Style Classes

Style Classes

The Adwaita stylesheet provides a number of style classes. They can be applied to widgets to change their appearance.


The following style classes can be applied to GtkButton to change its appearance.

Suggested Action



The .suggested-action style class makes the button use accent colors. It can be used to denote important buttons, for example, the affirmative button in an action dialog.

It can be used in combination with .circular or .pill.

Can also be used with GtkMenuButton, AdwSplitButton or AdwButtonRow.

Destructive Action



The .destructive-action style class makes the button use destructive colors. It can be used to draw attention to the potentially damaging consequences of using a button. This style acts as a warning to the user.

It can be used in combination with .flat, .circular, or .pill.

Can also be used with GtkMenuButton, AdwSplitButton or AdwButtonRow.



The .flat style class makes the button use flat appearance, looking like a label or an icon until hovered.

Button inside toolbars and similar widgets appear flat by default.

It can be used in combination with .circular or .pill.

Can also be used with GtkMenuButton or AdwSplitButton.

Can be set via GtkButton:has-frame and GtkMenuButton:has-frame.



The .raised style class makes the button use the regular appearance instead of the flat one.

This style class is only useful inside toolbars and similar widgets.

It can be used in combination with .circular or .pill.

Can also be used with GtkMenuButton or AdwSplitButton.



The .circular style class makes the button round. It can be used with buttons containing icons or short labels (1-2 characters).

It can be used in combination with .suggested-action, .destructive-action, .flat, .raised, .opaque or .osd.

Can also be used with GtkMenuButton.



The .pill style class makes the button appear as a pill. It’s often used for important standalone buttons, for example, inside a AdwStatusPage.

It can be used in combination with .suggested-action, .destructive-action, .flat, .raised, .opaque or .osd.

Toggle Groups

The following style classes can be applied to AdwToggleGroup or AdwInlineViewSwitcher to change its appearance.



The .flat style class makes the group look like a series of flat buttons.

It can be used in combination with .round.



The .round style class makes the group, as well as toggles inside it rounded.

It can be used in combination with .flat.

Linked Controls


The .linked style class can be applied to a GtkBox to make its children appear as a single group. The box must have no spacing.

Linked boxes can be both horizontal and vertical.

The following widgets can be linked:

Linked styles will not work correctly for buttons with the following style classes:

If a linked box is contained within a toolbar or a similar widget, buttons inside it won’t get the flat appearance.



The .toolbar style class can be applied to a horizontal GtkBox. The same appearance is also used by AdwHeaderBar, GtkHeaderBar, GtkActionBar and GtkSearchBar automatically.

It changes the appearance of buttons inside it to make them flat when possible, according to the following rules:

The following buttons get flat appearance:


  • Icon-only buttons;
  • Buttons with an icon and a label (using AdwButtonContent);
  • Menu buttons containing an arrow;
  • AdwSplitButton;
  • Any other button with the .flat style class.

The following buttons keep default appearance:


It also ensures 6px margins and spacing between widgets. The .spacer style class can be useful to separate groups of widgets.


The GtkButton:has-frame property will not be set to FALSE when a button gets the flat appearance automatically. It also cannot be set to TRUE to make a button raised, the style class should be used directly instead.



The .spacer style class can be applied to a GtkSeparator to make it appear invisible and act as whitespace. This can be useful with toolbars and similar widgets to separate groups of widgets from each other.



The .dimmed style class make the widget it’s applied to partially transparent.

The opacity changes between regular and high contrast styles and is represented by the --dim-opacity variable. Use that variable if the style class cannot be used directly.

Since: 1.7

Typography Styles

These style classes can be applied to any widgets, but are mostly used for GtkLabel or other widgets that contain them.


The .title-1, .title-2, .title-3, .title-4 classes provide four levels of title styles, indicating hierarchy. The specific use heavily depends on context. Generally, the larger styles are intended to be used in bigger views with plenty of whitespace around them.


The .heading style class is the standard style for UI headings using the default text size, such as window titles or boxed list labels.


