gtkmm 4.16.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Gtk Namespace Reference


namespace  Accelerator
 Utilities for keyboard accelerators.


class  AboutDialog
 The AboutDialog offers a simple way to display information about a program like its logo, name, copyright, website and license. More...
class  AccelKey
 Defines accelerator key combinations. More...
class  Accessible
 Accessible interface. More...
class  AccessibleText
 An interface for accessible objects containing formatted text. More...
class  Actionable
 An interface for widgets that can be associated with actions. More...
class  ActionBar
 A full width bar for presenting contextual actions. More...
class  ActivateAction
 A Gtk::ShortcutAction that calls Gtk::Widget::activate(). More...
class  Adjustment
 A class representing an adjustable bounded value. More...
class  AlertDialog
 A Gtk::AlertDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a message to the user. More...
class  AlternativeTrigger
 A Gtk::ShortcutTrigger that triggers when either of two ShortcutTriggers trigger. More...
class  AnyFilter
 Matches when at least one filter matches. More...
class  AppChooser
 Interface implemented by widgets for choosing an application. More...
class  AppChooserButton
 A button to launch an application chooser dialog. More...
class  AppChooserDialog
 An application chooser dialog. More...
class  AppChooserWidget
 An application chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets. More...
class  Application
 Application class. More...
class  ApplicationWindow
 A Gtk::Window subclass with Gtk::Application support. More...
class  AspectFrame
 A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio. More...
class  Assistant
 A widget used to guide users through multi-step operations. More...
class  AssistantPage
 Holds properties of a Gtk::Assistant page. More...
class  ATContext
 Gtk::ATContext is an abstract class provided by GTK to communicate to platform-specific assistive technologies API. More...
class  BinLayout
 A layout manager for bin-like widgets. More...
class  Bitset
 Sets of integers. More...
class  BitsetConstIter
 Alias: Gtk::Bitset::const_iterator. More...
class  BoolFilter
 Filtering by boolean expressions. More...
class  Border
 This specifies a border around a rectangular area that can be of a different width on each side. More...
class  Box
 A container for packing widgets in a single row or column. More...
class  BoxLayout
 Layout manager for placing all children in a single row or column. More...
class  Buildable
 A base class for objects that can be built by Gtk::Builder. More...
class  Builder
 Build an interface from an XML UI definition description. More...
class  BuilderError
 Exception class for Gdk::Builder errors. More...
class  Button
 A widget that creates a signal when clicked on. More...
class  Calendar
 Display a calendar and/or allow the user to select a date. More...
class  CallbackAction
 A Gtk::ShortcutAction that invokes a callback. More...
class  CellArea
 An abstract base class for laying out CellRenderers. More...
class  CellAreaBox
 A cell area that renders CellRenderers into a row or a colum, depending on its orientation. More...
class  CellAreaContext
 This stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a CellArea. More...
class  CellEditable
 Interface for widgets which are used for editing cells. More...
class  CellLayout
 An interface for packing cells. More...
class  CellRenderer
 CellRenderers are used by Gtk::TreeView columns to render the Gtk::TreeModel column data appropriately. More...
class  CellRendererAccel
 Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell. More...
class  CellRendererCombo
 Renders a combobox in a cell. More...
class  CellRendererPixbuf
 Renders a pixbuf in a cell. More...
class  CellRendererProgress
 Renders numbers as progress bars. More...
class  CellRendererSpin
 Renders a spin button in a cell. More...
class  CellRendererSpinner
 Renders a spinning animation in a cell. More...
class  CellRendererText
 Renders text in a cell. More...
class  CellRendererToggle
 Renders a toggle button in a cell. More...
class  CellView
 A widget displaying a single row of a TreeModel. More...
class  CenterBox
 A centering container. More...
class  CenterLayout
 A centering layout. More...
class  CheckButton
 Create widgets with a discrete toggle button. More...
class  ClosureExpression
class  ColorButton
 A button to launch a color selection dialog. More...
class  ColorChooser
 This interface can be implemented by widgets which allow the user to choose a color. More...
class  ColorChooserDialog
 This dialog is for choosing a color. More...
class  ColorDialog
 A Gtk::ColorDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a color chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal. More...
class  ColorDialogButton
 A wrapper around a Gtk::ColorDialog. More...
class  ColumnView
 A widget for displaying lists in multiple columns. More...
class  ColumnViewCell
 Gtk::ColumnViewCell is used by Gtk::ColumnViewColumn to represent items in a cell in Gtk::ColumnView. More...
class  ColumnViewColumn
 The column added to Gtk::ColumnView. More...
class  ColumnViewRow
 Gtk::ColumnViewRow is used by Gtk::ColumnView to allow configuring how rows are displayed. More...
class  ColumnViewSorter
 A sorter implementation that is geared towards the needs of Gtk::ColumnView. More...
class  ComboBox
 A widget used to choose from a list of items. More...
class  ComboBoxText
 This is a simple variant of ComboBox that hides the model-view complexity for simple text-only use cases. More...
class  ConstantExpression
class  Constraint
 The description of a constraint. More...
class  ConstraintGuide
 An invisible constraint target. More...
class  ConstraintLayout
 A layout manager using constraints. More...
class  ConstraintTarget
 Helper interface for Gtk::Constraint. More...
class  ConstraintVflParserError
class  CssLocation
 Presents a location in a file - or other source of data parsed by the CSS engine. More...
class  CssParserError
class  CssParserWarning
class  CssProvider
 CSS-like styling for widgets, implementing the StyleProvider base class. More...
class  CssSection
 Defines a part of a CSS document. More...
class  Dialog
 Create popup windows. More...
class  DialogError
class  DirectoryList
 A list model for directory listings. More...
class  DragIcon
 A toplevel to use as drag icon. More...
class  DragSource
 Event controller to initiate DND operations. More...
class  DrawingArea
 A widget for custom user interface elements. More...
class  DropControllerMotion
 Event controller for motion events during a drop. More...
class  DropDown
 Choose an item from a list. More...
class  DropTarget
 Event controller to receive DND drops. More...
class  DropTargetAsync
 Event controller to receive DND drops. More...
class  Editable
 Base class for text-editing widgets. More...
class  EditableLabel
 A label that can be edited. More...
class  EmojiChooser
 A popover to choose an Emoji character. More...
class  Entry
 A single line text entry field. More...
class  EntryBuffer
 A Text buffer for the Entry widget. More...
class  EntryCompletion
 Completion functionality for Gtk::Entry. More...
class  EventController
 Self-contained handler of series of events. More...
class  EventControllerFocus
 Event controller for focus. More...
class  EventControllerKey
 Event controller for key events. More...
class  EventControllerLegacy
 Event controller that provides raw access to the event stream. More...
class  EventControllerMotion
 Event controller for motion events. More...
class  EventControllerScroll
 Event controller for scroll events. More...
class  EveryFilter
 Matches when each of its filter matches. More...
class  Expander
 A container which can hide its child. More...
class  Expression
 Expressions to values. More...
class  ExpressionBase
 Base class for Gtk::Expression. More...
class  ExpressionWatch
class  ExpressionWatchBase
class  FileChooser
 File chooser interface used by Gtk::FileChooserWidget and Gtk::FileChooserDialog. More...
class  FileChooserDialog
 Convenient file chooser window. More...
class  FileChooserError
