Virtual Method


deprecated: 4.10 

Declaration [src]

drag_data_received (
  GtkTreeDragDest* drag_dest,
  GtkTreePath* dest,
  const GValue* value

Description [src]

Asks the GtkTreeDragDest to insert a row before the path dest, deriving the contents of the row from value. If dest is outside the tree so that inserting before it is impossible, FALSE will be returned. Also, FALSE may be returned if the new row is not created for some model-specific reason. Should robustly handle a dest no longer found in the model!

Deprecated since: 4.10

Use list models instead.



Type: GtkTreePath

Row to drop in front of.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: GValue

Data to drop.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Return value

Type: gboolean

Whether a new row was created before position dest.