CGdk::ColorState | A Gdk::ColorState object provides the information to interpret colors and pixels in a variety of ways |
CGdk::ContentFormats | Advertising and negotiating of content exchange formats |
CGdk::ContentFormatsBuilder | Helper class for building Gdk::ContentFormats |
CGdk::DmabufFormats | Gdk::DmabufFormats provides information about supported DMA buffer formats |
CGdk::DragSurfaceSize | Information for computing drag surface size |
CGdk::Event | Functions for handling events from the window system |
CGdk::FrameTimings | Object holding timing information for a single frame |
CGdk::Graphene::Point | A point with 2 coordinates |
CGdk::Graphene::Rect | The location and size of a rectangle region |
CGdk::Graphene::Size | Size representation |
CGdk::PixbufFormat | |
CGdk::PopupLayout | Information for presenting popups |
CGdk::Rectangle | Gdk::Rectangle is a structure holding the position and size of a rectangle |
CGdk::RGBA | An RGBA color |
CGdk::TextureDownloader | The Gdk::TextureDownloader is used to download the contents of a Gdk::Texture |
CGdk::TimeCoord | A Gdk::TimeCoord instance contains a single event of motion history |
CGdk::ToplevelLayout | Information for presenting toplevels |
CGdk::ToplevelSize | Information for computing toplevel size |
CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits<::Cairo::RefPtr< const ::Cairo::Surface > > | Specialization for pointers to const cairo surfaces |
CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits<::Cairo::RefPtr<::Cairo::Surface > > | Specialization for pointers to cairo surfaces |
▼CGlib::ValueBase [external] | |
▼CGlib::ValueBase_Boxed [external] | |
CGlib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::ColorState > > | |
CGlib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::ContentFormats > > | |
CGlib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::DmabufFormats > > | |
CGlib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::RecentInfo > > | |
CGlib::Value<::Cairo::RefPtr< T >, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of<::Cairo::Region, T >::value||std::is_base_of<::Cairo::Surface, T >::value >::type > | Specialization of Glib::Value<> for Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Region> and Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface> |
CGtk::AccelKey | Defines accelerator key combinations |
CGtk::Bitset | Sets of integers |
CGtk::BitsetConstIter | Alias: Gtk::Bitset::const_iterator |
CGtk::Border | This specifies a border around a rectangular area that can be of a different width on each side |
CGtk::Constraint::Strength_Wrapper | Wrapper for enum Strength |
CGtk::CssLocation | Presents a location in a file - or other source of data parsed by the CSS engine |
CGtk::CssSection | Defines a part of a CSS document |
▼CGtk::ExpressionBase | Base class for Gtk::Expression |
▼CGtk::Expression< T > | Expressions to values |
CGtk::ClosureExpression< T > | |
CGtk::ConstantExpression< T > | |
CGtk::ObjectExpression< T > | |
CGtk::PropertyExpression< T > | |
▼CGtk::ExpressionWatchBase | |
CGtk::ExpressionWatch< T > | |
CGtk::PadActionEntry | Class defining a pad action entry |
CGtk::PageRange | A page range |
CGtk::PaperSize | PaperSize handles paper sizes |
CGtk::PrintSettings::Keys | Print settings keys |
CGtk::PrintSetup | An auxiliary object for printing that allows decoupling the setup from the printing |
CGtk::RecentInfo | Contains information found when looking up an entry of the recently used files list |
CGtk::RecentManager::Data | Meta-data passed to add_item() |
CGtk::Requisition | A Gtk::Requisition represents the desired size of a widget |
CGtk::ResponseType_Wrapper | Wrapper for enum ResponseType |
CGtk::ScrollInfo | Provides more accurate data on how a scroll operation should be performed |
▼CGtk::TextIterBase | Common base class of TextIter and TextConstIter |
CGtk::TextConstIter | Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::const_iterator |
CGtk::TextIter | Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator |
▼CGtk::TreeIterBase | Base of TreeIter, TreeRow and TreeNodeChildren |
▼CGtk::TreeIterBase2 | Base of TreeIter, TreeRow and TreeNodeChildren |
▼CGtk::TreeConstRow | Typedefed as TreeModel::ConstRow |
CGtk::TreeRow | Typedefed as TreeModel::Row |
▼CGtk::TreeIterBase3 | Base of TreeIter |
CGtk::TreeIter< T > | Typedefed as TreeModel::iterator and TreeModel::const_iterator |
▼CGtk::TreeNodeConstChildren | Typedefed as TreeModel::ConstChildren |