 Exception class for Gdk::FileChooser errors. More...
class  FileChooserNative
 A native file chooser dialog, suitable for “File/Open” or “File/Save” commands. More...
class  FileChooserWidget
 File chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets. More...
class  FileDialog
 A Gtk::FileDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a file chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal. More...
class  FileFilter
 A filter for selecting a file subset. More...
class  FileLauncher
 A Gtk::FileLauncher object collects the arguments that are needed to open a uri with an application. More...
class  Filter
 Filtering items. More...
class  FilterListModel
 A list model that filters its items. More...
class  Fixed
 A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates. More...
class  FlattenListModel
 A list model that flattens a list of lists. More...
class  FlowBox
 A container that allows reflowing its children. More...
class  FlowBoxChild
 See the description of FlowBox. More...
class  FontButton
 A button to launch a font selection dialog. More...
class  FontChooser
 An interface implemented by widgets displaying fonts. More...
class  FontChooserDialog
 A dialog box for selecting fonts. More...
class  FontChooserWidget
 A dialog box for selecting fonts. More...
class  FontDialog
 A Gtk::FontDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a font chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal. More...
class  FontDialogButton
 A wrapper around a Gtk::FontDialog. More...
class  Frame
 A Gtk::Widget with a decorative frame and optional label. More...
class  Gesture
 Abstract base class for gestures. More...
class  GestureClick
 Multipress gesture. More...
class  GestureDrag
 Drag gesture. More...
class  GestureLongPress
 "Press and Hold" gesture. More...
class  GesturePan
 Pan gesture. More...
class  GestureRotate
 Rotate gesture. More...
class  GestureSingle
 Abstract base class for mouse/single-touch gestures. More...
class  GestureStylus
 Gesture for stylus input. More...
class  GestureSwipe
 Swipe gesture. More...
class  GestureZoom
 Zoom gesture. More...
class  GLArea
 A widget used for drawing with OpenGL. More...
class  GraphicsOffload
 A widget that allows to bypass gsk rendering for its child by passing the content directly to the compositor. More...
class  Grid
 A container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns. More...
class  GridLayout
 Layout manager for grid-like widgets. More...
class  GridLayoutChild
 Layout properties for children of Gtk::GridLayout. More...
class  GridView
 A widget for displaying grids. More...
class  HeaderBar
 A box with a centered child. More...
class  IconPaintable
 An icon, used with Gtk::IconTheme. More...
class  IconTheme
 Looking up icons by name. More...
class  IconThemeError
 Exception class for Gtk::IconTheme errors. More...
class  IconView
 The IconView provides an alternative view of a list model. More...
class  Image
 A widget displaying an image. More...
class  InfoBar
 This widget can be used to show messages to the user without showing a dialog. More...
class  Inscription
 Gtk::Inscription is a widget to show text in a predefined area. More...
class  KeyvalTrigger
 A Gtk::ShortcutTrigger that triggers when a specific keyval and (optionally) modifiers are pressed. More...
class  Label
 A widget that displays a small to medium amount of text. More...
class  LayoutChild
 An object containing layout properties. More...
class  LayoutManager
 Base class for layout manager. More...
class  LevelBar
 A bar that can be used as a level indicator. More...
class  LinkButton
 Create buttons bound to a URL. More...
class  ListBase
class  ListBox
 A ListBox is a vertical container that contains ListBoxRow children. More...
class  ListBoxRow
 See the description of ListBox. More...
class  ListHeader
 Gtk::ListHeader is used by list widgets to represent the headers they display. More...
class  ListItem
 Object used to represent items of a list model. More...
class  ListItemFactory
 Mapping list items to widgets. More...
class  ListStore
 This is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget. More...
class  ListView
 A widget for displaying lists. More...
class  ListViewText
 A simple listbox which presents some lines of information in columns and lets the user select some of them. More...
class  LockButton
 A widget to unlock or lock privileged operations. More...
class  MediaControls
 A widget showing controls for a media stream. More...
class  MediaFile
 Open media files for use in GTK. More...
class  MediaStream
 Display media in GTK. More...
class  MenuButton
 A widget that shows a menu when clicked on. More...
class  MessageDialog
 Convenient message window. More...
class  MnemonicAction
 A Gtk::ShortcutAction that calls Gtk::Widget::mnemonic_activate(). More...
class  MnemonicTrigger
 A Gtk::ShortcutTrigger that triggers when a specific mnemonic is pressed. More...
class  MultiFilter
 Combining multiple filters. More...
class  MultiSelection
 A selection model that allows selecting multiple items. More...
class  MultiSorter
 Combining multiple sorters. More...
class  NamedAction
 A Gtk::ShortcutAction that activates an action by name. More...
class  Native
 Interface for widgets having surfaces. More...
class  NativeDialog
 Integrate with native dialogs. More...
class  NeverTrigger
 A Gtk::ShortcutTrigger that never triggers. More...
class  NoSelection
 A selection model that does not allow selecting anything. More...
class  Notebook
 Container which shows one of its children at a time, in tabbed windows. More...
class  NotebookPage
 Holds properties of a Gtk::Notebook page. More...
class  NothingAction
 A Gtk::ShortcutAction that does nothing. More...
class  NumericSorter
 Sort by comparing numbers. More...
class  NumericSorterBase
 Base class for Gtk::NumericSorter. More...
class  Object
 Gtk::Object is the base class for all widgets, and for a few non-widget objects such as Gtk::CellRenderer. More...
class  ObjectExpression
class  Orientable
 This interface is implemented by all widgets that can be oriented horizontally or vertically. More...
class  Overlay
 A container which overlays widgets on top of each other. More...
class  PadActionEntry
 Class defining a pad action entry. More...
class  PadController
 Event controller for drawing tablet pads. More...
class  PageRange
 A page range. More...
class  PageSetup
 A PageSetup object stores the page size, orientation and margins. More...
class  PageSetupUnixDialog
 PageSetupUnixDialog implements a page setup dialog for platforms which don't provide a native page setup dialog, like Unix. More...
class  Paned
 A widget with two adjustable panes. More...
class  PaperSize
 PaperSize handles paper sizes. More...
class  PasswordEntry
 An entry for secrets. More...
class  Picture
 A widget displaying a Gdk::Paintable. More...
class  Popover
 Context dependent bubbles. More...
class  PopoverMenu
 A Popover to use as a menu. More...
class  PopoverMenuBar
 A menu bar with popovers. More...
class  PrintContext
 A PrintContext encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing, such as the cairo context and important parameters like page size and resolution. More...
class  PrintDialog
 A Gtk::PrintDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a print dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal. More...
class  Printer
 A Printer object represents a printer. More...
class  PrintError
class  PrintJob
 A PrintJob object represents a job that is sent to a printer. More...
class  PrintOperation
 PrintOperation is the high-level, portable printing API. More...
class  PrintOperationPreview
class  PrintSettings
 A PrintSettings object represents the settings of a print dialog in a system-independent way. More...
class  PrintSetup
 An auxiliary object for printing that allows decoupling the setup from the printing. More...
class  PrintUnixDialog
 PrintUnixDialog implements a print dialog for platforms which don't provide a native print dialog, like Unix. More...
class  ProgressBar
 A widget which indicates progress visually. More...
class  PropertyExpression
class  Range
 Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment. More...
