

Declaration [src]

gtk_source_buffer_set_style_scheme (
  GtkSourceBuffer* buffer,
  GtkSourceStyleScheme* scheme

Description [src]

Sets a GtkSourceStyleScheme to be used by the buffer and the view.

Note that a GtkSourceStyleScheme affects not only the syntax highlighting, but also other GtkSourceView features such as highlighting the current line, matching brackets, the line numbers, etc.

Instead of setting a NULL scheme, it is better to disable syntax highlighting with gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight_syntax(), and setting the GtkSourceStyleScheme with the “classic” or “tango” ID, because those two style schemes follow more closely the GTK theme (for example for the background color).

The buffer holds a reference to scheme.



Type: GtkSourceStyleScheme

A GtkSourceStyleScheme or NULL.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.