| UnixInputStream (UnixInputStream &&src) noexcept |
UnixInputStream & | operator= (UnixInputStream &&src) noexcept |
| ~UnixInputStream () noexcept override |
GUnixInputStream * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GUnixInputStream * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
GUnixInputStream * | gobj_copy () |
| Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
void | set_close_fd (bool close_fd=true) |
| Sets whether the file descriptor of stream shall be closed when the stream is closed.
bool | get_close_fd () const |
| Returns whether the file descriptor of stream will be closed when the stream is closed.
int | get_fd () const |
| Return the UNIX file descriptor that the stream reads from.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > | property_fd () const |
| The file descriptor that the stream reads from.
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > | property_close_fd () |
| Whether to close the file descriptor when the stream is closed.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > | property_close_fd () const |
| Whether to close the file descriptor when the stream is closed.
| InputStream (InputStream &&src) noexcept |
InputStream & | operator= (InputStream &&src) noexcept |
| ~InputStream () noexcept override |
GInputStream * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GInputStream * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
GInputStream * | gobj_copy () |
| Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
gssize | read (void *buffer, gsize count, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable) |
| Tries to read count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
gssize | read (void *buffer, gsize count) |
| A read() convenience overload.
bool | read_all (void *buffer, gsize count, gsize &bytes_read, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable) |
| Tries to read count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
bool | read_all (void *buffer, gsize count, gsize &bytes_read) |
| A read_all() convenience overload.
Glib::RefPtr< Glib::Bytes > | read_bytes (gsize count, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable) |
| Like g_input_stream_read(), this tries to read count bytes from the stream in a blocking fashion.
void | read_bytes_async (gsize count, const SlotAsyncReady & slot, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into a new Glib::Bytes.
void | read_bytes_async (gsize count, const SlotAsyncReady & slot, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into a new Glib::Bytes.
Glib::RefPtr< Glib::Bytes > | read_bytes_finish (const Glib::RefPtr< AsyncResult > &result) |
| Finishes an asynchronous stream read-into-Bytes operation.
gssize | skip (gsize count, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable) |
| Tries to skip count bytes from the stream.
gssize | skip (gsize count) |
| A skip() convenience overload.
bool | close (const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable) |
| Closes the stream, releasing resources related to it.
bool | close () |
| A close() convenience overload.
void | read_async (void *buffer, gsize count, const SlotAsyncReady & slot, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
void | read_async (void *buffer, gsize count, const SlotAsyncReady & slot, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
gssize | read_finish (const Glib::RefPtr< AsyncResult > &result) |
| Finishes an asynchronous stream read operation.
void | read_all_async (void *buffer, gsize count, const SlotAsyncReady & slot, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
void | read_all_async (void *buffer, gsize count, const SlotAsyncReady & slot, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
bool | read_all_finish (const Glib::RefPtr< AsyncResult > &result, gsize &bytes_read) |
| Finishes an asynchronous stream read operation started with G::InputStream::read_all_async().
void | skip_async (gsize count, const SlotAsyncReady & slot, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Request an asynchronous skip of count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
void | skip_async (gsize count, const SlotAsyncReady & slot, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Request an asynchronous skip of count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
gssize | skip_finish (const Glib::RefPtr< AsyncResult > &result) |
| Finishes a stream skip operation.
void | close_async (const SlotAsyncReady & slot, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Requests an asynchronous closes of the stream, releasing resources related to it.
void | close_async (const SlotAsyncReady & slot, int io_priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT) |
| Requests an asynchronous closes of the stream, releasing resources related to it.
gboolean | close_finish (const Glib::RefPtr< AsyncResult > &result) |
| Finishes closing a stream asynchronously, started from g_input_stream_close_async().
bool | is_closed () const |
| Checks if an input stream is closed.
bool | has_pending () const |
| Checks if an input stream has pending actions.