class  RecentInfo
 Contains information found when looking up an entry of the recently used files list. More...
class  RecentManager
 RecentManager provides a facility for adding, removing and looking up recently used files. More...
class  RecentManagerError
 Exception class for Gtk::RecentManager errors. More...
class  Requisition
 A Gtk::Requisition represents the desired size of a widget. More...
class  ResponseType_Wrapper
 Wrapper for enum ResponseType. More...
class  Revealer
 Hide and show with animation. More...
class  Root
 Interface for root widgets. More...
class  Scale
 A slider widget for selecting a value from a range. More...
class  ScaleButton
 A button which pops up a scale widget. More...
class  Scrollable
 This interface is implemented by widgets with native scrolling ability. More...
class  Scrollbar
 A Scrollbar. More...
class  ScrolledWindow
 A container that makes its child scrollable. More...
class  ScrollInfo
 Provides more accurate data on how a scroll operation should be performed. More...
class  SearchBar
 A toolbar to integrate a search entry with. More...
class  SearchEntry
 This is a subclass of Gtk::Entry that has been tailored for use as a search entry. More...
class  SearchEntry2
 Gtk::SearchEntry2 is an entry widget that has been tailored for use as a search entry. More...
class  SectionModel
 Interface that adds support for section to list models. More...
class  SelectionFilterModel
 A list model that turns a selection in a model. More...
class  SelectionListModelImpl
 Gtk::SelectionListModelImpl is an object that implements the Gio::ListModel and Gtk::SelectionModel interfaces. More...
class  SelectionModel
 An extension of the list model interface that handles selections. More...
class  Separator
 A separator widget. More...
class  Settings
 Provides a mechanism to share global settings between applications. More...
class  Shortcut
 An object describing a keyboard shortcut. More...
class  ShortcutAction
 Tracking if shortcuts should be activated. More...
class  ShortcutController
 Event controller for shortcuts. More...
class  ShortcutLabel
 Displays a keyboard shortcut. More...
class  ShortcutManager
 Interface for managing shortcuts. More...
class  ShortcutsGroup
 Represents a group of shortcuts in a ShortcutsWindow. More...
class  ShortcutsSection
 Represents an application mode in a ShortcutsWindow. More...
class  ShortcutsShortcut
 Represents a keyboard shortcut in a ShortcutsWindow. More...
class  ShortcutsWindow
 Toplevel which shows help for shortcuts. More...
class  ShortcutTrigger
 Triggers to track if shortcuts should be activated. More...
class  SignalAction
 A Gtk::ShortcutAction that emits a signal. More...
class  SignalListItemFactory
 A listitem factory providing signals. More...
class  SingleSelection
 A selection model that allows selecting a single item. More...
class  SizeGroup
 Gtk::SizeGroup provides a mechanism for grouping a number of widgets together so they all request the same amount of space. More...
class  SliceListModel
 A list model that presents a slice out of a larger list. More...
class  Snapshot
 Auxiliary object for snapshots. More...
class  Sorter
 Sorting items. More...
class  SortListModel
 A list model that sorts its items. More...
class  SpinButton
 Numeric Entry with up/down buttons. More...
class  Spinner
 A widget that displays a spinner animation. More...
class  Stack
 A container that shows only one child at a time. More...
class  StackPage
 Holds properties of a Gtk::Stack page. More...
class  StackSidebar
 Sidebar widget that shows the pages of a Stack. More...
class  StackSwitcher
 A controller for a Gtk::Stack. More...
class  Statusbar
 Text status indicator. More...
class  StringFilter
 Filtering by strings. More...
class  StringList
 A list model for strings. More...
class  StringObject
 Gtk::StringObject is the type of items in a Gtk::StringList. More...
class  StringSorter
 Sort by comparing strings. More...
class  StyleContext
 This object stores styling information affecting a widget defined by WidgetPath. More...
class  StyleProvider
 Interface to provide style information to Gtk::StyleContext. More...
class  Switch
 A "light switch"-style toggle. More...
class  SymbolicPaintable
 An interface that supports symbolic colors in paintables. More...
class  Text
 A simple single-line text entry field. More...
class  TextBuffer
 Multi-line attributed text that can be displayed by one or more Gtk::TextView widgets. More...
class  TextChildAnchor
 A TextChildAnchor is a spot in the buffer where child widgets can be "anchored" (inserted inline, as if they were characters). More...
class  TextConstIter
 Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::const_iterator. More...
class  TextIter
 Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator. More...
class  TextIterBase
 Common base class of TextIter and TextConstIter. More...
class  TextMark
 Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::Mark. More...
class  TextTag
 Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag. More...
class  TextTagTable
 Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::TagTable. More...
class  TextView
 Multi-line text editing widget. More...
class  ToggleButton
 Create buttons which retain their state. More...
class  Tooltip
 Add tips to your widgets. More...
class  TreeConstRow
 Typedefed as TreeModel::ConstRow. More...
class  TreeDragDest
 Interface for Drag-and-Drop destinations in Gtk::TreeView. More...
class  TreeDragSource
 Interface for Drag-and-Drop sources in Gtk::TreeView. More...
class  TreeExpander
 An indenting expander button for use in a tree list. More...
class  TreeIter
 Typedefed as TreeModel::iterator and TreeModel::const_iterator. More...
class  TreeIterBase
 Base of TreeIter, TreeRow and TreeNodeChildren. More...
class  TreeIterBase2
 Base of TreeIter, TreeRow and TreeNodeChildren. More...
class  TreeIterBase3
 Base of TreeIter. More...
class  TreeListModel
 A list model that can create child models on demand. More...
class  TreeListRow
 A row in a Gtk::TreeListModel. More...
class  TreeModel
 This class defines a generic tree interface for use by the Gtk::TreeView widget. More...
class  TreeModelColumn
 A Gtk::TreeModelColumn describes the C++ type of the data in a model column, and identifies that column in the model. More...
class  TreeModelColumnBase
 Base class of TreeModelColumn templates. More...
class  TreeModelColumnRecord
 Typedefed as TreeModel::ColumnRecord. More...
class  TreeModelFilter
 A Gtk::TreeModel which hides parts of an underlying tree model. More...
class  TreeModelSort
 A wrapper which makes an underlying Gtk::TreeModel sortable. More...
class  TreeNodeChildren
 Typedefed as TreeModel::Children. More...
class  TreeNodeConstChildren
 Typedefed as TreeModel::ConstChildren. More...
class  TreePath
 A path is essentially a potential node. More...
class  TreeRow
 Typedefed as TreeModel::Row. More...
class  TreeRowReference
 Typedefed as Gtk::TreeModel::RowReference. More...
class  TreeSelection
 Typedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Selection. More...
class  TreeSortable
 The interface for sortable models used by Gtk::TreeView. More...
class  TreeStore
 A tree-like data structure that can be used with the Gtk::TreeView. More...
class  TreeValueProxy
class  TreeView
 The TreeView widget displays the model (Gtk::TreeModel) data and allows the user to interact with it. More...
class  TreeViewColumn
 Typedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Column. More...
class  UriLauncher
 A Gtk::UriLauncher object collects the arguments that are needed to open a uri with an application. More...
class  Video
 A widget for displaying video. More...
class  Viewport
 An adapter which makes widgets scrollable. More...
class  VolumeButton
 A button which pops up a volume control. More...
class  Widget
 Abstract Widget (Base class for all widgets) More...
class  WidgetPaintable
 Drawing a widget elsewhere. More...
class  Window
 Toplevel Window. More...
class  WindowControls
 A widget displaying window buttons. More...
class  WindowGroup
 Limit the effect of grabs. More...
class  WindowHandle
 A titlebar area widget. More...


