Virtual Method


deprecated: 4.10 

Declaration [src]

add_palette (
  GtkColorChooser* chooser,
  GtkOrientation orientation,
  int colors_per_line,
  int n_colors,
  GdkRGBA* colors

Description [src]

Adds a palette to the color chooser.

If orientation is horizontal, the colors are grouped in rows, with colors_per_line colors in each row. If horizontal is FALSE, the colors are grouped in columns instead.

The default color palette of GtkColorChooserWidget has 45 colors, organized in columns of 5 colors (this includes some grays).

The layout of the color chooser widget works best when the palettes have 9-10 columns.

Calling this function for the first time has the side effect of removing the default color palette from the color chooser.

If colors is NULL, removes all previously added palettes.

Deprecated since: 4.10

Use GtkColorDialog instead.



Type: GtkOrientation

GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL if the palette should be displayed in rows, GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL for columns.


Type: int

The number of colors to show in each row/column.


Type: int

The total number of elements in colors.


Type: An array of GdkRGBA

The colors of the palette.

The argument can be NULL.
The length of the array is specified in the n_colors argument.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.