

Declaration [src]

gcr_system_prompt_open_for_prompter (
  const gchar* prompter_name,
  gint timeout_seconds,
  GCancellable* cancellable,
  GError** error

Description [src]

Opens a system prompt. If prompter_name is NULL, then the default system prompter is used.

Most system prompters only allow showing one prompt at a time, and if another prompt is shown then this method will block for up to timeout_seconds seconds. If timeout_seconds is equal to -1, then this will block indefinitely until the prompt can be opened. If timeout_seconds expires, then this function will fail with a GCR_SYSTEM_PROMPT_IN_PROGRESS error.


prompter_name const gchar*

The prompter dbus name.

 The argument can be NULL.
 The data is owned by the caller of the function.
 The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.
timeout_seconds gint

The number of seconds to wait to access the prompt, or -1

cancellable GCancellable

Optional cancellation object.

 The argument can be NULL.
 The data is owned by the caller of the function.
error GError **
  The return location for a GError*, or NULL.

Return value

Returns: GcrSystemPrompt

The prompt, or NULL if prompt could not be opened.

 The caller of the function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.