using ResponseType = ResponseType_Wrapper::ResponseType
 ResponseType enumerators are scoped by the wrapper class and can be implicitly converted to int.
typedef sigc::slot< void(const Glib::RefPtr< PageSetup > &)> SlotPrintSetupDone
 For example, void on_setup_done(const Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup>& page_setup);.
typedef Gdk::Rectangle Allocation


enum class  License {
  License::UNKNOWN ,
  License::CUSTOM ,
  License::GPL_2_0 ,
  License::GPL_3_0 ,
  License::LGPL_2_1 ,
  License::LGPL_3_0 ,
  License::BSD ,
  License::MIT_X11 ,
  License::ARTISTIC ,
  License::GPL_2_0_ONLY ,
  License::GPL_3_0_ONLY ,
  License::LGPL_2_1_ONLY ,
  License::LGPL_3_0_ONLY ,
  License::AGPL_3_0 ,
  License::AGPL_3_0_ONLY ,
  License::BSD_3 ,
  License::APACHE_2_0 ,
  License::MPL_2_0 ,
 The type of license for an application. More...
enum class  Align {
  Align::FILL ,
  Align::START ,
  Align::END ,
  Align::CENTER ,
 Controls how a widget deals with extra space in a single dimension. More...
enum class  ArrowType {
  ArrowType::UP ,
  ArrowType::DOWN ,
  ArrowType::LEFT ,
  ArrowType::RIGHT ,
 Used to indicate the direction in which an arrow should point. More...
enum class  DeleteType {
  DeleteType::CHARS ,
  DeleteType::WORD_ENDS ,
  DeleteType::WORDS ,
  DeleteType::DISPLAY_LINES ,
  DeleteType::PARAGRAPH_ENDS ,
  DeleteType::PARAGRAPHS ,
 Passed to various keybinding signals for deleting text. More...
enum class  DirectionType {
  DirectionType::TAB_FORWARD ,
  DirectionType::TAB_BACKWARD ,
  DirectionType::UP ,
  DirectionType::DOWN ,
  DirectionType::LEFT ,
 Focus movement types. More...
enum class  IconSize {
  IconSize::INHERIT ,
  IconSize::NORMAL ,
 Built-in icon sizes. More...
enum class  TextDirection {
  TextDirection::NONE ,
  TextDirection::LTR ,
 Reading directions for text. More...
enum class  Justification {
  Justification::LEFT ,
  Justification::RIGHT ,
  Justification::CENTER ,
 Used for justifying the text inside a Gtk::Label widget. More...
enum class  MessageType {
  MessageType::INFO ,
  MessageType::WARNING ,
  MessageType::QUESTION ,
  MessageType::ERROR ,
 The type of message being displayed in a Gtk::MessageDialog. More...
enum class  MovementStep {
  MovementStep::VISUAL_POSITIONS ,
  MovementStep::WORDS ,
  MovementStep::DISPLAY_LINES ,
  MovementStep::DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS ,
  MovementStep::PARAGRAPHS ,
  MovementStep::PARAGRAPH_ENDS ,
  MovementStep::PAGES ,
  MovementStep::BUFFER_ENDS ,
 Passed as argument to various keybinding signals for moving the cursor position. More...
enum class  Orientation {
  Orientation::HORIZONTAL ,
 Represents the orientation of widgets and other objects. More...
enum class  Overflow {
  Overflow::VISIBLE ,
 Defines how content overflowing a given area should be handled. More...
enum class  CornerType {
  CornerType::TOP_LEFT ,
  CornerType::BOTTOM_LEFT ,
  CornerType::TOP_RIGHT ,
 Specifies which corner a child widget should be placed in when packed into a GtkScrolledWindow. More...
enum class  PackType {
  PackType::START ,
 Represents the packing location of a children in its parent. More...
enum class  PickFlags {
  PickFlags::DEFAULT = 0x0 ,
  PickFlags::INSENSITIVE = 1 << 0 ,
  PickFlags::NON_TARGETABLE = 1 << 1
 Flags that influence the behavior of Gtk::Widget::pick(). More...
enum class  PolicyType {
  PolicyType::ALWAYS ,
  PolicyType::AUTOMATIC ,
  PolicyType::NEVER ,
 Determines how the size should be computed to achieve the one of the visibility mode for the scrollbars. More...
enum class  PositionType {
  PositionType::LEFT ,
  PositionType::RIGHT ,
  PositionType::TOP ,
 Describes which edge of a widget a certain feature is positioned at. More...
enum class  RevealerTransitionType {
  RevealerTransitionType::NONE ,
  RevealerTransitionType::CROSSFADE ,
  RevealerTransitionType::SLIDE_RIGHT ,
  RevealerTransitionType::SLIDE_LEFT ,
  RevealerTransitionType::SLIDE_UP ,
  RevealerTransitionType::SLIDE_DOWN ,
  RevealerTransitionType::SWING_RIGHT ,
  RevealerTransitionType::SWING_LEFT ,
  RevealerTransitionType::SWING_UP ,
 These enumeration values describe the possible transitions when the child of a Gtk::Revealer widget is shown or hidden. More...
enum class  ScrollType {
  ScrollType::NONE ,
  ScrollType::JUMP ,
  ScrollType::STEP_BACKWARD ,
  ScrollType::STEP_FORWARD ,
  ScrollType::PAGE_BACKWARD ,
  ScrollType::PAGE_FORWARD ,
  ScrollType::STEP_UP ,
  ScrollType::STEP_DOWN ,
  ScrollType::PAGE_UP ,
  ScrollType::PAGE_DOWN ,
  ScrollType::STEP_LEFT ,
  ScrollType::STEP_RIGHT ,
  ScrollType::PAGE_LEFT ,
  ScrollType::PAGE_RIGHT ,
  ScrollType::START ,
 Scrolling types. More...
enum class  SelectionMode {
  SelectionMode::NONE ,
  SelectionMode::SINGLE ,
  SelectionMode::BROWSE ,
 Used to control what selections users are allowed to make. More...
enum class  StackTransitionType {
  StackTransitionType::NONE ,
  StackTransitionType::CROSSFADE ,
  StackTransitionType::SLIDE_RIGHT ,
  StackTransitionType::SLIDE_LEFT ,
  StackTransitionType::SLIDE_UP ,
  StackTransitionType::SLIDE_DOWN ,
  StackTransitionType::SLIDE_LEFT_RIGHT ,
  StackTransitionType::SLIDE_UP_DOWN ,
  StackTransitionType::OVER_UP ,
  StackTransitionType::OVER_DOWN ,
  StackTransitionType::OVER_LEFT ,
  StackTransitionType::OVER_RIGHT ,
  StackTransitionType::UNDER_UP ,
  StackTransitionType::UNDER_DOWN ,
  StackTransitionType::UNDER_LEFT ,
  StackTransitionType::UNDER_RIGHT ,
  StackTransitionType::OVER_UP_DOWN ,
  StackTransitionType::OVER_DOWN_UP ,
  StackTransitionType::OVER_LEFT_RIGHT ,
  StackTransitionType::OVER_RIGHT_LEFT ,
  StackTransitionType::ROTATE_LEFT ,
  StackTransitionType::ROTATE_RIGHT ,
 Possible transitions between pages in a Gtk::Stack widget. More...
enum class  WrapMode {
  WrapMode::NONE ,
  WrapMode::CHAR ,
  WrapMode::WORD ,
 Describes a type of line wrapping. More...
enum class  NaturalWrapMode {
  NaturalWrapMode::INHERIT ,
  NaturalWrapMode::NONE ,
 Options for selecting a different wrap mode for natural size requests. More...
enum class  SortType {
  SortType::ASCENDING ,
 Determines the direction of a sort. More...
enum class  Ordering {
  Ordering::SMALLER = -1 ,
  Ordering::EQUAL ,
 Describes the way two values can be compared. More...
enum class  PageOrientation {
  PageOrientation::PORTRAIT ,
  PageOrientation::LANDSCAPE ,
  PageOrientation::REVERSE_PORTRAIT ,
 See also Gtk::PrintSettings::set_orientation(). More...
enum class  SensitivityType {
  SensitivityType::AUTO ,
  SensitivityType::ON ,
 Determines how GTK handles the sensitivity of various controls, such as combo box buttons. More...
enum class  SizeRequestMode {
  SizeRequestMode::HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH ,
  SizeRequestMode::WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT ,
 Specifies a preference for height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management. More...
enum class  StateFlags {
  StateFlags::NORMAL = 0x0 ,
  StateFlags::ACTIVE = 1 << 0 ,
  StateFlags::PRELIGHT = 1 << 1 ,
  StateFlags::SELECTED = 1 << 2 ,
  StateFlags::INSENSITIVE = 1 << 3 ,
  StateFlags::INCONSISTENT = 1 << 4 ,
