How to add a new CSS property

This document is a little tour on how to add support for a CSS property to librsvg. We will implement the `mask-type property <>`__ from the CSS Masking Module Level 1 specification.

What is mask-type?

The spec says about ``mask-type` <>`__:

The mask-type property defines whether the content of the mask element is treated as as luminance mask or alpha mask, as described in Calculating mask values.

A luminance mask takes the RGB values of each pixel, converts them to a single luminance value, and uses that as a mask.

An alpha mask just takes the alpha value of each pixel and uses it as a mask.

The only mask type that SVG1.1 supported was luminance masks; there wasn’t even a mask-type property back then. The SVG2 spec removed descriptions of masking, and offloaded them to the CSS Masking Module Level 1 specification, which it adds the mask-type property and others as well.

Let’s start by figuring out how to read the spec.

What the specification says

The specification for mask-type is in

In the specs, most of the descriptions for properties start with a table that summarizes the property. For example, if you visit that link, you will find a table that starts with these items:

  • Name: mask-type

  • Value: luminance | alpha

  • Initial: luminance

  • Applies to: mask elements

  • Inherited: no

  • Computed value: as specified

Let’s go through each of these:

Name: We have the name of the property (mask-type). Properties are case-insensitive, and librsvg already has machinery to handle that.

Value: The possible values for the property can be luminance or alpha. In the spec’s web page, even the little | between those two values is a hyperlink; clicking it will take you to the specification for CSS Values and Units, where it describes the grammar that the CSS specs use to describe their values. Here you just need to know that | means that exactly one of the two alternatives must occur.

As you may imagine, librsvg already parses a lot of similar properties that are just symbolic values. For example, the stroke-linecap property can have values butt | round | square. We’ll see how to write a parser for this kind of property with a minimal amount of code.

Initial: Then there is the initial or default value, which is luminance. This means that if the mask-type property is not specified on an element, it takes luminance as its default. This is a sensible choice, since an SVG1.1 file that is processed by SVG2 software should retain the same semantics. It also means that if there is a parse error, for example if you typed ahlpha, the property will silently revert back to the default luminance value.

Applies to: Librsvg doesn’t pay much attention to “applies to” — it just carries property values for all elements, and the elements that don’t handle a property just ignore it.

Inherited: This property is not inherited, which means that by default, its value does not cascade. So if you have this:

<mask style="mask-type: alpha;">

Then the other, elements, here will not inherit the mask-type value from their ancestor.

Computed value: Finally, the computed value is “as specified”, which means that librsvg does not need to modify it in any way when resolving the CSS cascade. Other properties, like width: 1em; may need to be resolved against the font-size to obtain the computed value.

The W3C specifications can get pretty verbose and it takes some practice to read them, but fortunately this property is short and sweet.

Let’s go on.

How librsvg represents properties

Each property has a Rust type that can hold its values. Remember the part of the masking spec from above, that says the mask-type property can have values luminance or alpha, and the initial/default is luminance? This translates easily to Rust types:

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum MaskType {

impl Default for MaskType {
    fn default() -> MaskType {

Additionally, we need to be able to say that the property does not inherit by default, and that its computed value is the same as the specified value (e.g. we can just copy the original value without changing it). Librsvg defines a Property trait for those actions:

pub trait Property {
    fn inherits_automatically() -> bool;

    fn compute(&self, _: &ComputedValues) -> Self;

For the mask-type property, we want inherits_automatically to return false, and compute to return the value unchanged. So, like this:

impl Property for MaskType {
    fn inherits_automatically() -> bool {

    fn compute(&self, _: &ComputedValues) -> Self {

Ignore the ComputedValues argument for now — it is how librsvg represents an element’s complete set of property values.

As you can imagine, there are a lot of properties like mask-type, whose values are just symbolic names that map well to a data-less enum. For all of them, it would be a lot of repetitive code to define their default value, return whether they inherit or not, and clone them for the computed value. Additionally, we have not even written the parser for this property’s values yet.

Fortunately, librsvg has a make_property! macro that lets you do this instead:

    /// `mask-type` property.                                          // (1)
    MaskType,                                                          // (2)
    default: Luminance,                                                // (3)
    inherits_automatically: false,                                     // (4)

    identifiers:                                                       // (5)
    "luminance" => Luminance,
    "alpha" => Alpha,
    1. is a documentation comment for the MaskType enum being defined.

    1. is MaskType, the name we will use for the mask-type property.