CGtk::TreeNodeChildren | Typedefed as TreeModel::Children |
▼CGtk::TreeModelColumnBase | Base class of TreeModelColumn templates |
CGtk::TreeModelColumn< Glib::ustring > | |
CGtk::TreeModelColumn< ColumnType > | |
CGtk::TreeModelColumn< T > | A Gtk::TreeModelColumn describes the C++ type of the data in a model column, and identifies that column in the model |
▼CGtk::TreeModelColumnRecord | Typedefed as TreeModel::ColumnRecord |
CGtk::ListViewText::TextModelColumns | |
CGtk::TreePath | A path is essentially a potential node |
CGtk::TreeRowReference | Typedefed as Gtk::TreeModel::RowReference |
CGtk::TreeValueProxy< RowType, ColumnType > | |
CGtk::Widget::Measurements | Structure returned by the non-output-parameter overload of measure() |
CGtk::Widget::MinimumNatural< T > | Structure holding the minimum and natural sizes of a widget, in some type |
CGtk::Widget::MinimumNatural< int > | |
▼Csigc::notifiable [external] | |
▼Csigc::trackable [external] | |
▼CGlib::ObjectBase [external] | |
►CGlib::Interface [external] | |
►CGdk::DevicePad | Pad device interface |
CGdk::DeviceWithPad | A Gdk::DeviceWithPad is a Gdk::Device that implements the Gdk::DevicePad interface |
►CGdk::DragSurface | Interface for drag surface surfaces |
CGdk::DragSurfaceImpl | Gdk::DragSurfaceImpl is a Gdk::Surface that implements the Gdk::DragSurface interface |
►CGdk::Paintable | An interface for a paintable region |
►CGdk::Texture | Pixel data |
CGdk::DmabufTexture | A Gdk::Texture representing a dma-buf object |
CGdk::GLTexture | A Gdk::Texture representing a GL texture object |
CGdk::MemoryTexture | A Gdk::Texture representing image data in memory |
CGtk::IconPaintable | An icon, used with Gtk::IconTheme |
►CGtk::MediaStream | Display media in GTK |
CGtk::MediaFile | Open media files for use in GTK |
CGtk::WidgetPaintable | Drawing a widget elsewhere |
►CGdk::Popup | Interface for popup surfaces |
CGdk::PopupSurfaceImpl | Gdk::PopupSurfaceImpl is a Gdk::Surface that implements the Gdk::Popup interface |
►CGdk::Toplevel | Interface for toplevel surfaces |
CGdk::ToplevelSurfaceImpl | Gdk::ToplevelSurfaceImpl is a Gdk::Surface that implements the Gdk::Toplevel interface |
►CGio::ActionGroup [external] | |
►CGio::Application [external] | |
CGtk::Application | Application class |
CGtk::ApplicationWindow | A Gtk::Window subclass with Gtk::Application support |
►CGio::ActionMap [external] | |
CGio::Application [external] | |
CGtk::ApplicationWindow | A Gtk::Window subclass with Gtk::Application support |
►CGio::Icon [external] | |
CGdk::Pixbuf | |
►CGio::ListModel [external] | |
CGtk::DirectoryList | A list model for directory listings |
CGtk::FilterListModel | A list model that filters its items |
CGtk::FlattenListModel | A list model that flattens a list of lists |
►CGtk::MultiFilter | Combining multiple filters |
CGtk::AnyFilter | Matches when at least one filter matches |
CGtk::EveryFilter | Matches when each of its filter matches |
CGtk::MultiSelection | A selection model that allows selecting multiple items |
CGtk::MultiSorter | Combining multiple sorters |
CGtk::NoSelection | A selection model that does not allow selecting anything |
CGtk::SelectionFilterModel | A list model that turns a selection in a model |
CGtk::SelectionListModelImpl | Gtk::SelectionListModelImpl is an object that implements the Gio::ListModel and Gtk::SelectionModel interfaces |
CGtk::ShortcutController | Event controller for shortcuts |
CGtk::SingleSelection | A selection model that allows selecting a single item |
CGtk::SliceListModel | A list model that presents a slice out of a larger list |
CGtk::SortListModel | A list model that sorts its items |
CGtk::StringList | A list model for strings |
CGtk::TreeListModel | A list model that can create child models on demand |
►CGio::LoadableIcon [external] | |
CGdk::Pixbuf | |
►CGtk::Accessible | Accessible interface |
CGtk::StackPage | Holds properties of a Gtk::Stack page |
►CGtk::Widget | Abstract Widget (Base class for all widgets) |
CGtk::ActionBar | A full width bar for presenting contextual actions |
CGtk::AppChooserButton | A button to launch an application chooser dialog |
CGtk::AppChooserWidget | An application chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets |
CGtk::AspectFrame | A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio |
►CGtk::Box | A container for packing widgets in a single row or column |
CGtk::ShortcutsGroup | Represents a group of shortcuts in a ShortcutsWindow |
