Where Am I Commands
Orca's Where Am I feature gives you context-sensitive details about your present location. For instance, in tables, Where Am I will give you details about the table cell you are in, but in text it will present the current line along with any text which happens to be selected. The full list of what you can expect Orca to present can be found in the Introduction to Where Am I.
Orca provides the following Where Am I commands:
Perform basic Where Am I:
Desktop: KP Enter
Laptop: Orca Modifier+Return
Perform detailed Where Am I:
Desktop: KP Enter (double-clicked)
Laptop: Orca Modifier+Return (double-clicked)
In addition to the dedicated Where Am I commands, Orca has additional commands related to obtaining information about your present location:
Present the title bar:
Desktop: Orca Modifier+KP Enter
Laptop: Orca Modifier+Slash
Present the status bar:
Desktop: Orca Modifier+KP Enter (double-clicked)
Laptop: Orca Modifier+Slash (double-clicked)
Present size and location of current object in pixels: (Unbound)