- Member Gdk::Cairo::draw_from_gl (const ::Cairo::RefPtr< ::Cairo::Context > & context, const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Surface > & surface, int source, int source_type, int buffer_scale, int x, int y, int width, int height)
- The function is overly complex and produces broken output in various combinations of arguments. If you want to draw with GL textures in Gtkmm, use Gdk::GLTexture::create(); if you want to use that texture in Cairo, use Gdk::Texture::download() to download the data into a Cairo image surface.
- Member Gdk::Display::notify_startup_complete (const Glib::ustring & startup_id)
- Using Gdk::Toplevel::set_startup_id() is sufficient.
- Member Gdk::Display::put_event (const Glib::RefPtr< const Event > & event)
- This function is only useful in very special situations and should not be used by applications.
- Member Gdk::DrawContext::begin_frame (const ::Cairo::RefPtr< const ::Cairo::Region > & region)
- 4.16: Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use GskRenderNode and GskRenderer (no C++ equivalents).
- Member Gdk::DrawContext::end_frame ()
- 4.16: Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use GskRenderNode and GskRenderer (no C++ equivalents).
- Member Gdk::DrawContext::get_frame_region () const
- 4.16: Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use GskRenderNode and GskRenderer (no C++ equivalents).
- Member Gdk::DrawContext::is_in_frame () const
- 4.16: Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use GskRenderNode and GskRenderer (no C++ equivalents).
- Member Gdk::GLAPI
- Use Gdk::GLApi instead.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::get_allowed_apis () const
- Use get_allowed_apis2() instead.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::get_api () const
- Use get_api2() instead.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::get_shared_context ()
- Always returns an empty RefPtr. Use is_shared() to check if contexts can be shared.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::get_shared_context () const
- Always returns an empty RefPtr. Use is_shared() to check if contexts can be shared.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::property_allowed_apis ()
- Use set/get-methods instead.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::property_allowed_apis () const
- Use set/get-methods instead.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::property_api () const
- Use get_api2() instead.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::property_shared_context () const
- Always returns an empty RefPtr. Use is_shared() to check if contexts can be shared.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::set_allowed_apis (GLAPI apis)
- Use set_allowed_apis(GLApi apis) instead.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::set_use_es (bool use_es=true)
- Use set_allowed_apis(GLApi apis) instead.
- Member Gdk::GLContext::unset_use_es ()
- Use set_allowed_apis(GLApi apis) instead.
- Member Gdk::GLTexture::create (const Glib::RefPtr< GLContext > & context, guint id, int width, int height, const SlotGLReleased & slot={})
- Gdk::GLTextureBuilder supercedes this function and provides extended functionality for creating GL textures.
- Member Gdk::Pixbuf::create (const ::Cairo::RefPtr< ::Cairo::Surface > & src, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height)
- 4.12: Use Gdk::Texture and subclasses instead of cairo surfaces and pixbufs.
- Member Gdk::Pixbuf::Pixbuf (const ::Cairo::RefPtr< ::Cairo::Surface > & src, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height)
- 4.12: Use Gdk::Texture and subclasses instead of cairo surfaces and pixbufs.
- Member Gdk::Surface::create_similar_surface (::Cairo::Content content, int width, int height)
- Create a suitable cairo image surface yourself.
- Member Gdk::Surface::set_opaque_region (const ::Cairo::RefPtr< const ::Cairo::Region > & region)
- 4.16: GDK can figure out the opaque parts of a window itself by inspecting the contents that are drawn.
- Member Gtk::AboutDialog::AboutDialog (bool use_header_bar)
- 4.12: GTK4 removed :use-header-bar; this does nothing but warn.
- Class Gtk::AppChooser
- 4.10: The application selection widgets should be implemented according to the design of each platform and/or application requiring them. This interface will be removed in GTK 5.
- Class Gtk::AppChooserButton
- 4.10: The application selection widgets should be implemented according to the design of each platform and/or application requiring them. This widget will be removed in GTK 5
- Class Gtk::AppChooserDialog
- 4.10: The application selection widgets should be implemented according to the design of each platform and/or application requiring them. This dialog will be removed in GTK 5.
- Class Gtk::AppChooserWidget
- 4.10: The application selection widgets should be implemented according to the design of each platform and/or application requiring them. This widget will be removed in GTK 5
- Member Gtk::ApplicationWindow::get_help_overlay ()
- 4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Member Gtk::ApplicationWindow::get_help_overlay () const
- 4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Member Gtk::ApplicationWindow::set_help_overlay (ShortcutsWindow & help_overlay)
- 4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Member Gtk::ApplicationWindow::unset_help_overlay ()
- 4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Class Gtk::Assistant
4.10: libadwaita (a C library) has replacement parts (like AdwCarousel).
- Class Gtk::AssistantPage
- 4.10: libadwaita (a C library) has replacement parts (like AdwCarousel).
- Class Gtk::CellArea
- 4.10: List views use widgets for displaying their contents.
- Class Gtk::CellAreaBox
- 4.10: List views use widgets for displaying their contents.
- Class Gtk::CellAreaContext
- 4.10: List views use widgets for displaying their contents.
- Class Gtk::CellEditable
- 4.10: List views use widgets for displaying their contents. See Gtk::Editable for editable text widgets.
- Member Gtk::CellEditable::editing_done ()
- See Gtk::Editable for editable text widgets.
- Member Gtk::CellEditable::property_editing_canceled ()
- See Gtk::Editable for editable text widgets.
- Member Gtk::CellEditable::property_editing_canceled () const
- See Gtk::Editable for editable text widgets.
- Member Gtk::CellEditable::remove_widget ()
- See Gtk::Editable for editable text widgets.
- Member Gtk::CellEditable::signal_editing_done ()
- See Gtk::Editable for editable text widgets.
- Member Gtk::CellEditable::signal_remove_widget ()
- See Gtk::Editable for editable text widgets.
- Member Gtk::CellEditable::start_editing (const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::Event > & event)
- See Gtk::Editable for editable text widgets.
- Class Gtk::CellLayout
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. See Gtk::LayoutManager for layout manager delegate objects.
- Class Gtk::CellRenderer
- 4.10: List views use widgets for displaying their contents.
- Class Gtk::CellRendererAccel
- 4.10: Applications editing keyboard accelerators should provide their own implementation according to platform design guidelines.
- Class Gtk::CellRendererCombo
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You should use Gtk::DropDown instead.
- Class Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You should use Gtk::Image for icons, and Gtk::Picture for images.
- Class Gtk::CellRendererProgress
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You should use Gtk::ProgressBar instead.
- Class Gtk::CellRendererSpin
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You should use Gtk::SpinButton instead.
- Class Gtk::CellRendererSpinner
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You should use Gtk::Spinner instead.
- Class Gtk::CellRendererText
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You should use Gtk::Inscription or Gtk::Label instead.
- Class Gtk::CellRendererToggle
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You should use Gtk::ToggleButton instead.
- Class Gtk::CellView
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You can use Gtk::Box instead.
- Class Gtk::ColorButton
- 4.10: Use Gtk::ColorDialogButton instead.
- Class Gtk::ColorChooser
- 4.10: Use Gtk::ColorDialog and Gtk::ColorDialogButton instead of widgets implementing Gtk::ColorChooser.
- Class Gtk::ColorChooserDialog
- 4.10: Use Gtk::ColorDialog instead.
- Class Gtk::ComboBox
- 4.10: Use Gtk::DropDown instead.
- Class Gtk::ComboBoxText
- 4.10: Use Gtk::DropDown with a Gtk::StringList instead.
- Member Gtk::CssProvider::load_from_data (const std::string & data)
- 4.12: Use load_from_string() or load_from_bytes() instead.
- Class Gtk::Dialog
- 4.10: Use Gtk::Window instead.
- Member Gtk::DropTarget::get_drop ()
- Use get_current_drop() instead.
- Member Gtk::DropTarget::get_drop () const
- Use get_current_drop() instead.
- Member Gtk::DropTarget::property_drop () const
- Use property_current_drop() instead.
- Member Gtk::Entry::get_completion () const
- GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
- Member Gtk::Entry::get_completion ()
- GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
- Member Gtk::Entry::property_completion () const
- GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
- Member Gtk::Entry::property_completion ()
- GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
- Member Gtk::Entry::set_completion (const Glib::RefPtr< EntryCompletion > & completion)
- GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
- Class Gtk::EntryCompletion
- 4.10: GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
- Class Gtk::FileChooser
- 4.10: Use Gtk::FileDialog instead.
- Member Gtk::FileChooser::get_files () const
- Use get_files2() instead.
- Member Gtk::FileChooser::get_files ()
- Use get_files2() instead.
- Member Gtk::FileChooser::get_shortcut_folders () const
- Use get_shortcut_folders2() instead.
- Member Gtk::FileChooser::property_shortcut_folders () const
- Use get_shortcut_folders2() instead.
- Class Gtk::FileChooserDialog
- 4.10: Use Gtk::FileDialog instead.
- Class Gtk::FileChooserNative
- 4.10: Use Gtk::FileDialog instead.
- Class Gtk::FileChooserWidget
- 4.10: Direct use of Gtk::FileChooserWidget is deprecated.
- Class Gtk::FontButton
- 4.10: Use Gtk::FontDialogButton instead.
- Class Gtk::FontChooser
- 4.10: Use Gtk::FontDialog and Gtk::FontDialogButton instead.
- Class Gtk::FontChooserDialog
- 4.10: Use Gtk::FontDialog instead.
- Class Gtk::FontChooserWidget
- 4.10: Direct use of Gtk::FontChooserWidget is deprecated.
- Member Gtk::Gesture::set_sequence_state (Gdk::EventSequence * sequence, EventSequenceState state)
- Use set_state() instead.
- Member Gtk::GLArea::get_use_es () const
- Use get_api() instead.
- Member Gtk::GLArea::property_use_es ()
- Use property_allowed_apis() instead.
- Member Gtk::GLArea::property_use_es () const
- Use property_allowed_apis() instead.
- Member Gtk::GLArea::set_use_es (bool use_es=true)
- Use set_allowed_apis() instead.
- Class Gtk::IconView
- 4.10: Use Gtk::GridView instead.
- Member Gtk::Image::Image (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Pixbuf > & pixbuf)
- 4.12: Use Gdk::Texture::create_for_pixbuf(), the default constructor and set(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Paintable>& paintable) instead.
- Member Gtk::Image::set (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Pixbuf > & pixbuf)
- Use Gdk::Texture::create_for_pixbuf() and set(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Paintable>& paintable) instead.
- Class Gtk::InfoBar
- 4.10: There is no replacement in GTK for an "info bar" widget. You can use Gtk::Revealer with a Gtk::Box containing a Gtk::Label and an optional Gtk::Button, according to your application's design.
- Class Gtk::ListStore
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListStore instead, and the various list models provided by GTK.
- Class Gtk::ListViewText
- 4.10: Use Gtk::ListView for lists, and Gtk::ColumnView for tabular lists.
- Class Gtk::LockButton
- 4.10: This is a very specialized widget, and should really just live with the applications where it is used.
- Member Gtk::MediaStream::ended ()
- Use stream_ended() instead.
- Member Gtk::MediaStream::prepared (bool has_audio, bool has_video, bool seekable, gint64 duration)
- Use stream_prepared() instead.
- Member Gtk::MediaStream::unprepared ()
- Use stream_unprepared() instead.
- Class Gtk::MessageDialog
- 4.10: Use Gtk::AlertDialog instead.
- Member Gtk::Picture::get_keep_aspect_ratio () const
- Use get_content_fit() instead.
- Member Gtk::Picture::Picture (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Pixbuf > & pixbuf)
- 4.12: Use Gdk::Texture::create_for_pixbuf() and the constructor taking a Gdk::Paintable instead.
- Member Gtk::Picture::property_keep_aspect_ratio ()
- Use property_content_fit() instead.
- Member Gtk::Picture::property_keep_aspect_ratio () const
- Use property_content_fit() instead.
- Member Gtk::Picture::set_keep_aspect_ratio (bool keep_aspect_ratio=true)
- Use set_content_fit() instead.