CGtk::ShortcutsSection | Represents an application mode in a ShortcutsWindow |
►CGtk::Button | A widget that creates a signal when clicked on |
CGtk::LinkButton | Create buttons bound to a URL |
CGtk::LockButton | A widget to unlock or lock privileged operations |
CGtk::ToggleButton | Create buttons which retain their state |
CGtk::Calendar | Display a calendar and/or allow the user to select a date |
CGtk::CellView | A widget displaying a single row of a TreeModel |
CGtk::CenterBox | A centering container |
CGtk::CheckButton | Create widgets with a discrete toggle button |
CGtk::ColorButton | A button to launch a color selection dialog |
CGtk::ColorDialogButton | A wrapper around a Gtk::ColorDialog |
CGtk::ColumnView | A widget for displaying lists in multiple columns |
►CGtk::ComboBox | A widget used to choose from a list of items |
CGtk::ComboBoxText | This is a simple variant of ComboBox that hides the model-view complexity for simple text-only use cases |
CGtk::DragIcon | A toplevel to use as drag icon |
CGtk::DrawingArea | A widget for custom user interface elements |
CGtk::DropDown | Choose an item from a list |
CGtk::EditableLabel | A label that can be edited |
►CGtk::Entry | A single line text entry field |
CGtk::SearchEntry | This is a subclass of Gtk::Entry that has been tailored for use as a search entry |
CGtk::Expander | A container which can hide its child |
CGtk::FileChooserWidget | File chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets |
CGtk::Fixed | A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates |
CGtk::FlowBox | A container that allows reflowing its children |
CGtk::FlowBoxChild | See the description of FlowBox |
CGtk::FontButton | A button to launch a font selection dialog |
CGtk::FontChooserWidget | A dialog box for selecting fonts |
CGtk::FontDialogButton | A wrapper around a Gtk::FontDialog |
CGtk::Frame | A Gtk::Widget with a decorative frame and optional label |
CGtk::GLArea | A widget used for drawing with OpenGL |
CGtk::GraphicsOffload | A widget that allows to bypass gsk rendering for its child by passing the content directly to the compositor |
CGtk::Grid | A container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns |
CGtk::HeaderBar | A box with a centered child |
CGtk::IconView | The IconView provides an alternative view of a list model |
CGtk::Image | A widget displaying an image |
CGtk::InfoBar | This widget can be used to show messages to the user without showing a dialog |
CGtk::Inscription | Gtk::Inscription is a widget to show text in a predefined area |
CGtk::Label | A widget that displays a small to medium amount of text |
CGtk::LevelBar | A bar that can be used as a level indicator |
►CGtk::ListBase | |
CGtk::GridView | A widget for displaying grids |
CGtk::ListView | A widget for displaying lists |
CGtk::ListBox | A ListBox is a vertical container that contains ListBoxRow children |
CGtk::ListBoxRow | See the description of ListBox |
CGtk::MediaControls | A widget showing controls for a media stream |
CGtk::MenuButton | A widget that shows a menu when clicked on |
CGtk::Notebook | Container which shows one of its children at a time, in tabbed windows |
CGtk::Overlay | A container which overlays widgets on top of each other |
CGtk::Paned | A widget with two adjustable panes |
CGtk::PasswordEntry | An entry for secrets |
CGtk::Picture | A widget displaying a Gdk::Paintable |
►CGtk::Popover | Context dependent bubbles |
CGtk::EmojiChooser | A popover to choose an Emoji character |
CGtk::PopoverMenu | A Popover to use as a menu |
CGtk::PopoverMenuBar | A menu bar with popovers |
CGtk::ProgressBar | A widget which indicates progress visually |
►CGtk::Range | Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment |
CGtk::Scale | A slider widget for selecting a value from a range |
CGtk::Revealer | Hide and show with animation |
►CGtk::ScaleButton | A button which pops up a scale widget |
CGtk::VolumeButton | A button which pops up a volume control |
CGtk::Scrollbar | A Scrollbar |
CGtk::ScrolledWindow | A container that makes its child scrollable |
CGtk::SearchBar | A toolbar to integrate a search entry with |
CGtk::SearchEntry2 | Gtk::SearchEntry2 is an entry widget that has been tailored for use as a search entry |
CGtk::Separator | A separator widget |
CGtk::ShortcutLabel | Displays a keyboard shortcut |
CGtk::ShortcutsShortcut | Represents a keyboard shortcut in a ShortcutsWindow |
CGtk::SpinButton | Numeric Entry with up/down buttons |
CGtk::Spinner | A widget that displays a spinner animation |
