gtkmm 4.16.0
ListView Classes

These classes are used with the Gtk::ListView, Gtk::ColumnView and Gtk::GridView widgets. More...


class  Gtk::BoolFilter
 Filtering by boolean expressions. More...
class  Gtk::ColumnView
 A widget for displaying lists in multiple columns. More...
class  Gtk::ColumnViewCell
 Gtk::ColumnViewCell is used by Gtk::ColumnViewColumn to represent items in a cell in Gtk::ColumnView. More...
class  Gtk::ColumnViewColumn
 The column added to Gtk::ColumnView. More...
class  Gtk::ColumnViewSorter
 A sorter implementation that is geared towards the needs of Gtk::ColumnView. More...
class  Gtk::DirectoryList
 A list model for directory listings. More...
class  Gtk::FileFilter
 A filter for selecting a file subset. More...
class  Gtk::Filter
 Filtering items. More...
class  Gtk::FilterListModel
 A list model that filters its items. More...
class  Gtk::FlattenListModel
 A list model that flattens a list of lists. More...
class  Gtk::GridView
 A widget for displaying grids. More...
class  Gtk::Inscription
 Gtk::Inscription is a widget to show text in a predefined area. More...
class  Gtk::ListItem
 Object used to represent items of a list model. More...
class  Gtk::ListItemFactory
 Mapping list items to widgets. More...
class  Gtk::ListView
 A widget for displaying lists. More...
class  Gtk::MultiFilter
 Combining multiple filters. More...
class  Gtk::AnyFilter
 Matches when at least one filter matches. More...
class  Gtk::EveryFilter
 Matches when each of its filter matches. More...
class  Gtk::MultiSelection
 A selection model that allows selecting multiple items. More...
class  Gtk::MultiSorter
 Combining multiple sorters. More...
class  Gtk::NoSelection
 A selection model that does not allow selecting anything. More...
class  Gtk::NumericSorterBase
 Base class for Gtk::NumericSorter. More...
class  Gtk::NumericSorter< T >
 Sort by comparing numbers. More...
class  Gtk::SectionModel
 Interface that adds support for section to list models. More...
class  Gtk::SelectionFilterModel
 A list model that turns a selection in a model. More...
class  Gtk::SelectionModel
 An extension of the list model interface that handles selections. More...
class  Gtk::SignalListItemFactory
 A listitem factory providing signals. More...
class  Gtk::SingleSelection
 A selection model that allows selecting a single item. More...
class  Gtk::SliceListModel
 A list model that presents a slice out of a larger list. More...
class  Gtk::Sorter
 Sorting items. More...
class  Gtk::SortListModel
 A list model that sorts its items. More...
class  Gtk::StringFilter
 Filtering by strings. More...
class  Gtk::StringList
 A list model for strings. More...
class  Gtk::StringSorter
 Sort by comparing strings. More...
class  Gtk::TreeExpander
 An indenting expander button for use in a tree list. More...
class  Gtk::TreeListModel
 A list model that can create child models on demand. More...
class  Gtk::TreeListRow
 A row in a Gtk::TreeListModel. More...

Detailed Description

These classes are used with the Gtk::ListView, Gtk::ColumnView and Gtk::GridView widgets.

See also