Migrating to Nautilus API 4.0

Nautilus 43 no longer allows extensions to directly manipulate GTK widgets – all UI changes now need to happen through model objects. If your script implements any of the following provider interfaces, you will need to update it:


The Nautilus.LocationWidgetProvider was removed without replacement. If your script requires it, you can request a new model-based API for your specific use case on the Nautilus issue tracker.


The get_file_items, get_file_items_full, get_background_items a get_background_items_full methods of Nautilus.MenuProvider no longer take the window argument. Remove it from your implementations.

If you need to keep supporting older versions of Nautilus, you can use variadic arguments:

def get_file_items(self, *args):
    # `args` will be `[files: List[Nautilus.FileInfo]]` in Nautilus 4.0 API,
    # and `[window: Gtk.Widget, files: List[Nautilus.FileInfo]]` in Nautilus 3.0 API.
    files = args[-1]


The Nautilus.PropertyPageProvider was replaced by Nautilus.PropertiesModelProvider class. Unlike the previous unrestricted property pages that could contain any GTK widget, the new model-based interface currently only supports a pre-defined layout. Scripts can add pages, each of which can display a list of text properties.

Subclass the Nautilus.PropertiesModelProvider abstract class and have the get_models method return the list of Nautilus.PropertiesModel, one for each properties page.

If you need to keep supporting older versions of Nautilus, you can keep the old definition conditionally:

if hasattr(Nautilus, "PropertiesModelProvider"):
    # For Nautilus 4.0 API
    class MD5SumPropertiesModel(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.PropertiesModelProvider):
    class MD5SumPropertyPage(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.PropertyPageProvider):

Direct use of GTK and other libraries

If you use GTK directly, e.g. to create dialogue windows, you will need to upgrade the code to GTK 4 as well, since Nautilus switched to GTK 4 and it is not possible to use multiple versions of GTK in the same process. Do not forget to replace gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") with gi.require_version("Gtk", "4.0"), then.

The other option is moving the window and dialogues into a separate program and having the extension just launch it. But unless the code base is very large, migrating to GTK 4 will probably be easier.

More information

See the relevant Nautilus change for more context and the corresponding nautilus-python update for more migration examples.