Nautilus – 4.0
Nautilus Extension API
GLib—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation | |
GObject—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation | |
Gio—2.0 | GObject Interfaces and Objects, Networking, IPC, and I/O |
Browse documentation |
Column |
List view column descriptor object. |
Menu | |
MenuItem | |
PropertiesItem | |
PropertiesModel |
OperationHandle |
Handle for asynchronous interfaces. These are opaque handles that must be unique within an extension object. These are returned by operations that return #NAUTILUS_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS. |
OperationResult |
Return values for asynchronous operations performed by the extension. See nautilus_info_provider_update_file_info(). |
module_initialize |
Called when the extension is begin loaded to register the types it exports and to perform other initializations. |
module_list_types |
Called after the extension has been initialized and has registered all the types it exports, to load them into Nautilus. |
module_shutdown |
Called when the extension is being unloaded. |