


class Shell.NetworkAgent : NM.SecretAgentOld
  implements Gio.AsyncInitable, Gio.Initable {
  /* No available fields */

No description available.

Instance methods

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

Methods inherited from NMSecretAgentOld (16)

Asynchronously asks the agent to delete all saved secrets belonging to connection.


Since 1.24, the instance will already register a D-Bus object on the D-Bus connection during initialization. That object will stay registered until self gets unrefed (destroyed) or this function is called. This function performs the necessary cleanup to tear down the instance. Afterwards, the function can not longer be used. This is optional, but necessary to ensure unregistering the D-Bus object at a define point, when other users might still have a reference on self.


This has the same effect as setting NM_SECRET_AGENT_OLD_AUTO_REGISTER property.


Returns a GObject that stays alive as long as there are pending requests in the GDBusConnection. Such requests keep the GMainContext alive, and thus you may want to keep iterating the context as long until a weak reference indicates that this object is gone. This is useful because even when you destroy the instance right away (and all the internally pending requests get cancelled), any pending g_dbus_connection_call() requests will still invoke the result on the GMainContext. Hence, this allows you to know how long you must iterate the context to know that all remains are cleaned up.

No description available.
No description available.
No description available.

Note that the secret agent transparently registers and re-registers as the D-Bus name owner appears. Hence, this property is not really useful. Also, to be graceful against races during registration, the instance will already accept requests while being in the process of registering. If you need to avoid races and want to wait until self is registered, call nm_secret_agent_old_register_async(). If that function completes with success, you know the instance is registered.


Asynchronously retrieves secrets belonging to connection for the setting setting_name. flags indicate specific behavior that the secret agent should use when performing the request, for example returning only existing secrets without user interaction, or requesting entirely new secrets from the user.


Registers the NMSecretAgentOld with the NetworkManager secret manager, indicating to NetworkManager that the agent is able to provide and save secrets for connections on behalf of its user.


Asynchronously registers the NMSecretAgentOld with the NetworkManager secret manager, indicating to NetworkManager that the agent is able to provide and save secrets for connections on behalf of its user.


Gets the result of a call to nm_secret_agent_old_register_async().


Asynchronously ensures that all secrets inside connection are stored to disk.


Unregisters the NMSecretAgentOld with the NetworkManager secret manager, indicating to NetworkManager that the agent will no longer provide or store secrets on behalf of this user.


Asynchronously unregisters the NMSecretAgentOld with the NetworkManager secret manager, indicating to NetworkManager that the agent will no longer provide or store secrets on behalf of this user.


Gets the result of a call to nm_secret_agent_old_unregister_async().

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.

Methods inherited from GAsyncInitable (3)

Starts asynchronous initialization of the object implementing the interface. This must be done before any real use of the object after initial construction. If the object also implements GInitable you can optionally call g_initable_init() instead.


Finishes asynchronous initialization and returns the result. See g_async_initable_init_async().


Finishes the async construction for the various g_async_initable_new calls, returning the created object or NULL on error.

Methods inherited from GInitable (1)

Initializes the object implementing the interface.


Properties inherited from NMSecretAgentOld (5)

If TRUE (the default), the agent will always be registered when NetworkManager is running; if NetworkManager exits and restarts, the agent will re-register itself automatically.


A bitfield of %NMSecretAgentCapabilities.


The GDBusConnection used by the instance. You may either set this as construct-only property, or otherwise NMSecretAgentOld will choose a connection via g_bus_get() during initialization.


Identifies this agent; only one agent in each user session may use the same identifier. Identifier formatting follows the same rules as D-Bus bus names with the exception that the ‘:’ character is not allowed. The valid set of characters is “[A-Z][a-z][0-9]_-.” and the identifier is limited in length to 255 characters with a minimum of 3 characters. An example valid identifier is ‘org.gnome.nm-applet’ (without quotes).


TRUE if the agent is registered with NetworkManager, FALSE if not.


No description available.

No description available.

Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

Class structure

struct ShellNetworkAgentClass {
  /* no available fields */

No description available.