use std::cmp::min;
use cssparser::Parser;
use markup5ever::{expanded_name, local_name, namespace_url, ns};
use crate::document::AcquiredNodes;
use crate::drawing_ctx::DrawingCtx;
use crate::element::{set_attribute, ElementData, ElementTrait};
use crate::error::*;
use crate::node::{CascadedValues, Node, NodeBorrow};
use crate::parse_identifiers;
use crate::parsers::{NumberList, Parse, ParseValue};
use crate::properties::ColorInterpolationFilters;
use crate::rect::IRect;
use crate::session::Session;
use crate::surface_utils::{
iterators::Pixels, shared_surface::ExclusiveImageSurface, ImageSurfaceDataExt, Pixel,
use crate::util::clamp;
use crate::xml::Attributes;
use super::bounds::BoundsBuilder;
use super::context::{FilterContext, FilterOutput};
use super::{
FilterEffect, FilterError, FilterResolveError, Input, Primitive, PrimitiveParams,
pub struct FeComponentTransfer {
base: Primitive,
params: ComponentTransfer,
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct ComponentTransfer {
pub in1: Input,
pub functions: Functions,
pub color_interpolation_filters: ColorInterpolationFilters,
impl ElementTrait for FeComponentTransfer {
fn set_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &Attributes, session: &Session) {
self.params.in1 = self.base.parse_one_input(attrs, session);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum FunctionType {
impl Parse for FunctionType {
fn parse<'i>(parser: &mut Parser<'i, '_>) -> Result<Self, ParseError<'i>> {
"identity" => FunctionType::Identity,
"table" => FunctionType::Table,
"discrete" => FunctionType::Discrete,
"linear" => FunctionType::Linear,
"gamma" => FunctionType::Gamma,
struct FunctionParameters {
table_values: Vec<f64>,
slope: f64,
intercept: f64,
amplitude: f64,
exponent: f64,
offset: f64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct Functions {
pub r: FeFuncR,
pub g: FeFuncG,
pub b: FeFuncB,
pub a: FeFuncA,
type Function = fn(&FunctionParameters, f64) -> f64;
fn identity(_: &FunctionParameters, value: f64) -> f64 {
fn table(params: &FunctionParameters, value: f64) -> f64 {
let n = params.table_values.len() - 1;
let k = (value * (n as f64)).floor() as usize;
let k = min(k, n); if k == n {
return params.table_values[k];
let vk = params.table_values[k];
let vk1 = params.table_values[k + 1];
let k = k as f64;
let n = n as f64;
vk + (value - k / n) * n * (vk1 - vk)
fn discrete(params: &FunctionParameters, value: f64) -> f64 {
let n = params.table_values.len();
let k = (value * (n as f64)).floor() as usize;
params.table_values[min(k, n - 1)]
fn linear(params: &FunctionParameters, value: f64) -> f64 {
params.slope * value + params.intercept
fn gamma(params: &FunctionParameters, value: f64) -> f64 {
params.amplitude * value.powf(params.exponent) + params.offset
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct FeFuncCommon {
pub function_type: FunctionType,
pub table_values: Vec<f64>,
pub slope: f64,
pub intercept: f64,
pub amplitude: f64,
pub exponent: f64,
pub offset: f64,
impl Default for FeFuncCommon {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
function_type: FunctionType::Identity,
table_values: Vec::new(),
slope: 1.0,
intercept: 0.0,
amplitude: 1.0,
exponent: 1.0,
offset: 0.0,
macro_rules! impl_func {
) => {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct $name(pub FeFuncCommon);
impl ElementTrait for $name {
fn set_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &Attributes, session: &Session) {
self.0.set_attributes(attrs, session);
impl FeFuncCommon {
fn set_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &Attributes, session: &Session) {
for (attr, value) in attrs.iter() {
match attr.expanded() {
expanded_name!("", "type") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.function_type, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "tableValues") => {
let mut number_list = NumberList::<0, 256>(Vec::new());
set_attribute(&mut number_list, attr.parse(value), session);
self.table_values = number_list.0;
expanded_name!("", "slope") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.slope, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "intercept") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.intercept, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "amplitude") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.amplitude, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "exponent") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.exponent, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "offset") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.offset, attr.parse(value), session)
_ => (),
match self.function_type {