CGtk::Stack | A container that shows only one child at a time |
CGtk::StackSidebar | Sidebar widget that shows the pages of a Stack |
CGtk::StackSwitcher | A controller for a Gtk::Stack |
CGtk::Statusbar | Text status indicator |
CGtk::Switch | A "light switch"-style toggle |
CGtk::Text | A simple single-line text entry field |
CGtk::TextView | Multi-line text editing widget |
CGtk::TreeExpander | An indenting expander button for use in a tree list |
►CGtk::TreeView | Displays the model (Gtk::TreeModel) data and allows the user to interact with it |
CGtk::ListViewText | A simple listbox which presents some lines of information in columns and lets the user select some of them |
CGtk::Video | A widget for displaying video |
CGtk::Viewport | An adapter which makes widgets scrollable |
►CGtk::Window | Toplevel Window |
CGtk::AboutDialog | The AboutDialog offers a simple way to display information about a program like its logo, name, copyright, website and license |
CGtk::ApplicationWindow | A Gtk::Window subclass with Gtk::Application support |
CGtk::Assistant | A widget used to guide users through multi-step operations |
►CGtk::Dialog | Create popup windows |
CGtk::AppChooserDialog | An application chooser dialog |
CGtk::ColorChooserDialog | This dialog is for choosing a color |
CGtk::FileChooserDialog | Convenient file chooser window |
CGtk::FontChooserDialog | A dialog box for selecting fonts |
CGtk::MessageDialog | Convenient message window |
CGtk::PageSetupUnixDialog | PageSetupUnixDialog implements a page setup dialog for platforms which don't provide a native page setup dialog, like Unix |
CGtk::PrintUnixDialog | PrintUnixDialog implements a print dialog for platforms which don't provide a native print dialog, like Unix |
CGtk::ShortcutsWindow | Toplevel which shows help for shortcuts |
CGtk::WindowControls | A widget displaying window buttons |
CGtk::WindowHandle | A titlebar area widget |
CGtk::AccessibleText | An interface for accessible objects containing formatted text |
►CGtk::Actionable | An interface for widgets that can be associated with actions |
CGtk::Button | A widget that creates a signal when clicked on |
CGtk::CheckButton | Create widgets with a discrete toggle button |
CGtk::ListBoxRow | See the description of ListBox |
CGtk::Switch | A "light switch"-style toggle |
►CGtk::AppChooser | Interface implemented by widgets for choosing an application |
CGtk::AppChooserButton | A button to launch an application chooser dialog |
CGtk::AppChooserDialog | An application chooser dialog |
CGtk::AppChooserWidget | An application chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets |
►CGtk::Buildable | A base class for objects that can be built by Gtk::Builder |
►CGtk::CellArea | An abstract base class for laying out CellRenderers |
CGtk::CellAreaBox | A cell area that renders CellRenderers into a row or a colum, depending on its orientation |
CGtk::ConstraintLayout | A layout manager using constraints |
CGtk::EntryCompletion | Completion functionality for Gtk::Entry |
CGtk::FileFilter | A filter for selecting a file subset |
CGtk::ListStore | This is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget |
CGtk::MultiFilter | Combining multiple filters |
CGtk::MultiSorter | Combining multiple sorters |
CGtk::ShortcutController | Event controller for shortcuts |
CGtk::SizeGroup | Gtk::SizeGroup provides a mechanism for grouping a number of widgets together so they all request the same amount of space |
CGtk::StringList | A list model for strings |
CGtk::TextTagTable | Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::TagTable |
CGtk::TreeStore | A tree-like data structure that can be used with the Gtk::TreeView |
CGtk::TreeViewColumn | Typedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Column |
CGtk::Widget | Abstract Widget (Base class for all widgets) |
►CGtk::CellEditable | Interface for widgets which are used for editing cells |
CGtk::ComboBox | A widget used to choose from a list of items |
CGtk::Entry | A single line text entry field |
CGtk::SpinButton | Numeric Entry with up/down buttons |
►CGtk::CellLayout | An interface for packing cells |
CGtk::CellArea | An abstract base class for laying out CellRenderers |
CGtk::CellView | A widget displaying a single row of a TreeModel |
CGtk::ComboBox | A widget used to choose from a list of items |
CGtk::EntryCompletion | Completion functionality for Gtk::Entry |
CGtk::IconView | The IconView provides an alternative view of a list model |