The .body style class is the default text style.


The .caption-heading and .caption style classes make text smaller. They are intended to be used to differentiate sub-text which accompanies text in the regular body style.


The .monospace style class makes the widget use the monospace font. This can be useful when displaying code, logs or shell commands.

For AdwEntryRow, it only makes the editable part monospace, but not title or any extra widgets. To make everything in the row monospace, apply .monospace to the GtkListBox around the row.


The .numeric style class makes the widget use tabular figures. This is equivalent to using PangoAttrFontFeatures with "tnum=1" features. This style is useful in situations where multiple labels are vertically aligned, or when displaying time, an operation progress or another number that can quickly change.



The following style classes change widget colors:

Class Color
.accent accent color
.success success color
.warning warning color
.error error color

They can be applied to any widget.

The .error, .warning, .success style classes also change the widget’s accent color to the respective color. They can also be applied to GtkEntry. In that case, they can be used to indicate input validation state.

Boxed Lists & Cards


The .boxed-list style class can be applied to a GtkListBox to make it a boxed list. The list box should have GtkListBox:selection-mode set to GTK_SELECTION_NONE.


The .boxed-list-separate style class is similar to .boxed-list, but presents each row as a separate card instead of the whole list being a single card with separators. The list box should have GtkListBox:selection-mode set to GTK_SELECTION_NONE.


The .card style class can be applied to any other widget to give it a similar appearance.

If a widget with the .card style class also has the .activatable style class, it will also have hover and active states similar to an activatable row inside a boxed list.

If the .card style class is applied to a GtkButton, it will get these states automatically, without needing the .activatable class.



The .navigation-sidebar style class can be applied to a GtkListBox or GtkListView, as well as GtkFlowBox and GtkGridView, to make it look like a sidebar: it makes the items rounded and padded, makes selected items use neutral color instead of accent, and removes the default list background.

App Icons


GNOME application icons require a shadow to be legible on a light background. The .icon-dropshadow and .lowres-icon style classes provide it when used with GtkImage or any other widget that contains an image.

.lowres-icon should be used for 32×32 or smaller icons, and .icon-dropshadow should be used otherwise.

Selection Mode Check Buttons


The .selection-mode style class can be added to a GtkCheckButton to give it a larger and round appearance. These check buttons are intended to be used for selecting items from a list or a grid.



The .osd style class has a number of loosely related purposes depending on what widget it’s applied to.

Usually, it makes the widget background dark and partially transparent, and makes its accent color white.

However, it has different effects in a few specific cases.

Overlay Buttons


When used with GtkButton, .osd can be used to create large standalone buttons that overlap content, for example, the previous/next page arrows in an image viewer. They appear dark and slightly larger than regular buttons.

It can be used in combination with .circular or .pill.

Floating Toolbars


When used along with the .toolbar style class, .osd gives the box additional padding and round corners. This can be used to create floating toolbars, such as video player controls.

Progress Bars


When used with GtkProgressBar, .osd makes the progress bar thinner and removes its visible trough.

OSD progress bars are intended to be used as GtkOverlay children, attached to the top of the window.



The .background style class can be used with any widget to give it the default window background and foreground colors.

This can be useful when a widget needs an opaque background.

It’s equivalent to using the following CSS:

.background {
  background-color: var(--window-bg-color);
  color: var(--window-fg-color);



The .view style class can be used with any widget to give it the default view background and foreground colors.

It’s equivalent to using the following CSS:

.view {
  background-color: var(--view-bg-color);
  color: var(--view-fg-color);



The .frame style class can be used with any widget to give it the default border.

It’s equivalent to using the following CSS:

.frame {
  border: 1px solid var(--border-color);

Compact Status Page


The .compact style class can be used with a AdwStatusPage to make it take less space. This is usually used with sidebars or popovers.

Menu Popovers


The .menu style class can be used with a GtkPopover to give it a menu-like appearance if it has a GtkListBox or a GtkListView inside it.

