since: 1.6
Description [src]
final class Adw.SpinnerPaintable : GObject.Object
implements Gdk.Paintable, Gtk.SymbolicPaintable {
/* No available fields */
A paintable showing a loading spinner.
size varies depending on the available space, but is
capped at 64×64 pixels.
To be able to animate, AdwSpinnerPaintable
needs a widget. It will be
animated according to that widget’s frame clock, and only if that widget is
mapped. Ideally it should be the same widget the paintable is displayed in,
but that’s not a requirement.
Most applications should be using AdwSpinner
is provided for the cases where using a widget is
impractical or impossible, such as AdwStatusPage:paintable
<object class="AdwStatusPage" id="status_page">
<property name="paintable">
<object class="AdwSpinnerPaintable">
<property name="widget">status_page</property>
<!-- ... -->
Available since: 1.6
Instance methods
Methods inherited from GdkPaintable (9)
Methods inherited from GtkSymbolicPaintable (1)