
RygelMediaDevice — This is a base class for implementations of UPnP devices, such as RygelMediaServer and RygelMediaRenderer.

Types and Values


Use rygel_media_device_add_interface() to allow this device to respond to UPnP messages on a network interface.


Types and Values


#define RYGEL_TYPE_MEDIA_DEVICE (rygel_media_device_get_type ())

The type for RygelMediaDevice.

struct RygelMediaDevice

struct RygelMediaDevice {
	GObject parent_instance;
	RygelMediaDevicePrivate * priv;

This is a base class for implementations of UPnP devices, such as RygelMediaServer and RygelMediaRenderer.

Use rygel_media_device_add_interface() to allow this device to respond to UPnP messages on a network interface.

struct RygelMediaDeviceClass

struct RygelMediaDeviceClass {
	GObjectClass parent_class;

The class structure for RYGEL_TYPE_MEDIA_DEVICE. All the fields in this structure are private and should never be accessed directly.
