
RygelPlaybinRenderer — An in-process UPnP renderer that uses a GStreamer Playbin element.


Using GstPlayBin as a model, it reflects any changes done externally, such as changing the currently played URI, volume, pause/play etc., to UPnP.

Likewise, the playbin can be modified externally using UPnP.

You can retrieve the GstPlayBin by calling rygel_playbin_renderer_get_playbin(). You should then set the "video-sink" and "audio-sink" properties of the playbin.

Call rygel_media_device_add_interface() on the Renderer to allow it to be controlled by a control point and to retrieve data streams via that network interface.

See the <link linkend="implementing-renderers-gst">Implementing GStreamer-based Renderers</link> section.