CGtk::TreeViewColumn | Typedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Column |
►CGtk::ColorChooser | This interface can be implemented by widgets which allow the user to choose a color |
CGtk::ColorButton | A button to launch a color selection dialog |
CGtk::ColorChooserDialog | This dialog is for choosing a color |
►CGtk::ConstraintTarget | Helper interface for Gtk::Constraint |
CGtk::ConstraintGuide | An invisible constraint target |
CGtk::Widget | Abstract Widget (Base class for all widgets) |
►CGtk::Editable | Base class for text-editing widgets |
CGtk::EditableLabel | A label that can be edited |
CGtk::Entry | A single line text entry field |
CGtk::PasswordEntry | An entry for secrets |
CGtk::SearchEntry2 | Gtk::SearchEntry2 is an entry widget that has been tailored for use as a search entry |
CGtk::SpinButton | Numeric Entry with up/down buttons |
CGtk::Text | A simple single-line text entry field |
►CGtk::FileChooser | File chooser interface used by Gtk::FileChooserWidget and Gtk::FileChooserDialog |
CGtk::FileChooserDialog | Convenient file chooser window |
CGtk::FileChooserNative | A native file chooser dialog, suitable for “File/Open” or “File/Save” commands |
CGtk::FileChooserWidget | File chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets |
►CGtk::FontChooser | An interface implemented by widgets displaying fonts |
CGtk::FontButton | A button to launch a font selection dialog |
CGtk::FontChooserDialog | A dialog box for selecting fonts |
CGtk::FontChooserWidget | A dialog box for selecting fonts |
►CGtk::Native | Interface for widgets having surfaces |
CGtk::DragIcon | A toplevel to use as drag icon |
CGtk::Popover | Context dependent bubbles |
CGtk::Window | Toplevel Window |
►CGtk::Orientable | This interface is implemented by all widgets that can be oriented horizontally or vertically |
CGtk::Box | A container for packing widgets in a single row or column |
CGtk::BoxLayout | Layout manager for placing all children in a single row or column |
CGtk::CellAreaBox | A cell area that renders CellRenderers into a row or a colum, depending on its orientation |
CGtk::CellRendererProgress | Renders numbers as progress bars |
CGtk::CellView | A widget displaying a single row of a TreeModel |
CGtk::CenterBox | A centering container |
CGtk::FlowBox | A container that allows reflowing its children |
CGtk::Grid | A container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns |
CGtk::LevelBar | A bar that can be used as a level indicator |
CGtk::ListBase | |
CGtk::Paned | A widget with two adjustable panes |
CGtk::ProgressBar | A widget which indicates progress visually |
CGtk::Range | Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment |
CGtk::ScaleButton | A button which pops up a scale widget |
CGtk::Scrollbar | A Scrollbar |
CGtk::Separator | A separator widget |
CGtk::SpinButton | Numeric Entry with up/down buttons |
►CGtk::PrintOperationPreview | |
CGtk::PrintOperation | PrintOperation is the high-level, portable printing API |
►CGtk::Root | Interface for root widgets |
CGtk::DragIcon | A toplevel to use as drag icon |
CGtk::Window | Toplevel Window |
►CGtk::Scrollable | This interface is implemented by widgets with native scrolling ability |
CGtk::ColumnView | A widget for displaying lists in multiple columns |
CGtk::IconView | The IconView provides an alternative view of a list model |
CGtk::ListBase | |
CGtk::TextView | Multi-line text editing widget |
CGtk::TreeView | Displays the model (Gtk::TreeModel) data and allows the user to interact with it |
CGtk::Viewport | An adapter which makes widgets scrollable |
CGtk::SectionModel | Interface that adds support for section to list models |
►CGtk::SelectionModel | An extension of the list model interface that handles selections |
CGtk::MultiSelection | A selection model that allows selecting multiple items |
CGtk::NoSelection | A selection model that does not allow selecting anything |
CGtk::SelectionListModelImpl | Gtk::SelectionListModelImpl is an object that implements the Gio::ListModel and Gtk::SelectionModel interfaces |
CGtk::SingleSelection | A selection model that allows selecting a single item |
►CGtk::ShortcutManager | Interface for managing shortcuts |
CGtk::Popover | Context dependent bubbles |
CGtk::Window | Toplevel Window |
►CGtk::StyleProvider | Interface to provide style information to Gtk::StyleContext |
CGtk::CssProvider | CSS-like styling for widgets, implementing the StyleProvider base class |
