
FolksUtils — Utility functions to simplify common patterns in Folks client code.

Types and Values


These may be used by folks clients as well, and are part of folks' supported stable API.


Types and Values


#define FOLKS_TYPE_UTILS (folks_utils_get_type ())

The type for FolksUtils.

struct FolksUtils

struct FolksUtils {
	GObject parent_instance;
	FolksUtilsPrivate * priv;

Utility functions to simplify common patterns in Folks client code.

These may be used by folks clients as well, and are part of folks' supported stable API.

Since: 0.6.0

struct FolksUtilsClass

struct FolksUtilsClass {
	GObjectClass parent_class;

The class structure for FOLKS_TYPE_UTILS. All the fields in this structure are private and should never be accessed directly.