    1. indicates the “initial value”, or default, for the property.

    1. … whether the spec says the property should inherit or not.

    1. Finally, identifiers: is what makes the make_property! macro know that it should generate a parser for the symbolic names luminance and alpha, and that they should correspond to the values MaskType::Luminance and MaskType::Alpha, respectively.

This saves a lot of typing! Also, it makes it easier to gradually change the way properties are represented, as librsvg evolves.

Properties that use the same data type

Consider the stroke and fill properties; both store a `<paint> <>`__ value, which librsvg represents with a type called PaintServer. The make_property! macro has a case for properties like that, so in the librsvg source code you will find both of thsese:

    /// `fill` property.
    default: PaintServer::parse_str("#000").unwrap(),
    inherits_automatically: true,
    newtype_parse: PaintServer,

    /// `stroke` property.
    default: PaintServer::None,
    inherits_automatically: true,
    newtype_parse: PaintServer,

The newtype_parse: is what tells the macro that it should generate a newtype like struct Stroke(PaintServer), and that it should just use the parser that PaintServer already has.

Which parser is that? Read on.

Custom parsers

Librsvg has a Parse trait for property values which looks rather scary:

pub trait Parse: Sized {
    fn parse<'i>(parser: &mut Parser<'i, '_>) -> Result<Self, ParseError<'i>>;

Don’t let the lifetimes scare you. They are required because of cssparser::Parser, from the cssparser crate, tries really hard to let you implement zero-copy parsers, which give you string tokens as slices from the original string being parsed, instead of allocating lots of little String values. What this Parse trait means is, you get tokens out of the Parser, and return what is basically a Result<Self, Error>.

In this tutorial we will just show you the parser for simple numeric types, for example, for properties that can just be represented with an f64. There is the stroke-miterlimit property defined like this:

    /// `stroke-miterlimit` property.
    default: 4f64,
    inherits_automatically: true,
    newtype_parse: f64,

And the impl Parse for f64 looks like this:

impl Parse for f64 {
    fn parse<'i>(parser: &mut Parser<'i, '_>) -> Result<Self, ParseError<'i>> {
        let loc = parser.current_source_location();                                          // (1)
        let n = parser.expect_number()?;                                                     // (2)
        if n.is_finite() {                                                                   // (3)
            Ok(f64::from(n))                                                                 // (4)
        } else {
            Err(loc.new_custom_error(ValueErrorKind::value_error("expected finite number"))) // (5)
    1. Store the current location in the parser.

    1. Ask the parser for a number. If a non-numeric token comes out (e.g. if the user put stroke-miterlimit: foo instead of stroke-miterlimit: 5), expect_number will return an Err, which we propagate upwards with the ?.

    1. Check the number for being non-infinite or NaN….

    1. … and return the number converted to f64 (cssparser returns f32, but we promote them so that subsequent calculations can use the extra precision)…

    1. … or return an error based on the location from (1).

My advice: implement new parsers by doing cut&paste from existing ones, and you’ll be okay.

Registering the property

Okay! We defined MaskType and its symbolic identifiers with the make_property! macro, and the macro took care of writing a parser for it and implementing the traits that the property needs.

Now we need to modify the code in a few places to process the property.

Register the property

  • First, look for longhands: in You will find that it is part of a long macro invocation:

make_properties! {
    // ... stuff omitted here

    longhands: {
       // ... stuff omitted here

        "marker-end"                  => (PresentationAttr::Yes, marker_end                  : MarkerEnd),
        "marker-mid"                  => (PresentationAttr::Yes, marker_mid                  : MarkerMid),
        "marker-start"                => (PresentationAttr::Yes, marker_start                : MarkerStart),
        "mask"                        => (PresentationAttr::Yes, mask                        : Mask),
        // "mask-type"                => (PresentationAttr::Yes, unimplemented),
        "opacity"                     => (PresentationAttr::Yes, opacity                     : Opacity),
        "overflow"                    => (PresentationAttr::Yes, overflow                    : Overflow),

        // ... stuff omitted here

In there, there is an entry for mask-type commented out. Let’s uncomment it and turn it into this:

"mask-type"                   => (PresentationAttr::Yes, mask_type                   : MaskType),

PresentationAttr::Yes indicates whether the property has a corresponding presentation attribute. This means that you can do <mask style="mask-type: alpha;"> which is property, as well as <mask mask-type="alpha">, which is a presentation attribute.