CGtk::Settings | Provides a mechanism to share global settings between applications |
CGtk::SymbolicPaintable | An interface that supports symbolic colors in paintables |
►CGtk::TreeDragDest | Interface for Drag-and-Drop destinations in Gtk::TreeView |
CGtk::ListStore | This is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget |
CGtk::TreeStore | A tree-like data structure that can be used with the Gtk::TreeView |
►CGtk::TreeDragSource | Interface for Drag-and-Drop sources in Gtk::TreeView |
CGtk::ListStore | This is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget |
CGtk::TreeModelFilter | A Gtk::TreeModel which hides parts of an underlying tree model |
CGtk::TreeModelSort | A wrapper which makes an underlying Gtk::TreeModel sortable |
CGtk::TreeStore | A tree-like data structure that can be used with the Gtk::TreeView |
►CGtk::TreeModel | This class defines a generic tree interface for use by the Gtk::TreeView widget |
CGtk::ListStore | This is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget |
CGtk::TreeModelFilter | A Gtk::TreeModel which hides parts of an underlying tree model |
CGtk::TreeModelSort | A wrapper which makes an underlying Gtk::TreeModel sortable |
CGtk::TreeStore | A tree-like data structure that can be used with the Gtk::TreeView |
►CGtk::TreeSortable | The interface for sortable models used by Gtk::TreeView |
CGtk::ListStore | This is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget |
CGtk::TreeModelSort | A wrapper which makes an underlying Gtk::TreeModel sortable |
CGtk::TreeStore | A tree-like data structure that can be used with the Gtk::TreeView |
►CGlib::Object [external] | |
CGdk::CicpParams | Gdk::CicpParams contains the parameters that define a colorstate according to the ITU-T H.273 specification |
CGdk::Clipboard | Share data between applications for Copy-and-Paste |
CGdk::ContentProvider | Provides content for data transfer between applications |
CGdk::Cursor | Gdk::Cursor is used to create and destroy cursors |
►CGdk::Device | A Gdk::Device instance contains a detailed description of an extended input device |
CGdk::DeviceWithPad | A Gdk::DeviceWithPad is a Gdk::Device that implements the Gdk::DevicePad interface |
CGdk::DeviceTool | A physical tool associated to a Gdk::Device |
CGdk::Display | Gdk::Display object's purpose is two fold: To grab/ungrab keyboard focus and mouse pointer To manage and provide information about the Gdk::Monitor(s) available for this Gdk::Display |
CGdk::DisplayManager | The purpose of the GdkDisplayManager singleton object is to offer notification when displays appear or disappear or the default display changes |
CGdk::DmabufTextureBuilder | Gdk::DmabufTextureBuilder is a builder used to construct Gdk::Texture objects from DMA buffers |
CGdk::Drag | A Gdk::Drag object represents the source of an ongoing DND operation |
►CGdk::DrawContext | Drawing context base class |
CGdk::CairoContext | Cairo draw context |
CGdk::GLContext | A Gdk::GLContext is an OpenGL context abstraction |
CGdk::Drop | A Gdk::Drop object represents the target of an ongoing DND operation |
CGdk::FrameClock | Synchronizes painting to a surface |
CGdk::GLTextureBuilder | Gdk::GLTextureBuilder is a buider used to construct Gdk::Texture objects from GL textures |
CGdk::MemoryTextureBuilder | Gdk::MemoryTextureBuilder is a builder used to construct Gdk::Texture objects from system memory provided via Glib::Bytes |
CGdk::Monitor | Object representing an output |
CGdk::Pixbuf | |
CGdk::PixbufAnimation | The gdk-pixbuf library provides a simple mechanism to load and represent animations |
CGdk::PixbufAnimationIter | An iterator which points to a certain position in a PixbufAnimation |
CGdk::PixbufLoader | |
CGdk::Seat | A Gdk::Seat object represents a collection of input devices that belong to a user |
►CGdk::Snapshot | Base type for snapshot operations |
CGtk::Snapshot | Auxiliary object for snapshots |
►CGdk::Surface | Onscreen display areas in the target window system |
CGdk::DragSurfaceImpl | Gdk::DragSurfaceImpl is a Gdk::Surface that implements the Gdk::DragSurface interface |
CGdk::PopupSurfaceImpl | Gdk::PopupSurfaceImpl is a Gdk::Surface that implements the Gdk::Popup interface |
CGdk::ToplevelSurfaceImpl | Gdk::ToplevelSurfaceImpl is a Gdk::Surface that implements the Gdk::Toplevel interface |
CGdk::Texture | Pixel data |
►CGio::AppLaunchContext [external] | |
CGdk::AppLaunchContext | This is an implementation of Gio::AppLaunchContext that handles launching an application in a graphical context |
