| ListStore (ListStore &&src) noexcept |
ListStore & | operator= (ListStore &&src) noexcept |
| ~ListStore () noexcept override |
GtkListStore * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GtkListStore * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
GtkListStore * | gobj_copy () |
| Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
void | set_column_types (const TreeModelColumnRecord &columns) |
iterator | erase (const iterator &iter) |
| Removes the given row from the list store.
iterator | insert (const iterator &iter) |
| Creates a new row before the position.
iterator | insert_after (const iterator &iter) |
| Creates a new row after the position.
iterator | prepend () |
| Creates a new row at the start.
iterator | append () |
| Creates a new row at the end.
void | iter_swap (const iterator & a, const iterator & b) |
| Swaps a and b in store.
void | move (const iterator &source, const iterator &destination) |
| Moves source to the position at destination.
void | reorder (const std::vector< int > &new_order) |
| Reorders the list store to follow the order indicated by new_order.
void | clear () |
| Removes all rows from the list store.
bool | iter_is_valid (const const_iterator &iter) const |
| Checks if the given iter is a valid iter for this Gtk::ListStore .
| Object (const Object &)=delete |
Object & | operator= (const Object &)=delete |
| Object (Object &&src) noexcept |
Object & | operator= (Object &&src) noexcept |
void * | get_data (const QueryQuark &key) |
void | set_data (const Quark &key, void *data) |
void | set_data_with_c_callback (const Quark &key, void *data, GDestroyNotify notify) |
void | set_data (const Quark &key, void *data, DestroyNotify notify) |
void | remove_data (const QueryQuark &quark) |
void * | steal_data (const QueryQuark &quark) |
Glib::RefPtr< Glib::Object > | wrap (GObject *object, bool take_copy=false) |
| ObjectBase (const ObjectBase &)=delete |
ObjectBase & | operator= (const ObjectBase &)=delete |
void | set_property_value (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const Glib::ValueBase &value) |
void | get_property_value (const Glib::ustring &property_name, Glib::ValueBase &value) const |
void | set_property (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const PropertyType &value) |
void | get_property (const Glib::ustring &property_name, PropertyType &value) const |
PropertyType | get_property (const Glib::ustring &property_name) const |
sigc::connection | connect_property_changed (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const sigc::slot< void()> &slot) |
sigc::connection | connect_property_changed (const Glib::ustring &property_name, sigc::slot< void()> &&slot) |
void | freeze_notify () |
void | thaw_notify () |
virtual void | reference () const |
virtual void | unreference () const |
GObject * | gobj () |
const GObject * | gobj () const |
GObject * | gobj_copy () const |
| trackable () noexcept |
| trackable (const trackable &src) noexcept |
| trackable (trackable &&src) noexcept |
| ~trackable () |
void | add_destroy_notify_callback (notifiable *data, func_destroy_notify func) const |
void | notify_callbacks () |
trackable & | operator= (const trackable &src) |
trackable & | operator= (trackable &&src) noexcept |
void | remove_destroy_notify_callback (notifiable *data) const |
| TreeModel (TreeModel &&src) noexcept |
TreeModel & | operator= (TreeModel &&src) noexcept |
| ~TreeModel () noexcept override |
GtkTreeModel * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GtkTreeModel * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
iterator | get_iter (const Path & path) |
| Returns a valid iterator pointing to path.
const_iterator | get_iter (const Path & path) const |
| Returns a valid iterator pointing to path.
iterator | get_iter (const Glib::ustring &path_string) |
| Returns a valid iterator pointing to path_string.
const_iterator | get_iter (const Glib::ustring &path_string) const |
| Returns a valid iterator pointing to path_string.
Children | children () |
| This returns an STL-like container API, for iterating over the rows.
const ConstChildren | children () const |
| This returns an STL-like container API, for iterating over the rows.
void | foreach_iter (const SlotForeachIter & slot) |
| Calls a callback of type SlotForeachIter on each node in the model in a depth-first fashion.
void | foreach_path (const SlotForeachPath & slot) |
| Calls a callback of type SlotForeachPath on each node in the model in a depth-first fashion.
void | foreach (const SlotForeachPathAndIter & slot) |
| Calls a callback of type SlotForeachPathAndIter on each node in the model in a depth-first fashion.
Flags | get_flags () const |
| Returns a set of flags supported by this interface.
int | get_n_columns () const |
| Returns the number of columns supported by tree_model.
GType | get_column_type (int index) const |
| Returns the type of the column.