  StateFlags::FOCUSED = 1 << 5 ,
  StateFlags::BACKDROP = 1 << 6 ,
  StateFlags::DIR_LTR = 1 << 7 ,
  StateFlags::DIR_RTL = 1 << 8 ,
  StateFlags::LINK = 1 << 9 ,
  StateFlags::VISITED = 1 << 10 ,
  StateFlags::CHECKED = 1 << 11 ,
  StateFlags::DROP_ACTIVE = 1 << 12 ,
  StateFlags::FOCUS_VISIBLE = 1 << 13 ,
  StateFlags::FOCUS_WITHIN = 1 << 14
 Describes a widget state. More...
enum class  InputPurpose {
  InputPurpose::FREE_FORM ,
  InputPurpose::ALPHA ,
  InputPurpose::DIGITS ,
  InputPurpose::NUMBER ,
  InputPurpose::PHONE ,
  InputPurpose::URL ,
  InputPurpose::EMAIL ,
  InputPurpose::NAME ,
  InputPurpose::PASSWORD ,
  InputPurpose::PIN ,
 Describes primary purpose of the input widget. More...
enum class  InputHints {
  InputHints::NONE = 0x0 ,
  InputHints::SPELLCHECK = 1 << 0 ,
  InputHints::NO_SPELLCHECK = 1 << 1 ,
  InputHints::WORD_COMPLETION = 1 << 2 ,
  InputHints::LOWERCASE = 1 << 3 ,
  InputHints::UPPERCASE_CHARS = 1 << 4 ,
  InputHints::UPPERCASE_WORDS = 1 << 5 ,
  InputHints::UPPERCASE_SENTENCES = 1 << 6 ,
  InputHints::INHIBIT_OSK = 1 << 7 ,
  InputHints::VERTICAL_WRITING = 1 << 8 ,
  InputHints::EMOJI = 1 << 9 ,
  InputHints::NO_EMOJI = 1 << 10 ,
  InputHints::PRIVATE = 1 << 11
 Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or applications. More...
enum class  BaselinePosition {
  BaselinePosition::TOP ,
  BaselinePosition::CENTER ,
 Baseline position in a row of widgets. More...
enum class  ShortcutScope {
  ShortcutScope::LOCAL ,
  ShortcutScope::MANAGED ,
 Describes where Gtk::Shortcuts added to a Gtk::ShortcutController get handled. More...
enum class  ContentFit {
  ContentFit::FILL ,
  ContentFit::CONTAIN ,
  ContentFit::COVER ,
 Controls how a content should be made to fit inside an allocation. More...
enum class  ListTabBehavior {
  ListTabBehavior::ALL ,
  ListTabBehavior::ITEM ,
 Used to configure the focus behavior in the Gtk::DirectionType::TAB_FORWARD and Gtk::DirectionType::TAB_BACKWARD direction, like the Tab key in a Gtk::ListView. More...
enum class  ListScrollFlags {
  ListScrollFlags::NONE = 0x0 ,
  ListScrollFlags::FOCUS = 1 << 0 ,
  ListScrollFlags::SELECT = 1 << 1
 List of actions to perform when scrolling to items in a list widget. More...
enum class  GraphicsOffloadEnabled {
  GraphicsOffloadEnabled::ENABLED ,
 Represents the state of graphics offloading. More...
enum class  FontRendering {
  FontRendering::AUTOMATIC ,
 Values for the Gtk::Settings::property_gtk_font_rendering() setting that influence how GTK renders fonts. More...
enum class  PropagationPhase {
  PropagationPhase::NONE ,
  PropagationPhase::CAPTURE ,
  PropagationPhase::BUBBLE ,
 Describes the stage at which events are fed into a Gtk::EventController. More...
enum class  PropagationLimit {
  PropagationLimit::NONE ,
 Describes limits of a Gtk::EventController for handling events targeting other widgets. More...
enum class  FontLevel {
  FontLevel::FAMILY ,
  FontLevel::FACE ,
  FontLevel::FONT ,
 The level of granularity for the font selection. More...
enum class  EventSequenceState {
  EventSequenceState::NONE ,
  EventSequenceState::CLAIMED ,
 Describes the state of a Gdk::EventSequence in a Gtk::Gesture. More...
enum class  PanDirection {
  PanDirection::LEFT ,
  PanDirection::RIGHT ,
  PanDirection::UP ,
 Describes the panning direction of a Gtk::GesturePan. More...
enum class  IconLookupFlags {
  IconLookupFlags::FORCE_REGULAR = 1 << 0 ,
  IconLookupFlags::FORCE_SYMBOLIC = 1 << 1 ,
  IconLookupFlags::PRELOAD = 1 << 2
 Used to specify options for Gtk::IconTheme::lookup_icon(). More...
enum class  PadActionType {
  PadActionType::BUTTON ,
  PadActionType::RING ,
 The type of a pad action. More...
enum class  Unit {
  Unit::NONE ,
  Unit::POINTS ,
  Unit::INCH ,
 See also Gtk::PrintSettings::set_paper_width(). More...
enum class  PrintStatus {
  PrintStatus::INITIAL ,
  PrintStatus::PREPARING ,
  PrintStatus::GENERATING_DATA ,
  PrintStatus::SENDING_DATA ,
  PrintStatus::PENDING ,
  PrintStatus::PENDING_ISSUE ,
  PrintStatus::PRINTING ,
  PrintStatus::FINISHED ,
 The status gives a rough indication of the completion of a running print operation. More...
enum class  PrintDuplex {
  PrintDuplex::SIMPLEX ,
  PrintDuplex::HORIZONTAL ,
 See also Gtk::PrintSettings::set_duplex(). More...
enum class  PrintQuality {
  PrintQuality::LOW ,
  PrintQuality::NORMAL ,
  PrintQuality::HIGH ,
 See also Gtk::PrintSettings::set_quality(). More...
enum class  PrintPages {
  PrintPages::ALL ,
  PrintPages::CURRENT ,
  PrintPages::RANGES ,
 See also Gtk::PrintJob::set_pages() More...
enum class  PageSet {
  PageSet::ALL ,
  PageSet::EVEN ,
 See also Gtk::PrintJob::set_page_set(). More...
enum class  NumberUpLayout {
 Used to determine the layout of pages on a sheet when printing multiple pages per sheet. More...
enum class  SpinType {
  SpinType::STEP_FORWARD ,
  SpinType::PAGE_FORWARD ,
  SpinType::HOME ,
  SpinType::END ,
 The values of the GtkSpinType enumeration are used to specify the change to make in Gtk::SpinButton::spin(). More...
enum class  Collation {
  Collation::NONE ,
  Collation::UNICODE ,
 Describes how a Gtk::StringSorter turns strings into sort keys to compare them. More...
enum class  TextSearchFlags {
  TextSearchFlags::VISIBLE_ONLY = 1 << 0 ,
  TextSearchFlags::TEXT_ONLY = 1 << 1 ,
  TextSearchFlags::CASE_INSENSITIVE = 1 << 2
 Flags affecting how a search is done. More...
enum class  TextWindowType {
  TextWindowType::WIDGET = 1 ,
  TextWindowType::TEXT ,
  TextWindowType::LEFT ,
  TextWindowType::RIGHT ,
  TextWindowType::TOP ,
 Used to reference the parts of Gtk::TextView. More...
enum class  PrintCapabilities {
  PrintCapabilities::PAGE_SET = 1 << 0 ,
  PrintCapabilities::COPIES = 1 << 1 ,
  PrintCapabilities::COLLATE = 1 << 2 ,
  PrintCapabilities::REVERSE = 1 << 3 ,
  PrintCapabilities::SCALE = 1 << 4 ,
  PrintCapabilities::GENERATE_PDF = 1 << 5 ,
  PrintCapabilities::GENERATE_PS = 1 << 6 ,
  PrintCapabilities::PREVIEW = 1 << 7 ,
  PrintCapabilities::NUMBER_UP = 1 << 8 ,
  PrintCapabilities::NUMBER_UP_LAYOUT = 1 << 9
 Specifies which features the print dialog should offer. More...
enum class  CellRendererState {
  CellRendererState::SELECTED = 1 << 0 ,
  CellRendererState::PRELIT = 1 << 1 ,
  CellRendererState::INSENSITIVE = 1 << 2 ,
  CellRendererState::SORTED = 1 << 3 ,
  CellRendererState::FOCUSED = 1 << 4 ,
  CellRendererState::EXPANDABLE = 1 << 5 ,
  CellRendererState::EXPANDED = 1 << 6
 Tells how a cell is to be rendered. More...
enum class  CellRendererMode {
  CellRendererMode::INERT ,
  CellRendererMode::ACTIVATABLE ,
 Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell. More...
enum class  ButtonsType {
  ButtonsType::NONE ,
  ButtonsType::OK ,
  ButtonsType::CLOSE ,
  ButtonsType::CANCEL ,
  ButtonsType::YES_NO ,
 Prebuilt sets of buttons for Gtk::Dialog. More...
enum class  ShortcutType {
  ShortcutType::ACCELERATOR ,
  ShortcutType::GESTURE_PINCH ,
  ShortcutType::GESTURE_STRETCH ,
  ShortcutType::GESTURE ,
  ShortcutType::GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT ,
 GtkShortcutType specifies the kind of shortcut that is being described. More...


