering[o].seen, >, (guint64) (ordering[o].expected / 2));
     146                 :          48 :       g_assert_cmpuint (ordering[o].seen, <, (guint64) (ordering[o].expected * 2));
     147                 :             :     }
     148                 :             : 
     149                 :           1 :   g_resolver_free_targets (targets);
     150                 :           1 : }
     151                 :             : 
     152                 :             : int
     153                 :           1 : main (int argc, char **argv)
     154                 :             : {
     155                 :           1 :   g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
     156                 :             : 
     157                 :           1 :   g_test_add_func ("/srvtarget/srv-target-ordering", test_srv_target_ordering);
     158                 :             : 
     159                 :           1 :   return g_test_run();
     160                 :             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1