

since: 3.4

Declaration [src]

gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode (
  const gchar* accelerator,
  guint* accelerator_key,
  guint** accelerator_codes,
  GdkModifierType* accelerator_mods

Description [src]

Parses a string representing an accelerator, similarly to gtk_accelerator_parse() but handles keycodes as well. This is only useful for system-level components, applications should use gtk_accelerator_parse() instead.

If accelerator_codes is given and the result stored in it is non-NULL, the result must be freed with g_free().

If a keycode is present in the accelerator and no accelerator_codes is given, the parse will fail.

If the parse fails, accelerator_key, accelerator_mods and accelerator_codes will be set to 0 (zero).

Available since: 3.4



Type: const gchar*

String representing an accelerator.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: guint*

Return location for accelerator keyval, or NULL.

The argument will be set by the function.
The argument can be NULL.

Type: An array of guint*

return location for accelerator keycodes, or `NULL`.
The argument will be set by the function.
The argument can be NULL.
The array must be NULL-terminated.
The caller of the function takes ownership of the returned data, and is responsible for freeing it.

Type: GdkModifierType

Return location for accelerator modifier mask, NULL.

The argument will be set by the function.
The argument can be NULL.
The caller of the function takes ownership of the returned data, and is responsible for freeing it.