FunctionType::Table | FunctionType::Discrete => {
if self.table_values.is_empty() {
self.function_type = FunctionType::Identity;
_ => (),
fn function_parameters(&self) -> FunctionParameters {
FunctionParameters {
table_values: self.table_values.clone(),
slope: self.slope,
intercept: self.intercept,
amplitude: self.amplitude,
exponent: self.exponent,
offset: self.offset,
fn function(&self) -> Function {
match self.function_type {
FunctionType::Identity => identity,
FunctionType::Table => table,
FunctionType::Discrete => discrete,
FunctionType::Linear => linear,
FunctionType::Gamma => gamma,
macro_rules! func_or_default {
($func_node:ident, $func_type:ident) => {
match $func_node {
Some(ref f) => match &*f.borrow_element_data() {
ElementData::$func_type(e) => (**e).clone(),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => $func_type::default(),
macro_rules! get_func_x_node {
($func_node:ident, $func_type:ident) => {
.filter(|c| c.is_element())
.find(|c| matches!(*c.borrow_element_data(), ElementData::$func_type(_)))
impl ComponentTransfer {
pub fn render(
bounds_builder: BoundsBuilder,
ctx: &FilterContext,
acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
draw_ctx: &mut DrawingCtx,
) -> Result<FilterOutput, FilterError> {
let input_1 = ctx.get_input(
let bounds: IRect = bounds_builder
let mut surface = ExclusiveImageSurface::new(
fn compute_func(func: &FeFuncCommon) -> impl Fn(u8, f64, f64) -> u8 {
let compute = func.function();
let params = func.function_parameters();
move |value, alpha, new_alpha| {
let value = f64::from(value) / 255f64;
let unpremultiplied = if alpha == 0f64 { 0f64 } else { value / alpha };
let new_value = compute(¶ms, unpremultiplied);
let new_value = clamp(new_value, 0f64, 1f64);
((new_value * new_alpha * 255f64) + 0.5) as u8
let compute_r = compute_func(&self.functions.r.0);
let compute_g = compute_func(&self.functions.g.0);
let compute_b = compute_func(&self.functions.b.0);
let compute_a = self.functions.a.0.function();
let params_a = self.functions.a.0.function_parameters();
let compute_a = |alpha| compute_a(¶ms_a, alpha);
surface.modify(&mut |data, stride| {
for (x, y, pixel) in Pixels::within(input_1.surface(), bounds) {
let alpha = f64::from(pixel.a) / 255f64;
let new_alpha = compute_a(alpha);
let output_pixel = Pixel {
r: compute_r(pixel.r, alpha, new_alpha),
g: compute_g(pixel.g, alpha, new_alpha),
b: compute_b(pixel.b, alpha, new_alpha),
a: ((new_alpha * 255f64) + 0.5) as u8,
data.set_pixel(stride, output_pixel, x, y);
Ok(FilterOutput {
surface: surface.share()?,
impl FilterEffect for FeComponentTransfer {
fn resolve(
_acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
node: &Node,
) -> Result<Vec<ResolvedPrimitive>, FilterResolveError> {
let cascaded = CascadedValues::new_from_node(node);
let values = cascaded.get();
let mut params = self.params.clone();
params.functions = get_functions(node)?;
params.color_interpolation_filters = values.color_interpolation_filters();
Ok(vec![ResolvedPrimitive {
primitive: self.base.clone(),
params: PrimitiveParams::ComponentTransfer(params),
fn get_functions(node: &Node) -> Result<Functions, FilterResolveError> {
let func_r_node = get_func_x_node!(node, FeFuncR);
let func_g_node = get_func_x_node!(node, FeFuncG);
let func_b_node = get_func_x_node!(node, FeFuncB);
let func_a_node = get_func_x_node!(node, FeFuncA);
let r = func_or_default!(func_r_node, FeFuncR);
let g = func_or_default!(func_g_node, FeFuncG);
let b = func_or_default!(func_b_node, FeFuncB);
let a = func_or_default!(func_a_node, FeFuncA);
Ok(Functions { r, g, b, a })
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::document::Document;
fn extracts_functions() {
let document = Document::load_from_bytes(
br#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="filter">
<feComponentTransfer id="component_transfer">
<!-- no feFuncR so it should get the defaults -->
<feFuncG type="table" tableValues="0.0 1.0 2.0"/>
<feFuncB type="table"/>
<!-- duplicate this to test that last-one-wins -->
<feFuncB type="discrete" tableValues="0.0, 1.0" slope="1.0" intercept="2.0" amplitude="3.0" exponent="4.0" offset="5.0"/>
<!-- no feFuncA so it should get the defaults -->
let component_transfer = document.lookup_internal_node("component_transfer").unwrap();
let functions = get_functions(&component_transfer).unwrap();
Functions {
r: FeFuncR::default(),
g: FeFuncG(FeFuncCommon {
function_type: FunctionType::Table,
table_values: vec![0.0, 1.0, 2.0],
b: FeFuncB(FeFuncCommon {
function_type: FunctionType::Discrete,
table_values: vec![0.0, 1.0],
slope: 1.0,
intercept: 2.0,
amplitude: 3.0,
exponent: 4.0,
offset: 5.0,
a: FeFuncA::default(),