CGio::Application [external] | |
CGtk::ATContext | Gtk::ATContext is an abstract class provided by GTK to communicate to platform-specific assistive technologies API |
CGtk::Adjustment | A class representing an adjustable bounded value |
CGtk::AlertDialog | A Gtk::AlertDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a message to the user |
CGtk::AssistantPage | Holds properties of a Gtk::Assistant page |
CGtk::Builder | Build an interface from an XML UI definition description |
CGtk::CellArea | An abstract base class for laying out CellRenderers |
CGtk::CellAreaContext | This stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a CellArea |
CGtk::ColorDialog | A Gtk::ColorDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a color chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal |
CGtk::ColumnViewColumn | The column added to Gtk::ColumnView |
CGtk::ColumnViewRow | Gtk::ColumnViewRow is used by Gtk::ColumnView to allow configuring how rows are displayed |
CGtk::Constraint | The description of a constraint |
CGtk::ConstraintGuide | An invisible constraint target |
CGtk::CssProvider | CSS-like styling for widgets, implementing the StyleProvider base class |
CGtk::DirectoryList | A list model for directory listings |
CGtk::EntryBuffer | A Text buffer for the Entry widget |
CGtk::EntryCompletion | Completion functionality for Gtk::Entry |
►CGtk::EventController | Self-contained handler of series of events |
CGtk::DropControllerMotion | Event controller for motion events during a drop |
CGtk::DropTarget | Event controller to receive DND drops |
CGtk::DropTargetAsync | Event controller to receive DND drops |
CGtk::EventControllerFocus | Event controller for focus |
CGtk::EventControllerKey | Event controller for key events |
CGtk::EventControllerLegacy | Event controller that provides raw access to the event stream |
CGtk::EventControllerMotion | Event controller for motion events |
CGtk::EventControllerScroll | Event controller for scroll events |
►CGtk::Gesture | Abstract base class for gestures |
CGtk::GestureRotate | Rotate gesture |
►CGtk::GestureSingle | Abstract base class for mouse/single-touch gestures |
CGtk::DragSource | Event controller to initiate DND operations |
CGtk::GestureClick | Multipress gesture |
►CGtk::GestureDrag | Drag gesture |
CGtk::GesturePan | Pan gesture |
CGtk::GestureLongPress | "Press and Hold" gesture |
CGtk::GestureStylus | Gesture for stylus input |
CGtk::GestureSwipe | Swipe gesture |
CGtk::GestureZoom | Zoom gesture |
CGtk::PadController | Event controller for drawing tablet pads |
CGtk::ShortcutController | Event controller for shortcuts |
CGtk::FileDialog | A Gtk::FileDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a file chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal |
CGtk::FileLauncher | A Gtk::FileLauncher object collects the arguments that are needed to open a uri with an application |
►CGtk::Filter | Filtering items |
CGtk::BoolFilter | Filtering by boolean expressions |
CGtk::FileFilter | A filter for selecting a file subset |
CGtk::MultiFilter | Combining multiple filters |
CGtk::StringFilter | Filtering by strings |
CGtk::FilterListModel | A list model that filters its items |
CGtk::FlattenListModel | A list model that flattens a list of lists |
CGtk::FontDialog | A Gtk::FontDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a font chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal |
CGtk::IconPaintable | An icon, used with Gtk::IconTheme |
CGtk::IconTheme | Looking up icons by name |
►CGtk::LayoutChild | An object containing layout properties |
CGtk::GridLayoutChild | Layout properties for children of Gtk::GridLayout |
►CGtk::LayoutManager | Base class for layout manager |
CGtk::BinLayout | A layout manager for bin-like widgets |
CGtk::BoxLayout | Layout manager for placing all children in a single row or column |
CGtk::CenterLayout | A centering layout |
CGtk::ConstraintLayout | A layout manager using constraints |
CGtk::GridLayout | Layout manager for grid-like widgets |
CGtk::ListHeader | Gtk::ListHeader is used by list widgets to represent the headers they display |
►CGtk::ListItem | Object used to represent items of a list model |
CGtk::ColumnViewCell | Gtk::ColumnViewCell is used by Gtk::ColumnViewColumn to represent items in a cell in Gtk::ColumnView |
►CGtk::ListItemFactory | Mapping list items to widgets |
CGtk::SignalListItemFactory | A listitem factory providing signals |
