gtkmm 4.14.0
Gdk::RGBA Member List

This is the complete list of members for Gdk::RGBA, including all inherited members.

get_alpha() constGdk::RGBA
get_alpha_u() constGdk::RGBA
get_blue() constGdk::RGBA
get_blue_u() constGdk::RGBA
get_green() constGdk::RGBA
get_green_u() constGdk::RGBA
get_red() constGdk::RGBA
get_red_u() constGdk::RGBA
gobj() constGdk::RGBAinline
gobj_copy() constGdk::RGBA
is_clear() constGdk::RGBA
is_opaque() constGdk::RGBA
operator!=(const RGBA & lhs, const RGBA & rhs)Gdk::RGBArelated
operator=(const RGBA & other)Gdk::RGBA
operator=(RGBA && other) noexceptGdk::RGBA
operator==(const RGBA & lhs, const RGBA & rhs)Gdk::RGBArelated
RGBA(GdkRGBA * gobject, bool make_a_copy=true)Gdk::RGBAexplicit
RGBA(const RGBA & other)Gdk::RGBA
RGBA(RGBA && other) noexceptGdk::RGBA
RGBA(const Glib::ustring & value)Gdk::RGBAexplicit
RGBA(float red_, float green_, float blue_, float alpha_=1.0)Gdk::RGBA
set(const Glib::ustring & spec)Gdk::RGBA
set_alpha(float value)Gdk::RGBA
set_alpha_u(gushort value)Gdk::RGBA
set_blue(float value)Gdk::RGBA
set_blue_u(gushort value)Gdk::RGBA
set_green(float value)Gdk::RGBA
set_green_u(gushort value)Gdk::RGBA
set_grey(float g, float alpha=1.0)Gdk::RGBA
set_grey_u(gushort value, gushort alpha=65535)Gdk::RGBA
set_hsl(float h, float s, float l, float alpha=1.0)Gdk::RGBA
set_hsv(float h, float s, float v, float alpha=1.0)Gdk::RGBA
set_red(float value)Gdk::RGBA
set_red_u(gushort value)Gdk::RGBA
set_rgba(float red_, float green_, float blue_, float alpha_=1.0)Gdk::RGBA
set_rgba_u(gushort red_, gushort green_, gushort blue_, gushort alpha_=65535)Gdk::RGBA
swap(RGBA & other) noexceptGdk::RGBA
swap(RGBA & lhs, RGBA & rhs) noexceptGdk::RGBArelated
to_string() constGdk::RGBA
wrap(GdkRGBA * object, bool take_copy=false)Gdk::RGBArelated
~RGBA() noexceptGdk::RGBA