| Object (const Object &)=delete |
Object & | operator= (const Object &)=delete |
| Object (Object &&src) noexcept |
Object & | operator= (Object &&src) noexcept |
void * | get_data (const QueryQuark & key) |
void | set_data (const Quark & key, void *data) |
void | set_data_with_c_callback (const Quark & key, void *data, GDestroyNotify notify) |
void | set_data (const Quark & key, void *data, DestroyNotify notify) |
| Prefer set_data_with_c_callback() with a callback with C linkage.
void | remove_data (const QueryQuark &quark) |
void * | steal_data (const QueryQuark &quark) |
| ObjectBase (const ObjectBase &)=delete |
ObjectBase & | operator= (const ObjectBase &)=delete |
void | set_property_value (const Glib::ustring & property_name, const Glib::ValueBase & value) |
| You probably want to use a specific property_*() accessor method instead.
void | get_property_value (const Glib::ustring & property_name, Glib::ValueBase & value) const |
| You probably want to use a specific property_*() accessor method instead.
template<class PropertyType > |
void | set_property (const Glib::ustring & property_name, const PropertyType & value) |
| You probably want to use a specific property_*() accessor method instead.
template<class PropertyType > |
void | get_property (const Glib::ustring & property_name, PropertyType & value) const |
| You probably want to use a specific property_*() accessor method instead.
template<class PropertyType > |
PropertyType | get_property (const Glib::ustring & property_name) const |
| You probably want to use a specific property_*() accessor method instead.
sigc::connection | connect_property_changed (const Glib::ustring & property_name, const sigc::slot< void()> & slot) |
| You can use the signal_changed() signal of the property proxy instead.
sigc::connection | connect_property_changed (const Glib::ustring & property_name, sigc::slot< void()> && slot) |
| You can use the signal_changed() signal of the property proxy instead.
void | freeze_notify () |
| Increases the freeze count on object.
void | thaw_notify () |
| Reverts the effect of a previous call to freeze_notify().
virtual void | reference () const |
| Increment the reference count for this object.
virtual void | unreference () const |
| Decrement the reference count for this object.
GObject * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GObject * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
GObject * | gobj_copy () const |
| Give a ref-ed copy to someone. Use for direct struct access.
| trackable () noexcept |
| trackable (const trackable &src) noexcept |
| trackable (trackable &&src) noexcept |
| ~trackable () |
void | add_destroy_notify_callback (notifiable *data, func_destroy_notify func) const |
void | notify_callbacks () |
trackable & | operator= (const trackable &src) |
trackable & | operator= (trackable &&src) noexcept |
void | remove_destroy_notify_callback (notifiable *data) const |
| PollableInputStream (PollableInputStream &&src) noexcept |
PollableInputStream & | operator= (PollableInputStream &&src) noexcept |
| ~PollableInputStream () noexcept override |
GPollableInputStream * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GPollableInputStream * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
bool | can_poll () const |
| Checks if stream is actually pollable.
bool | is_readable () const |
| Checks if stream can be read.
gssize | read_nonblocking (void *buffer, gsize count, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > &cancellable) |
| Attempts to read up to count bytes from stream into buffer, as with g_input_stream_read().
gssize | read_nonblocking (void *buffer, gsize count) |
| A read_nonblocking() convenience overload.
| Interface () |
| A Default constructor.
| Interface (Interface &&src) noexcept |
Interface & | operator= (Interface &&src) noexcept |
| Interface (const Glib::Interface_Class &interface_class) |
| Called by constructors of derived classes.
| Interface (GObject *castitem) |
| Called by constructors of derived classes.
| ~Interface () noexcept override |
| Interface (const Interface &)=delete |
Interface & | operator= (const Interface &)=delete |
GObject * | gobj () |
const GObject * | gobj () const |
| FileDescriptorBased (FileDescriptorBased &&src) noexcept |
FileDescriptorBased & | operator= (FileDescriptorBased &&src) noexcept |
| ~FileDescriptorBased () noexcept override |
GFileDescriptorBased * | gobj () |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GFileDescriptorBased * | gobj () const |
| Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
int | get_fd () const |
| Gets the underlying file descriptor.
UnixInputStream implements InputStream for reading from a unix file descriptor, including asynchronous operations.
The file descriptor must be selectable, so it doesn't work with opened files.
- Since glibmm 2.16: