gtkmm 4.17.0
Classes | |
class | Gtk::ListViewText |
A simple listbox which presents some lines of information in columns and lets the user select some of them. More... | |
class | Gtk::ActionBar |
A full width bar for presenting contextual actions. More... | |
class | Gtk::AspectFrame |
A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio. More... | |
class | Gtk::Button |
A widget that creates a signal when clicked on. More... | |
class | Gtk::Calendar |
Display a calendar and/or allow the user to select a date. More... | |
class | Gtk::CenterBox |
A centering container. More... | |
class | Gtk::CheckButton |
Create widgets with a discrete toggle button. More... | |
class | Gtk::ColorDialogButton |
A wrapper around a Gtk::ColorDialog. More... | |
class | Gtk::ColumnView |
A widget for displaying lists in multiple columns. More... | |
class | Gtk::DragIcon |
A toplevel to use as drag icon. More... | |
class | Gtk::DrawingArea |
A widget for custom user interface elements. More... | |
class | Gtk::DropDown |
Choose an item from a list. More... | |
class | Gtk::EditableLabel |
A label that can be edited. More... | |
class | Gtk::EmojiChooser |
A popover to choose an Emoji character. More... | |
class | Gtk::Entry |
A single line text entry field. More... | |
class | Gtk::Expander |
A container which can hide its child. More... | |
class | Gtk::Fixed |
A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates. More... | |
class | Gtk::FlowBox |
A container that allows reflowing its children. More... | |
class | Gtk::FlowBoxChild |
See the description of FlowBox. More... | |
class | Gtk::FontDialogButton |
A wrapper around a Gtk::FontDialog. More... | |
class | Gtk::Frame |
A Gtk::Widget with a decorative frame and optional label. More... | |
class | Gtk::GLArea |
A widget used for drawing with OpenGL. More... | |
class | Gtk::GraphicsOffload |
A widget that allows to bypass gsk rendering for its child by passing the content directly to the compositor. More... | |
class | Gtk::Grid |
A container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns. More... | |
class | Gtk::GridView |
A widget for displaying grids. More... | |
class | Gtk::Image |
A widget displaying an image. More... | |
class | Gtk::Inscription |
Gtk::Inscription is a widget to show text in a predefined area. More... | |
class | Gtk::Label |
A widget that displays a small to medium amount of text. More... | |
class | Gtk::LevelBar |
A bar that can be used as a level indicator. More... | |
class | Gtk::LinkButton |
Create buttons bound to a URL. More... | |
class | Gtk::ListBox |
A ListBox is a vertical container that contains ListBoxRow children. More... | |
class | Gtk::ListBoxRow |
See the description of ListBox. More... | |
class | Gtk::ListView |
A widget for displaying lists. More... | |
class | Gtk::MediaControls |
A widget showing controls for a media stream. More... | |
class | Gtk::MenuButton |
A widget that shows a menu when clicked on. More... | |
class | Gtk::Notebook |
Container which shows one of its children at a time, in tabbed windows. More... | |
class | Gtk::Paned |
A widget with two adjustable panes. More... | |
class | Gtk::PasswordEntry |
An entry for secrets. More... | |
class | Gtk::Picture |
A widget displaying a Gdk::Paintable. More... | |
class | Gtk::Popover |
Context dependent bubbles. More... | |
class | Gtk::PopoverMenu |
A Popover to use as a menu. More... | |
class | Gtk::PopoverMenuBar |
A menu bar with popovers. More... | |
class | Gtk::ProgressBar |
A widget which indicates progress visually. More... | |
class | Gtk::Range |
Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment. More... | |
class | Gtk::Revealer |
Hide and show with animation. More... | |
class | Gtk::Scale |
A slider widget for selecting a value from a range. More... | |
class | Gtk::ScaleButton |
A button which pops up a scale widget. More... | |
class | Gtk::Scrollbar |
A Scrollbar. More... | |
class | Gtk::ScrolledWindow |
A container that makes its child scrollable. More... | |
class | Gtk::SearchBar |
A toolbar to integrate a search entry with. More... | |
class | Gtk::SearchEntry2 |
Gtk::SearchEntry2 is an entry widget that has been tailored for use as a search entry. More... | |
class | Gtk::SpinButton |
Numeric Entry with up/down buttons. More... | |
class | Gtk::Spinner |
A widget that displays a spinner animation. More... | |
class | Gtk::Stack |
A container that shows only one child at a time. More... | |
class | Gtk::StackSidebar |
Sidebar widget that shows the pages of a Stack. More... | |
class | Gtk::StackSwitcher |
A controller for a Gtk::Stack. More... | |
class | Gtk::Switch |
A "light switch"-style toggle. More... | |
class | Gtk::Text |
A simple single-line text entry field. More... | |
class | Gtk::TextView |
Multi-line text editing widget. More... | |
class | Gtk::ToggleButton |
Create buttons which retain their state. More... | |
class | Gtk::Video |
A widget for displaying video. More... | |
class | Gtk::Viewport |
An adapter which makes widgets scrollable. More... | |
class | Gtk::Window |
Toplevel Window. More... | |
class | Gtk::WindowControls |
A widget displaying window buttons. More... | |
class | Gtk::AppChooserButton |
A button to launch an application chooser dialog. More... | |
class | Gtk::AppChooserWidget |
An application chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets. More... | |
class | Gtk::CellView |
A widget displaying a single row of a TreeModel. More... | |
class | Gtk::ColorButton |
A button to launch a color selection dialog. More... | |
class | Gtk::ComboBox |
A widget used to choose from a list of items. More... | |
class | Gtk::ComboBoxText |
This is a simple variant of ComboBox that hides the model-view complexity for simple text-only use cases. More... | |
class | Gtk::FileChooserWidget |
File chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets. More... | |
class | Gtk::FontButton |
A button to launch a font selection dialog. More... | |
class | Gtk::FontChooserWidget |
A dialog box for selecting fonts. More... | |
class | Gtk::IconView |
The IconView provides an alternative view of a list model. More... | |
class | Gtk::InfoBar |
This widget can be used to show messages to the user without showing a dialog. More... | |
class | Gtk::LockButton |
A widget to unlock or lock privileged operations. More... | |
class | Gtk::SearchEntry |
This is a subclass of Gtk::Entry that has been tailored for use as a search entry. More... | |
class | Gtk::ShortcutLabel |
Displays a keyboard shortcut. More... | |
class | Gtk::ShortcutsGroup |
Represents a group of shortcuts in a ShortcutsWindow. More... | |
class | Gtk::ShortcutsSection |
Represents an application mode in a ShortcutsWindow. More... | |
class | Gtk::ShortcutsShortcut |
Represents a keyboard shortcut in a ShortcutsWindow. More... | |
class | Gtk::ShortcutsWindow |
Toplevel which shows help for shortcuts. More... | |
class | Gtk::Statusbar |
Text status indicator. More... | |
class | Gtk::TreeView |
The TreeView widget displays the model (Gtk::TreeModel) data and allows the user to interact with it. More... | |
class | Gtk::VolumeButton |
A button which pops up a volume control. More... | |