void init_gtkmm_internals ()
 Initialize the table of wrap_new functions.
template<class T >
T * manage (T *obj)
 Mark a Gtk::Object as owned by its parent container widget, so you don't need to delete it manually.
template<class T , class... T_Args>
auto make_managed (T_Args &&... args)
 Create a Gtk::Object such as a widget and Gtk::manage() it in a single step.
constexpr Application::InhibitFlags operator| (Application::InhibitFlags lhs, Application::InhibitFlags rhs)
constexpr Application::InhibitFlags operator& (Application::InhibitFlags lhs, Application::InhibitFlags rhs)
constexpr Application::InhibitFlags operator^ (Application::InhibitFlags lhs, Application::InhibitFlags rhs)
constexpr Application::InhibitFlags operator~ (Application::InhibitFlags flags)
Application::InhibitFlagsoperator|= (Application::InhibitFlags &lhs, Application::InhibitFlags rhs)
Application::InhibitFlagsoperator&= (Application::InhibitFlags &lhs, Application::InhibitFlags rhs)
Application::InhibitFlagsoperator^= (Application::InhibitFlags &lhs, Application::InhibitFlags rhs)
constexpr PickFlags operator| (PickFlags lhs, PickFlags rhs)
constexpr PickFlags operator& (PickFlags lhs, PickFlags rhs)
constexpr PickFlags operator^ (PickFlags lhs, PickFlags rhs)
constexpr PickFlags operator~ (PickFlags flags)
PickFlagsoperator|= (PickFlags &lhs, PickFlags rhs)
PickFlagsoperator&= (PickFlags &lhs, PickFlags rhs)
PickFlagsoperator^= (PickFlags &lhs, PickFlags rhs)
constexpr StateFlags operator| (StateFlags lhs, StateFlags rhs)
constexpr StateFlags operator& (StateFlags lhs, StateFlags rhs)
constexpr StateFlags operator^ (StateFlags lhs, StateFlags rhs)
constexpr StateFlags operator~ (StateFlags flags)
StateFlagsoperator|= (StateFlags &lhs, StateFlags rhs)
StateFlagsoperator&= (StateFlags &lhs, StateFlags rhs)
StateFlagsoperator^= (StateFlags &lhs, StateFlags rhs)
constexpr InputHints operator| (InputHints lhs, InputHints rhs)
constexpr InputHints operator& (InputHints lhs, InputHints rhs)
constexpr InputHints operator^ (InputHints lhs, InputHints rhs)
constexpr InputHints operator~ (InputHints flags)
InputHintsoperator|= (InputHints &lhs, InputHints rhs)
InputHintsoperator&= (InputHints &lhs, InputHints rhs)
InputHintsoperator^= (InputHints &lhs, InputHints rhs)
constexpr ListScrollFlags operator| (ListScrollFlags lhs, ListScrollFlags rhs)
constexpr ListScrollFlags operator& (ListScrollFlags lhs, ListScrollFlags rhs)
constexpr ListScrollFlags operator^ (ListScrollFlags lhs, ListScrollFlags rhs)
constexpr ListScrollFlags operator~ (ListScrollFlags flags)
ListScrollFlagsoperator|= (ListScrollFlags &lhs, ListScrollFlags rhs)
ListScrollFlagsoperator&= (ListScrollFlags &lhs, ListScrollFlags rhs)
ListScrollFlagsoperator^= (ListScrollFlags &lhs, ListScrollFlags rhs)
constexpr EventControllerScroll::Flags operator| (EventControllerScroll::Flags lhs, EventControllerScroll::Flags rhs)
constexpr EventControllerScroll::Flags operator& (EventControllerScroll::Flags lhs, EventControllerScroll::Flags rhs)
constexpr EventControllerScroll::Flags operator^ (EventControllerScroll::Flags lhs, EventControllerScroll::Flags rhs)
constexpr EventControllerScroll::Flags operator~ (EventControllerScroll::Flags flags)
EventControllerScroll::Flagsoperator|= (EventControllerScroll::Flags &lhs, EventControllerScroll::Flags rhs)
EventControllerScroll::Flagsoperator&= (EventControllerScroll::Flags &lhs, EventControllerScroll::Flags rhs)
EventControllerScroll::Flagsoperator^= (EventControllerScroll::Flags &lhs, EventControllerScroll::Flags rhs)
constexpr IconLookupFlags operator| (IconLookupFlags lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
constexpr IconLookupFlags operator& (IconLookupFlags lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
constexpr IconLookupFlags operator^ (IconLookupFlags lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
constexpr IconLookupFlags operator~ (IconLookupFlags flags)
IconLookupFlagsoperator|= (IconLookupFlags &lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
IconLookupFlagsoperator&= (IconLookupFlags &lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
IconLookupFlagsoperator^= (IconLookupFlags &lhs, IconLookupFlags rhs)
constexpr PopoverMenu::Flags operator| (PopoverMenu::Flags lhs, PopoverMenu::Flags rhs)
constexpr PopoverMenu::Flags operator& (PopoverMenu::Flags lhs, PopoverMenu::Flags rhs)
constexpr PopoverMenu::Flags operator^ (PopoverMenu::Flags lhs, PopoverMenu::Flags rhs)
constexpr PopoverMenu::Flags operator~ (PopoverMenu::Flags flags)
PopoverMenu::Flagsoperator|= (PopoverMenu::Flags &lhs, PopoverMenu::Flags rhs)
PopoverMenu::Flagsoperator&= (PopoverMenu::Flags &lhs, PopoverMenu::Flags rhs)
PopoverMenu::Flagsoperator^= (PopoverMenu::Flags &lhs, PopoverMenu::Flags rhs)
Glib::RefPtr< PageSetuprun_page_setup_dialog (Window & parent, const Glib::RefPtr< const PageSetup > &page_setup, const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &print_settings)
 Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.
Glib::RefPtr< PageSetuprun_page_setup_dialog (Window & parent, const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &print_settings)
 Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.
void run_page_setup_dialog_async (Window & parent, const Glib::RefPtr< const PageSetup > &page_setup, const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &print_settings, const SlotPrintSetupDone &slot)
 Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.
void run_page_setup_dialog_async (Window & parent, const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &print_settings, const SlotPrintSetupDone &slot)
 Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.
constexpr ShortcutAction::Flags operator| (ShortcutAction::Flags lhs, ShortcutAction::Flags rhs)
constexpr ShortcutAction::Flags operator& (ShortcutAction::Flags lhs, ShortcutAction::Flags rhs)
constexpr ShortcutAction::Flags operator^ (ShortcutAction::Flags lhs, ShortcutAction::Flags rhs)
constexpr ShortcutAction::Flags operator~ (ShortcutAction::Flags flags)
ShortcutAction::Flagsoperator|= (ShortcutAction::Flags &lhs, ShortcutAction::Flags rhs)
ShortcutAction::Flagsoperator&= (ShortcutAction::Flags &lhs, ShortcutAction::Flags rhs)
ShortcutAction::Flagsoperator^= (ShortcutAction::Flags &lhs, ShortcutAction::Flags rhs)
constexpr TextBuffer::NotifyFlags operator| (TextBuffer::NotifyFlags lhs, TextBuffer::NotifyFlags rhs)
constexpr TextBuffer::NotifyFlags operator& (TextBuffer::NotifyFlags lhs, TextBuffer::NotifyFlags rhs)
constexpr TextBuffer::NotifyFlags operator^ (TextBuffer::NotifyFlags lhs, TextBuffer::NotifyFlags rhs)
constexpr TextBuffer::NotifyFlags operator~ (TextBuffer::NotifyFlags flags)
TextBuffer::NotifyFlagsoperator|= (TextBuffer::NotifyFlags &lhs, TextBuffer::NotifyFlags rhs)
TextBuffer::NotifyFlagsoperator&= (TextBuffer::NotifyFlags &lhs, TextBuffer::NotifyFlags rhs)
TextBuffer::NotifyFlagsoperator^= (TextBuffer::NotifyFlags &lhs, TextBuffer::NotifyFlags rhs)
constexpr TextSearchFlags operator| (TextSearchFlags lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
constexpr TextSearchFlags operator& (TextSearchFlags lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
constexpr TextSearchFlags operator^ (TextSearchFlags lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
constexpr TextSearchFlags operator~ (TextSearchFlags flags)
TextSearchFlagsoperator|= (TextSearchFlags &lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
TextSearchFlagsoperator&= (TextSearchFlags &lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
TextSearchFlagsoperator^= (TextSearchFlags &lhs, TextSearchFlags rhs)
constexpr PrintCapabilities operator| (PrintCapabilities lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
constexpr PrintCapabilities operator& (PrintCapabilities lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
constexpr PrintCapabilities operator^ (PrintCapabilities lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
constexpr PrintCapabilities operator~ (PrintCapabilities flags)
PrintCapabilitiesoperator|= (PrintCapabilities &lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
PrintCapabilitiesoperator&= (PrintCapabilities &lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
PrintCapabilitiesoperator^= (PrintCapabilities &lhs, PrintCapabilities rhs)
constexpr CellRendererState operator| (CellRendererState lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
constexpr CellRendererState operator& (CellRendererState lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
constexpr CellRendererState operator^ (CellRendererState lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
constexpr CellRendererState operator~ (CellRendererState flags)
CellRendererStateoperator|= (CellRendererState &lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
CellRendererStateoperator&= (CellRendererState &lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
CellRendererStateoperator^= (CellRendererState &lhs, CellRendererState rhs)
constexpr FontChooser::Level operator| (FontChooser::Level lhs, FontChooser::Level rhs)
constexpr FontChooser::Level operator& (FontChooser::Level lhs, FontChooser::Level rhs)
constexpr FontChooser::Level operator^ (FontChooser::Level lhs, FontChooser::Level rhs)
constexpr FontChooser::Level operator~ (FontChooser::Level flags)
FontChooser::Leveloperator|= (FontChooser::Level &lhs, FontChooser::Level rhs)
FontChooser::Leveloperator&= (FontChooser::Level &lhs, FontChooser::Level rhs)
FontChooser::Leveloperator^= (FontChooser::Level &lhs, FontChooser::Level rhs)
constexpr StyleContext::PrintFlags operator| (StyleContext::PrintFlags lhs, StyleContext::PrintFlags rhs)
constexpr StyleContext::PrintFlags operator& (StyleContext::PrintFlags lhs, StyleContext::PrintFlags rhs)
constexpr StyleContext::PrintFlags operator^ (StyleContext::PrintFlags lhs, StyleContext::PrintFlags rhs)
constexpr StyleContext::PrintFlags operator~ (StyleContext::PrintFlags flags)
StyleContext::PrintFlagsoperator|= (StyleContext::PrintFlags &lhs, StyleContext::PrintFlags rhs)
StyleContext::PrintFlagsoperator&= (StyleContext::PrintFlags &lhs, StyleContext::PrintFlags rhs)
StyleContext::PrintFlagsoperator^= (StyleContext::PrintFlags &lhs, StyleContext::PrintFlags rhs)
constexpr TreeModel::Flags operator| (TreeModel::Flags lhs, TreeModel::Flags rhs)
constexpr TreeModel::Flags operator& (TreeModel::Flags lhs, TreeModel::Flags rhs)
constexpr TreeModel::Flags operator^ (TreeModel::Flags lhs, TreeModel::Flags rhs)
constexpr TreeModel::Flags operator~ (TreeModel::Flags flags)
TreeModel::Flagsoperator|= (TreeModel::Flags &lhs, TreeModel::Flags rhs)
TreeModel::Flagsoperator&= (TreeModel::Flags &lhs, TreeModel::Flags rhs)
TreeModel::Flagsoperator^= (TreeModel::Flags &lhs, TreeModel::Flags rhs)