How did we find out that mask-type also exists as a presentation attribute? Well, the spec says:

The mask-type property is a presentation attribute for SVG elements.

But wait! If we compile, we get this:

error: no rules expected the token `"mask-type"`
   --> src/
450 |         "mask-type"                   => (PresentationAttr::Yes, mask_type                   : MaskType),
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^ no rules expected this token in macro call

When you see that error in exactly that macro invocation, it means this: librsvg uses a crate called markup5ever to have a compact representation of the names of properties/attributes/elements. It uses string interning so that, for example, there is a single definition of rect in the program’s heap instead of there being a thousands of duplicated rect strings when you load a big document. The thing is, markup5ever only has ready-made definitions of the most common HTML/SVG/CSS names, but unfortunately mask-type is not one of them.

So, we scroll down in and move the mask-type registration there:

longhands_not_supported_by_markup5ever: {
    "line-height"                 => (PresentationAttr::No,  line_height                 : LineHeight),
    "mask-type"                   => (PresentationAttr::Yes, mask_type                   : MaskType),     // <- right here
    "mix-blend-mode"              => (PresentationAttr::No,  mix_blend_mode              : MixBlendMode),
    "paint-order"                 => (PresentationAttr::Yes, paint_order                 : PaintOrder),

That block named longhands_not_supported_by_markup5ever is, well, exactly what it says — a separate section with property names that are not built into markup5ever, so they must be dealt with specially. Just put the property there and that’s it.

Next, we have to calculate the computed value for the property.

Calculate the computed value

In, look for compute!. You will find many invocations of this macro:

compute!(MarkerEnd, marker_end);
compute!(MarkerMid, marker_mid);
compute!(MarkerStart, marker_start);
compute!(Mask, mask);
compute!(MixBlendMode, mix_blend_mode);
compute!(Opacity, opacity);
compute!(Overflow, overflow);

Add a call for MaskType:

compute!(MarkerEnd, marker_end);
compute!(MarkerMid, marker_mid);
compute!(MarkerStart, marker_start);
compute!(Mask, mask);
compute!(MaskType, mask_type);          // this is new
compute!(MixBlendMode, mix_blend_mode);
compute!(Opacity, opacity);
compute!(Overflow, overflow);

You will see that all those calls to compute! are inside a method called SpecifiedValues::to_computed_values(). This method is run as part of the CSS cascade: it takes the SpecifiedValues from an element and composes them onto the ComputedValues from its parent element. For example, if you have a document with this bit:

<g stroke="red" fill="blue">     // ComputedValues with stroke:red, fill:blue
  <rect fill="green"/>           // SpecifiedValues with fill:green

The ComputedValues that results from the <g> will have properties stroke:red and fill:blue in it. The SpecifiedValues from the <rect> just has fill:green. Composing them together for the <rect> gives us ComputedValues with stroke:red and fill:green.

Now that the property is registered, we can actually handle it in the drawing code!

Handling the property

First, a digression: let’s change the name of a few methods to better reflect what the new structure of the code will be like.

There are a few methods called to_mask in the code, that take an RGBA surface and turn it into an Alpha-only surface with the luminance of the original surface; and also the corresponding method to do this for a single pixel. Let’s do this kind of renaming:

-    pub fn to_mask(&self, opacity: UnitInterval) -> Result<SharedImageSurface, cairo::Error> {
+    pub fn to_luminance_mask(&self, opacity: UnitInterval) -> Result<SharedImageSurface, cairo::Error> {

Librsvg only effectively supported mask-type: luminance since that is what was in SVG1.1, but now for SVG2 we want to add behavior for mask-type: alpha as well. So, it makes sense to rename to_mask as to_luminance_mask.

SharedImageSurface is the type that librsvg uses to represent images in memory. They can be RGBA or Alpha-only. There is already a method called extract_alpha that we can use to create an Alpha-only mask:

// there's a type alias SharedImageSurface for this
impl ImageSurface<Shared> {
    pub fn extract_alpha(&self, bounds: IRect) -> Result<SharedImageSurface, cairo::Error> { ... }

Now let’s look at where has this:

let mask = SharedImageSurface::wrap(mask_content_surface, SurfaceType::SRgb)?    // (1)
    .to_luminance_mask()?                                                        // (2)
    .into_image_surface()?;                                                      // (3)
    1. Wraps a SharedImageSurface around the Cairo surface that was just rendered with the mask contents.

