
Providing backtraces in case of crashes

For providing a good backtrace in case Rygel crashes, please refer to this blog post by Michael Cantazero

Providing log files

When reporting a non-fatal issue such as Rygel not being seen by other devices, you will be ased to provide a detailed log.

This can be achieved by starting Rygel manually from a terminal with the following command line:

G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all rygel -g 5 2>&1 | tee rygel.log

Instead of passing -g 5 you can also edit the log level in the rygel.conf file, as described in the man page

Providing a packet dump

In case the problem exists before the device actually talks to Rygel, you might be asked to do a packet capture.

This can either be done with Wireshark or tcpdump.

For tcpdump, the commandline should look something like the snippet below, assuming Rygel is running on IP and the device in question has IP and the network device you are capturing on is eth0.

tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w rygel.pcap "(ip src and ip dst \
    or (ip dst and ip src \
    or (ip dst or (ip src"

This will capture all traffic between the two hosts in question as well as the SSDP annoncement traffic. There is also a small wizard script that can help you generate the commandline above, gen-capture