Roadmap ======= This is an ever-changing list of development priorities for the maintainers of librsvg. Check this often! Short term ---------- - Fix `issue #778 `_ about incorrect offsetting for layers with opacity. Solving this should make it easier to fix the root cause of `issue #1 `_, where librsvg cannot compute arbitrary regions for filter effects and it only takes the user-specified viewport into account. See :doc:`render_tree` for details on this. - Continue with the revamp of :doc:`text_layout`. - Support CSS custom properties ``var()``, at least the minimal feature set required for OpenType fonts. See :doc:`custom_properties`. - `Make fuzzing good and easy - issue #1018 `_. See the discussion in that issue for details of the pending work. Medium term ----------- - `Issue #459 `_ - Support CSS ``var()`` for custom colors and other SVG properties. - `Issue #843 `_ - Support CSS ``calc()``. - `Issue #635 `_ - Publish to