    1. Converts it to a luminance mask. We will need to change this!

    1. Extracts the Cairo image surface from the SharedImageSurface, for further processing.

Remember the ComputedValues where we had the mask_type? We can extract it with values.mask_type(). Now let’s change the lines above to this:

let tmp = SharedImageSurface::wrap(mask_content_surface, SurfaceType::SRgb)?;

let mask_result = match values.mask_type() {
    MaskType::Luminance => tmp.to_luminance_mask()?,
    MaskType::Alpha => tmp.extract_alpha(IRect::from_size(tmp.width(), tmp.height()))?,

let mask = mask_result.into_image_surface()?;

But wait! We don’t have a test for this yet! Aaaaaargh, we are doing test-driven development backwards!

No biggie. Let’s write the tests.

Adding tests

Testing graphical output is really annoying if you compare PNG files, because any time Cairo changes something and antialiasing changes juuuuuust a bit, the tests break. So, librsvg tries to do “reftests”, or reference tests, by comparing the rendered results of two things:

  • The SVG you actually want to test.

  • An equivalent SVG that works only with known-good features.

For mask-type, we need an SVG document that actually uses that property with both of its values, and another document that produces the same results but with simpler primitives.

Librsvg already has tests for luminance masks, as they were the only available kind in SVG1.1. So we can be confident that they already work - we just need to test that the presence of mask-type="luminance" actually does the same thing.

First, let’s dissect the SVG that we want to test:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="100">
  <mask id="luminance" mask-type="luminance" maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox">
    <rect x="0.1" y="0.1" width="0.8" height="0.8" fill="white"/>
  <mask id="alpha" mask-type="alpha" maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox">
    <rect x="0.1" y="0.1" width="0.8" height="0.8" fill="black"/>

  <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="green" mask="url(#luminance)"/>

  <rect x="100" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="green" mask="url(#alpha)"/>

The image has two 100x100 green squares side by side. The one on the left gets masked with the luminance mask, which reduces it to an 80x80 rectangle. That mask is a white square, so its has full luminance at every pixel.

The square on the right gets masked with the alpha mask. That mask is a black square, but with alpha=1.0, so it should produce the same result as the first one.

Note that to make things easy, we use white for the luminance mask. White pixels have full luminance (1.0), which gets used as the mask. Conversely, we use black for the alpha mask. Those black pixels are fully opaque, and since mask-type="alpha" only considers the alpha channel, it will be using the full opacity of each pixel (1.0), which also gets used as the mask. So, the masks should be equivalent.

Okay! Now let’s write the reference SVG, the one built out of simpler elements but that should produce the same rendering:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="100">
  <rect x="10" y="10" width="80" height="80" fill="green"/>

  <rect x="110" y="10" width="80" height="80" fill="green"/>

This is just the two original squares, but already clipped or masked to the final result.

Now, where do we put those SVG documents for the tests?

Near the end of tests/src/ we can include this:

    br##"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="100">
  <mask id="luminance" mask-type="luminance" maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox">
    <rect x="0.1" y="0.1" width="0.8" height="0.8" fill="white"/>
  <mask id="alpha" mask-type="alpha" maskContentUnits="objectBoundingBox">
    <rect x="0.1" y="0.1" width="0.8" height="0.8" fill="black"/>

  <rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="green" mask="url(#luminance)"/>

  <rect x="100" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="green" mask="url(#alpha)"/>
    br##"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="100">
  <rect x="10" y="10" width="80" height="80" fill="green"/>

  <rect x="110" y="10" width="80" height="80" fill="green"/>

Here, test_compare_render_output! is a macro that takes two SVG documents, the test and the reference, and compares their rendered results. It also takes a test name (mask_type in this case), and the pixel size of the image to generate for testing (200x100).

Final steps: documentation

To help people who are wondering what SVG features are supported in librsvg, there is a file. It has a section called “CSS properties” with a big list of property names and notes about them.

We’ll patch it like this:

 | marker-mid                  |                                                        |
 | marker-start                |                                                        |
 | mask                        |                                                        |
+| mask-type                   |                                                        |
 | mix-blend-mode              | Not available as a presentation attribute.             |
 | opacity                     |                                                        |
 | overflow                    |                                                        |

There is nothing remarkable about mask-type, it is a plain old property that also has a presentation attribute (remember the PresentationAttr::Yes from above?), so we don’t need to list any extra information.

And with that, we are done implementing mask-type. Have fun!