

since: 3.1

Description [src]

final class Tracker.EndpointHttp : Tracker.Endpoint
  implements Gio.Initable {
  /* No available fields */

TrackerEndpointHttp makes the RDF data in a TrackerSparqlConnection accessible to other hosts via HTTP.

This object is a TrackerEndpoint subclass that exports a TrackerSparqlConnection so its RDF data is accessible via HTTP requests on the given port. This endpoint implementation is compliant with the SPARQL protocol specifications and may interoperate with other implementations.

// This host has "example.local" hostname
endpoint = tracker_endpoint_http_new (sparql_connection,

// From another host
connection = tracker_sparql_connection_remote_new ("http://example.local:8080/sparql");

Access to HTTP endpoints may be managed via the TrackerEndpointHttp::block-remote-address signal, the boolean return value expressing whether the connection is blocked or not. Inspection of the requester address is left up to the user. The default value allows all requests independently of their provenance, users are encouraged to add a handler.

If the provided GTlsCertificate is NULL, the endpoint will allow plain HTTP connections. Users are encouraged to provide a certificate in order to use HTTPS.

As a security measure, and in compliance specifications, the HTTP endpoint does not handle database updates or modifications in any way. The database content is considered to be entirely managed by the process that creates the HTTP endpoint and owns the TrackerSparqlConnection.

A TrackerEndpointHttp may be created on a different thread/main context from the one that created TrackerSparqlConnection.

Available since: 3.1




Sets up a Tracker endpoint to listen via HTTP, in the given port. If certificate is not NULL, HTTPS may be used to connect to the endpoint.

since: 3.1

Instance methods

Methods inherited from TrackerEndpoint (7)

Returns the list of RDF graphs that the endpoint allows access for.

since: 3.7


Returns the list of external SPARQL endpoints that are allowed to be accessed through this endpoint.

since: 3.7


Returns whether the endpoint is readonly, thus SPARQL update queries are disallowed.

since: 3.7


Returns the TrackerSparqlConnection that this endpoint proxies to a wider audience.


Sets the list of RDF graphs that this endpoint will allow access for. Any explicit (e.g. GRAPH keyword) or implicit (e.g. through the default anonymous graph) access to RDF graphs unespecified in this list in SPARQL queries will be seen as if those graphs did not exist, or (equivalently) had an empty set. Changes to these graphs through SPARQL updates will also be disallowed.

since: 3.7


Sets the list of external SPARQL endpoints that this endpoint will allow access for. Access through the SERVICE SPARQL syntax will fail for services not specified in this list.

since: 3.7


Sets whether the endpoint will be readonly. Readonly endpoints will not allow SPARQL update queries. The underlying TrackerSparqlConnection may be readonly of its own, this method does not change its behavior in any way.

since: 3.7

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.

Methods inherited from GInitable (1)

Initializes the object implementing the interface.



GTlsCertificate to encrypt the communication.


HTTP port used to listen requests.

Properties inherited from TrackerEndpoint (4)

RDF graphs that are allowed to be accessed through queries to this endpoint. See tracker_endpoint_set_allowed_graphs().

since: 3.7


External SPARQL endpoints that are allowed to be accessed through queries to this endpint. See tracker_endpoint_set_allowed_services().

since: 3.7


Whether the endpoint allows SPARQL updates or not. See tracker_endpoint_set_readonly().

since: 3.7


The TrackerSparqlConnection being proxied by this endpoint.



Allows control over the connections stablished. The given address is that of the requesting peer.

Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.