- Member Gtk::Picture::set_pixbuf (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Pixbuf > & pixbuf)
- Use Gdk::Texture::create_for_pixbuf() and set_paintable() instead.
- Member Gtk::ProgressBar::property_ellipsize ()
- This property has the wrong type. Use set_ellipsize() or get_ellipsize() instead.
- Member Gtk::ProgressBar::property_ellipsize () const
- This property has the wrong type. Use set_ellipsize() or get_ellipsize() instead.
- Class Gtk::SearchEntry
4.14: Use Gtk::SearchEntry2 instead.
- Member Gtk::Shortcut::set_trigger (const Glib::RefPtr< const ShortcutAction > & action)
- This set_trigger() overload was a mistake. Use set_action() instead.
- Member Gtk::ShortcutController::set_scope () const
- Use get_scope() instead.
- Class Gtk::ShortcutLabel
4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Class Gtk::ShortcutsGroup
4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Class Gtk::ShortcutsSection
4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Class Gtk::ShortcutsShortcut
4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Class Gtk::ShortcutsWindow
4.18: libadwaita (a C library) has a replacement for GtkShortcutsWindow.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::append_cairo (const graphene_rect_t * bounds)
- Use append_cairo() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::append_cairo (const Gdk::Rectangle & bounds)
- Use append_cairo() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::append_color (const Gdk::RGBA & color, const graphene_rect_t * bounds)
- Use append_color() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::append_color (const Gdk::RGBA & color, const Gdk::Rectangle & bounds)
- Use append_color() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::append_texture (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Texture > & texture, const graphene_rect_t * bounds)
- Use append_texture() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::append_texture (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Texture > & texture, const Gdk::Rectangle & bounds)
- Use append_texture() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::gl_shader_pop_texture ()
- GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use Gtk::GLArea for OpenGL rendering.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::push_clip (const graphene_rect_t * bounds)
- Use push_clip() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::push_clip (const Gdk::Rectangle & bounds)
- Use push_clip() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::push_repeat (const Gdk::Rectangle & bounds, const Gdk::Rectangle & child_bounds)
- Use push_repeat() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::push_repeat (const graphene_rect_t * bounds, const graphene_rect_t * child_bounds)
- Use push_repeat() with Gdk::Graphene::Rect instead.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::render_background (const Glib::RefPtr< StyleContext > & context, double x, double y, double width, double height)
- There is no replacement for querying the style machinery. Stylable UI elements should use widgets.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::render_backgrount (const Glib::RefPtr< StyleContext > & context, double x, double y, double width, double height)
- This method is misspelt. Prefer render_background(), although it is also deprecated.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::render_focus (const Glib::RefPtr< StyleContext > & context, double x, double y, double width, double height)
- There is no replacement for querying the style machinery. Stylable UI elements should use widgets.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::render_frame (const Glib::RefPtr< StyleContext > & context, double x, double y, double width, double height)
- There is no replacement for querying the style machinery. Stylable UI elements should use widgets.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::render_insertion_cursor (const Glib::RefPtr< StyleContext > & context, double x, double y, const Glib::RefPtr< Pango::Layout > & layout, int index, Pango::Direction direction)
- There is no replacement for querying the style machinery. Stylable UI elements should use widgets.
- Member Gtk::Snapshot::render_layout (const Glib::RefPtr< StyleContext > & context, double x, double y, const Glib::RefPtr< Pango::Layout > & layout)
- There is no replacement for querying the style machinery. Stylable UI elements should use widgets.
- Class Gtk::Statusbar
4.10: A simple statusbar can be made with a Gtk::Label.