Development Window


The .devel style class can be used with GtkWindow. This will give any AdwHeaderBar or GtkHeaderBar inside that window a striped appearance.

This style class is typically used to indicate unstable or nightly applications.




The .inline style class can be used with GtkSearchBar, AdwTabBar or GtkTextView.

By default GtkSearchBar and AdwTabBar look like a part of an AdwHeaderBar and are intended to be used directly attached to one or used as AdwToolbarView toolbars. With the .inline style class they have neutral backgrounds and can be used in different contexts instead.

When used with GtkTextView, it allows it to e.g. be put into a card while following its styles.


The .inline style class cannot be used with GtkSourceView.

Undershoot Indicators


The .undershoot-top, .undershoot-bottom, .undershoot-start and .undershoot-end style classes can be used with GtkScrolledWindow to add an undershoot indicator on the given edge, presented as a shadow.

.undershoot-start and .undershoot-end automatically follow text direction, same as GtkWidget:margin-start and GtkWidget:margin-end.

Most applications should use AdwToolbarView instead, as it manages undershoots automatically based on presence and visibility of top and bottom bars.

Since: 1.4

Property Rows


The .property style class can be used with AdwActionRow and AdwExpanderRow. It deemphasizes the row title and emphasizes subtitle instead, which is useful for displaying read-only properties, as follows:

<object class="AdwActionRow">
  <property name="title" translatable="yes">Property Name</property>
  <property name="subtitle">Value</property>
  <property name="subtitle-selectable">True</property>
    <class name="property"/>

Since: 1.4

The .monospace style class with .property only makes the subtitle monospace, but not the title or any extra widgets. To make everything in the row monospace, apply .monospace to the GtkListBox around the row.

Since: 1.6

Deprecated Style Classes

The following style classes are deprecated and remain there for compatibility. They shouldn’t be used in new code.



The .content style class can be applied to a GtkListBox to give it a boxed list appearance. The .boxed-list style class is completely equivalent to it and should be used instead.


The .sidebar style class adds a border at the end of the widget (border-right for left-to-right text direction, border-left for right-to-left) and removes background from any GtkListBox or GtkListView inside it.

It can be replaced by using the .navigation-sidebar style class on the list widget, combined with a GtkSeparator to achieve the border.



The .app-notification style class is used with widgets like GtkBox. It adds .osd appearance to the widget and makes its bottom corners round. When used together with a GtkOverlay and a GtkRevealer, it allows creating in-app notifications.

AdwToastOverlay can be used to replace it.



The .large-title style class makes text large and thin. It’s the largest style, infrequently used for display headings in greeters or assistants. It should only be used in conjunction with large amounts of whitespace.

The .title-1 style class should be used instead.

Deprecated since: 1.2

Flat Header Bar


The .flat style class can be used with an AdwHeaderBar or GtkHeaderBar to give it a flat appearance.

Use AdwToolbarView instead.

Deprecated since: 1.4



The .opaque style class gives the button an opaque background. It’s intended to be used together with custom styles that override background-color and color, to create buttons with an appearance similar to .suggested-action, but with custom colors.

For example, .suggested-action is equivalent to using the .opaque style using the .opaque style class with the following CSS:

#custom-suggested-action-button {
  background-color: var(--accent-bg-color);
  color: var(--accent-fg-color);

It can be used in combination with .circular or .pill.

Can also be used with GtkMenuButton or AdwSplitButton.

Use .suggested-action instead, and override the accent color, for example:

#custom-destructive-action-button {
  --accent-bg-color: var(--destructive-bg-color);
  --accent-fg-color: var(--destructive-fg-color);
  --accent-color: var(--destructive-color);

Deprecated since: 1.6



The .dim-label style class makes the widget it’s applied to partially transparent.

The opacity changes between regular and high contrast styles and is represented by the --dim-opacity variable. Use that variable if the style class cannot be used directly.

The .dimmed style class is completely equivalent to it and should be used instead.

Deprecated since: 1.7