const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_A3
 Common paper names, from PWG 5101.1-2002 PWG: Standard for Media Standardized Names.
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_A4
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_A5
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_B5
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_LETTER
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_EXECUTIVE
const Glib::ustring PAPER_NAME_LEGAL

Typedef Documentation

◆ Allocation

◆ SlotPrintSetupDone

typedef sigc::slot<void(const Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup>&)> Gtk::SlotPrintSetupDone

For example, void on_setup_done(const Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup>& page_setup);.

Function Documentation

◆ init_gtkmm_internals()

void Gtk::init_gtkmm_internals ( )

Initialize the table of wrap_new functions.

This would usually only be used by the init() methods of libraries that depend on gtkmm. Gtkmm applications initialize gtkmm by a call to Gtk::Application::create().

Since gtkmm 3.98:

◆ make_managed()

template <class T , class... T_Args>
auto Gtk::make_managed ( T_Args &&...  args)

Create a Gtk::Object such as a widget and Gtk::manage() it in a single step.

This matches standard functions like std::make_unique<T>(args) and avoids you manually invoking the new operator, which is discouraged in modern C++ style.

For instance,

auto button = Gtk::make_managed<Gtk::Button>("Hello");
vbox.append(*button); //vbox will delete button when vbox is deleted.
Template Parameters
TThe type of object to create.
argsArguments to pass to the constructor of the given template type.
A new, managed object of that type, constructed with those arguments.

◆ manage()

template <class T >
T * Gtk::manage ( T *  obj)

Mark a Gtk::Object as owned by its parent container widget, so you don't need to delete it manually.

For instance,

Gtk::Button* button = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::Button("Hello") );
vbox.append(*button); //vbox will delete button when vbox is deleted.
A widget that creates a signal when clicked on.
Definition button.h:59
T * manage(T *obj)
Mark a Gtk::Object as owned by its parent container widget, so you don't need to delete it manually.
Definition object.h:47

Beginning with gtkmm 4.8, a Gtk::Window can be managed, although it has no parent. A managed Gtk::Window is deleted when its underlying C instance is destroyed. The C instance will be destroyed when the window manager's close button is clicked, unless Gtk::Window::set_hide_on_close() has been called.

objA Gtk::Object, such as a gtkmm widget.
The Gtk::Object passed as the obj parameter.

◆ run_page_setup_dialog() [1/2]

Glib::RefPtr< PageSetup > Gtk::run_page_setup_dialog ( Window parent,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PageSetup > &  page_setup,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &  print_settings 

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.

If the user cancels the dialog, the returned PageSetup is identical to that passed in page_setup, otherwise it contains the modifications done in the dialog.

Note that this function may use a recursive mainloop to show the page setup dialog. See run_page_setup_dialog_async() if this is a problem.

parentTransient parent.
page_setupAn existing GtkPageSetup.
print_settingsPrint settings.
A new PageSetup object.

◆ run_page_setup_dialog() [2/2]

Glib::RefPtr< PageSetup > Gtk::run_page_setup_dialog ( Window parent,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &  print_settings 

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.

If the user cancels the dialog, the returned PageSetup is identical to that passed in page_setup, otherwise it contains the modifications done in the dialog.

Note that this function may use a recursive mainloop to show the page setup dialog. See run_page_setup_dialog_async() if this is a problem.

parentTransient parent.
print_settingsPrint settings.
A new PageSetup object.

◆ run_page_setup_dialog_async() [1/2]

void Gtk::run_page_setup_dialog_async ( Window parent,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PageSetup > &  page_setup,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &  print_settings,
const SlotPrintSetupDone slot 

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.

In contrast to run_page_setup_dialog(), this function returns after showing the page setup dialog on platforms that support this, and calls the slot from a signal handler for the ::response signal of the dialog.

parentTransient parent.
page_setupAn existing GtkPageSetup.
print_settingsPrint settings.

◆ run_page_setup_dialog_async() [2/2]

void Gtk::run_page_setup_dialog_async ( Window parent,
const Glib::RefPtr< const PrintSettings > &  print_settings,
const SlotPrintSetupDone slot 

Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from page_setup.

In contrast to run_page_setup_dialog(), this function returns after showing the page setup dialog on platforms that support this, and calls the slot from a signal handler for the ::response signal of the dialog.

parentTransient parent.
print_settingsPrint settings.

Variable Documentation


const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_A3

Common paper names, from PWG 5101.1-2002 PWG: Standard for Media Standardized Names.


const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_A4


const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_A5


const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_B5


const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_EXECUTIVE


const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_LEGAL


const Glib::ustring Gtk::PAPER_NAME_LETTER