- Class Gtk::StyleContext
- 4.10: The relevant API has been moved to Gtk::Widget and Gtk::StyleProvider where applicable; otherwise, there is no replacement for querying the style machinery. Stylable UI elements should use widgets.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::add_class (const Glib::ustring & class_name)
- Use Gtk::Widget::add_css_class() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_display (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Display > & display, const Glib::RefPtr< StyleProvider > & provider, guint priority)
- Use Gtk::StyleProvider::add_provider_for_display() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::get_color () const
- Use Gtk::Widget::get_color() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::get_display ()
- Use Gtk::Widget::get_display() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::get_display () const
- Use Gtk::Widget::get_display() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::get_scale () const
- Use Gtk::Widget::get_scale_factor() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::get_state () const
- Use Gtk::Widget::get_state_flags() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::has_class (const Glib::ustring & class_name)
- Use Gtk::Widget::has_css_class() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::remove_class (const Glib::ustring & class_name)
- Use Gtk::Widget::remove_css_class() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::remove_provider_for_display (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Display > & display, const Glib::RefPtr< StyleProvider > & provider)
- Use Gtk::StyleProvider::remove_provider_for_display() instead.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::set_display (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Display > & display)
- You should not use this api.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::set_scale (int scale)
- You should not use this api.
- Member Gtk::StyleContext::set_state (StateFlags flags)
- You should not use this api.
- Member Gtk::ToggleButton::toggled ()
- There is no good reason for an application ever to call this function.
- Class Gtk::TreeConstRow
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeDragDest
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You can use Gtk::DropTarget to implement a drop destination.
- Class Gtk::TreeDragSource
- 4.10: List views use widgets to display their contents. You can use Gtk::DragSource to implement a drag source.
- Class Gtk::TreeIter< T >
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeIterBase
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeIterBase2
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeIterBase3
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeModel
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeModelColumn< T >
- 4.10: Gtk::TreeModel has been deprecated in favor of Gio::ListModel.
- Class Gtk::TreeModelColumnBase
- 4.10: Gtk::TreeModel has been deprecated in favor of Gio::ListModel.
- Class Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
- 4.10: Gtk::TreeModel has been deprecated in favor of Gio::ListModel.
- Class Gtk::TreeModelFilter
- 4.10: Use Gtk::FilterListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeModelSort
- 4.10: Use Gtk::SortListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeNodeChildren
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeNodeConstChildren
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreePath
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeRow
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeRowReference
- 4.10: Use Gio::ListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeSelection
- 4.10: Use Gtk::SelectionModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeSortable
- 4.10: There is no replacement for this interface. You should use Gtk::SortListModel to wrap your list model instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeStore
- 4.10: Use Gtk::TreeListModel instead.
- Class Gtk::TreeView
- 4.10: Use Gtk::ListView for lists, and Gtk::ColumnView for tabular lists.
- Class Gtk::TreeViewColumn
- 4.10: Use Gtk::ColumnView and Gtk::ColumnViewColumn instead of Gtk::TreeView to show a tabular list.
- Class Gtk::VolumeButton
- 4.10: This widget will be removed in GTK 5. Use a Gtk::ScaleButton with audio-volume icons instead.
- Member Gtk::Widget::get_allocated_baseline () const
- Use get_baseline() instead.
- Member Gtk::Widget::get_allocated_height () const
- Use get_height() instead.
- Member Gtk::Widget::get_allocated_width () const
- Use get_width() instead.
- Member Gtk::Widget::get_allocation () const
- 4.12: Use compute_bounds() or get_width() instead.
- Member Gtk::Widget::get_font_options () const
- There is no replacement.
- Member Gtk::Widget::get_style_context () const
- Style contexts will be removed in GTK 5.
- Member Gtk::Widget::get_style_context ()
- Style contexts will be removed in GTK 5.
- Member Gtk::Widget::hide ()
- Use set_visible() instead.
- Member Gtk::Widget::set_font_options (const Cairo::FontOptions & options)
- There is no replacement.
- Member Gtk::Widget::show ()
- Use set_visible() instead.
- Member Gtk::Widget::translate_coordinates (Widget & dest_widget, double src_x, double src_y, double & dest_x, double & dest_y)
- Use compute_point() instead
- Member Gtk::Widget::unset_font_options ()
- 4.16: There is no replacement.
- Member Gtk::Window::present (guint32 timestamp)
- Use the present() overload without a parameter.
- Member Gtk::Window::signal_keys_changed ()
- Use Gtk::Shortcut and Gtk::EventController to implement keyboard shortcuts.
- Module TreeView
- 4.10: All classes in this group are deprecated. Use classes in the ListView group instead.