TreeModel::Path | get_path (const const_iterator &iter) const |
| Returns a Gtk::TreePath referenced by iter.
void | row_changed (const Path & path, const const_iterator &iter) |
| Emits the signal_row_changed() signal on tree_model.
void | row_inserted (const Path & path, const const_iterator &iter) |
| Emits the signal_row_inserted() signal on tree_model.
void | row_has_child_toggled (const Path & path, const const_iterator &iter) |
| Emits the signal_row_has_child_toggled() signal on tree_model.
void | row_deleted (const Path & path) |
| Emits the signal_row_deleted() signal on tree_model.
void | rows_reordered (const Path & path, const const_iterator &iter, const std::vector< int > &new_order) |
| Emits the "rows_reordered" signal on the tree model.
void | rows_reordered (const Path & path, const std::vector< int > &new_order) |
| Emits the "rows_reordered" signal on the tree model.
void | rows_reordered (const Path & path, const const_iterator &iter, int *new_order) |
| Emits the Gtk::TreeModel::signal_rows_reordered() signal on tree_model.
Glib::ustring | get_string (const const_iterator &iter) const |
| Generates a string representation of the iter.
Glib::SignalProxy< void(const TreeModel::Path &, const TreeModel::iterator &)> | signal_row_changed () |
Glib::SignalProxy< void(const TreeModel::Path &, const TreeModel::iterator &)> | signal_row_inserted () |
Glib::SignalProxy< void(const TreeModel::Path &, const TreeModel::iterator &)> | signal_row_has_child_toggled () |
Glib::SignalProxy< void(const TreeModel::Path &)> | signal_row_deleted () |
Glib::SignalProxy< void(const TreeModel::Path &, const TreeModel::iterator &, int *)> | signal_rows_reordered () |
| Interface () |
| Interface (Interface &&src) noexcept |
Interface & | operator= (Interface &&src) noexcept |
| Interface (const Glib::Interface_Class &interface_class) |
| Interface (GObject *castitem) |
| ~Interface () noexcept override |
| Interface (const Interface &)=delete |
Interface & | operator= (const Interface &)=delete |
GObject * | gobj () |
const GObject * | gobj () const |
| TreeSortable (TreeSortable &&src) noexcept |
TreeSortable & | operator= (TreeSortable &&src) noexcept |
| ~TreeSortable () noexcept override |
GtkTreeSortable * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GtkTreeSortable * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
bool | get_sort_column_id (int &sort_column_id, SortType & order) const |
| Fills in sort_column_id and order with the current sort column and the order.
void | set_sort_column (const TreeModelColumnBase &sort_column_id, SortType order) |
| Sets the current sort column to be sort_column_id.
void | set_sort_column (int sort_column_id, SortType order) |
| Sets the current sort column to be sort_column_id.
void | set_sort_func (const TreeModelColumnBase &sort_column, const SlotCompare & slot) |
| Sets the comparison function used when sorting a certain column.
void | set_sort_func (int sort_column_id, const SlotCompare & slot) |
| Sets the comparison function used when sorting a certain column.
void | set_default_sort_func (const SlotCompare & slot) |
| Sets the default comparison function used when sorting.
void | unset_default_sort_func () |
| Sets the default comparison function used when sorting.
bool | has_default_sort_func () const |
| Returns true if the model has a default sort function.
void | sort_column_changed () |
| Emits a GtkTreeSortable::sort-column-changed signal on sortable.
Glib::SignalProxy< void()> | signal_sort_column_changed () |
| TreeDragSource (TreeDragSource &&src) noexcept |
TreeDragSource & | operator= (TreeDragSource &&src) noexcept |
| ~TreeDragSource () noexcept override |
GtkTreeDragSource * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GtkTreeDragSource * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
bool | row_draggable (const TreeModel::Path & path) const |
| Asks the Gtk::TreeDragSource whether a particular row can be used as the source of a DND operation.
Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::ContentProvider > | drag_data_get (const TreeModel::Path & path) const |
| Asks the Gtk::TreeDragSource to return a Gdk::ContentProvider representing the row at path.
bool | drag_data_delete (const TreeModel::Path & path) |
| Asks the Gtk::TreeDragSource to delete the row at path, because it was moved somewhere else via drag-and-drop.
| TreeDragDest (TreeDragDest &&src) noexcept |
TreeDragDest & | operator= (TreeDragDest &&src) noexcept |
| ~TreeDragDest () noexcept override |
GtkTreeDragDest * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GtkTreeDragDest * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
bool | drag_data_received (const TreeModel::Path &dest, const Glib::ValueBase & value) |
| Asks the Gtk::TreeDragDest to insert a row before the path dest, deriving the contents of the row from value.
bool | row_drop_possible (const TreeModel::Path &dest_path, const Glib::ValueBase & value) const |
| Determines whether a drop is possible before the given dest_path, at the same depth as dest_path.
