Web Navigation Preferences
Table Options
To learn more about Orca's options for navigating within tables, please see Table Navigation Preferences.
Find Options
The Find Options group of controls make it possible for you to customize how Orca presents the results of a search conducted using the application's built-in search functionality.
Speak results during find
If this checkbox is checked, Orca will read the line which matches your current search query.
Default value: checked
Only speak changed lines during find
If this checkbox is checked, Orca will not present the matching line if it is the same line as the previous match. This option is designed to prevent "chattiness" on a line with multiple instances of the string for which you are searching.
Default value: not checked
Minimum length of matched text
This editable spin button is where you can specify the number of characters which must match before Orca announces the matching line. This option is also designed to prevent "chattiness" as there are many matches when you first begin typing the string for which you are searching.
Default value: 4