

Declaration [src]

gupnp_service_proxy_action_get_result (
  GUPnPServiceProxyAction* action,
  GError** error,

Description [src]

Retrieves the result of action. The out parameters in Varargs will be filled in, and if an error occurred, error will be set. In case of an UPnP error the error code will be the same in error.

This method is not directly available to language bindings.


error GError

The location where to store any error, or NULL.

 The argument will be modified by the function.
 The argument can be set to NULL.
 The argument can be NULL.
 The instance takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.

Tuples of out parameter name, out parameter type, and out parameter value location, terminated with NULL. The out parameter values should be freed after use.

Return value

Returns: gboolean

TRUE on success.