| Buildable (Buildable &&src) noexcept |
Buildable & | operator= (Buildable &&src) noexcept |
| ~Buildable () noexcept override |
GtkBuildable * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GtkBuildable * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
Glib::ustring | get_buildable_id () const |
| Gets the ID of the buildable object.
| ListStore () |
| When using this constructor, you must use set_column_types() immediately afterwards.
| ListStore (const TreeModelColumnRecord &columns) |
void | set_value_impl (const iterator &row, int column, const Glib::ValueBase & value) override |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class, so that Row::operator() and Row::set_value() work.
| Object () |
| Object (const Glib::ConstructParams &construct_params) |
| Object (GObject *castitem) |
| ~Object () noexcept override |
| ObjectBase () |
| ObjectBase (const char *custom_type_name) |
| ObjectBase (const std::type_info &custom_type_info) |
| ObjectBase (ObjectBase &&src) noexcept |
ObjectBase & | operator= (ObjectBase &&src) noexcept |
virtual | ~ObjectBase () noexcept=0 |
void | initialize (GObject *castitem) |
void | initialize_move (GObject *castitem, Glib::ObjectBase *previous_wrapper) |
| TreeModel () |
| You should derive from this class to use it.
virtual Flags | get_flags_vfunc () const |
virtual int | get_n_columns_vfunc () const |
virtual GType | get_column_type_vfunc (int index) const |
virtual bool | iter_next_vfunc (const iterator &iter, iterator &iter_next) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual bool | get_iter_vfunc (const Path & path, iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual bool | iter_children_vfunc (const iterator & parent, iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual bool | iter_parent_vfunc (const iterator &child, iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual bool | iter_nth_child_vfunc (const iterator & parent, int n, iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual bool | iter_nth_root_child_vfunc (int n, iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual bool | iter_has_child_vfunc (const const_iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual int | iter_n_children_vfunc (const const_iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual int | iter_n_root_children_vfunc () const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual void | ref_node_vfunc (const iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual void | unref_node_vfunc (const iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual TreeModel::Path | get_path_vfunc (const const_iterator &iter) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual void | get_value_vfunc (const const_iterator &iter, int column, Glib::ValueBase & value) const |
| Override and implement this in a derived TreeModel class.
virtual void | get_value_impl (const const_iterator &iter, int column, Glib::ValueBase & value) const |
virtual void | on_row_changed (const TreeModel::Path & path, const TreeModel::iterator &iter) |
| This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_changed().
virtual void | on_row_inserted (const TreeModel::Path & path, const TreeModel::iterator &iter) |
| This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_inserted().
virtual void | on_row_has_child_toggled (const TreeModel::Path & path, const TreeModel::iterator &iter) |
| This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_has_child_toggled().
virtual void | on_row_deleted (const TreeModel::Path & path) |
| This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_deleted().
virtual void | on_rows_reordered (const TreeModel::Path & path, const TreeModel::iterator &iter, int *new_order) |
| This is a default handler for the signal signal_rows_reordered().
| TreeSortable () |
| You should derive from this class to use it.
virtual bool | get_sort_column_id_vfunc (int *sort_column_id, SortType * order) const |
virtual void | set_sort_column_id_vfunc (int sort_column_id, SortType order) |
virtual void | set_sort_func_vfunc (int sort_column_id, GtkTreeIterCompareFunc func, void *data, GDestroyNotify destroy) |
virtual void | set_default_sort_func_vfunc (GtkTreeIterCompareFunc func, void *data, GDestroyNotify destroy) |
virtual bool | has_default_sort_func_vfunc () const |
virtual void | sort_column_changed_vfunc () const |
virtual void | on_sort_column_changed () |
| This is a default handler for the signal signal_sort_column_changed().
| TreeDragSource () |
| You should derive from this class to use it.
virtual bool | row_draggable_vfunc (const TreeModel::Path & path) const |
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::ContentProvider > | drag_data_get_vfunc (const TreeModel::Path & path) const |
virtual bool | drag_data_delete_vfunc (const TreeModel::Path & path) |
| TreeDragDest () |
| You should derive from this class to use it.
virtual bool | drag_data_received_vfunc (const TreeModel::Path &dest, const Glib::ValueBase & value) |
virtual bool | row_drop_possible_vfunc (const TreeModel::Path &dest, const Glib::ValueBase & value) const |
| Buildable () |
| You should derive from this class to use it.
This is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget.
It implements the Gtk::TreeModel interface, and also implements the Gtk::TreeSortable interface so you can sort the list using the view. Finally, it also implements the tree drag and drop interfaces.
- Deprecated:
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListStore instead, and the various list models provided by GTK.