CGtk::ListStore | This is a list model for use with a Gtk::TreeView widget |
CGtk::MediaStream | Display media in GTK |
CGtk::MultiSelection | A selection model that allows selecting multiple items |
►CGtk::NativeDialog | Integrate with native dialogs |
CGtk::FileChooserNative | A native file chooser dialog, suitable for “File/Open” or “File/Save” commands |
CGtk::NoSelection | A selection model that does not allow selecting anything |
CGtk::NotebookPage | Holds properties of a Gtk::Notebook page |
►CGtk::Object | Gtk::Object is the base class for all widgets, and for a few non-widget objects such as Gtk::CellRenderer |
►CGtk::CellRenderer | CellRenderers are used by Gtk::TreeView columns to render the Gtk::TreeModel column data appropriately |
CGtk::CellRendererPixbuf | Renders a pixbuf in a cell |
CGtk::CellRendererProgress | Renders numbers as progress bars |
CGtk::CellRendererSpinner | Renders a spinning animation in a cell |
►CGtk::CellRendererText | Renders text in a cell |
CGtk::CellRendererAccel | Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell |
CGtk::CellRendererCombo | Renders a combobox in a cell |
CGtk::CellRendererSpin | Renders a spin button in a cell |
CGtk::CellRendererToggle | Renders a toggle button in a cell |
CGtk::TreeViewColumn | Typedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Column |
CGtk::Widget | Abstract Widget (Base class for all widgets) |
CGtk::PageSetup | A PageSetup object stores the page size, orientation and margins |
CGtk::PrintContext | A PrintContext encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing, such as the cairo context and important parameters like page size and resolution |
CGtk::PrintDialog | A Gtk::PrintDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a print dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal |
CGtk::PrintJob | A PrintJob object represents a job that is sent to a printer |
CGtk::PrintOperation | PrintOperation is the high-level, portable printing API |
CGtk::PrintSettings | A PrintSettings object represents the settings of a print dialog in a system-independent way |
CGtk::Printer | A Printer object represents a printer |
CGtk::RecentManager | RecentManager provides a facility for adding, removing and looking up recently used files |
CGtk::SelectionFilterModel | A list model that turns a selection in a model |
CGtk::SelectionListModelImpl | Gtk::SelectionListModelImpl is an object that implements the Gio::ListModel and Gtk::SelectionModel interfaces |
CGtk::Settings | Provides a mechanism to share global settings between applications |
CGtk::Shortcut | An object describing a keyboard shortcut |
►CGtk::ShortcutAction | Tracking if shortcuts should be activated |
CGtk::ActivateAction | A Gtk::ShortcutAction that calls Gtk::Widget::activate() |
CGtk::CallbackAction | A Gtk::ShortcutAction that invokes a callback |
CGtk::MnemonicAction | A Gtk::ShortcutAction that calls Gtk::Widget::mnemonic_activate() |
CGtk::NamedAction | A Gtk::ShortcutAction that activates an action by name |
CGtk::NothingAction | A Gtk::ShortcutAction that does nothing |
CGtk::SignalAction | A Gtk::ShortcutAction that emits a signal |
►CGtk::ShortcutTrigger | Triggers to track if shortcuts should be activated |
CGtk::AlternativeTrigger | A Gtk::ShortcutTrigger that triggers when either of two ShortcutTriggers trigger |
CGtk::KeyvalTrigger | A Gtk::ShortcutTrigger that triggers when a specific keyval and (optionally) modifiers are pressed |
CGtk::MnemonicTrigger | A Gtk::ShortcutTrigger that triggers when a specific mnemonic is pressed |
CGtk::NeverTrigger | A Gtk::ShortcutTrigger that never triggers |
CGtk::SingleSelection | A selection model that allows selecting a single item |
CGtk::SizeGroup | Gtk::SizeGroup provides a mechanism for grouping a number of widgets together so they all request the same amount of space |
CGtk::SliceListModel | A list model that presents a slice out of a larger list |
CGtk::SortListModel | A list model that sorts its items |
►CGtk::Sorter | Sorting items |
CGtk::ColumnViewSorter | A sorter implementation that is geared towards the needs of Gtk::ColumnView |
CGtk::MultiSorter | Combining multiple sorters |
►CGtk::NumericSorterBase | Base class for Gtk::NumericSorter |
CGtk::NumericSorter< T > | Sort by comparing numbers |
CGtk::StringSorter | Sort by comparing strings |
CGtk::StackPage | Holds properties of a Gtk::Stack page |
CGtk::StringList | A list model for strings |
CGtk::StringObject | Gtk::StringObject is the type of items in a Gtk::StringList |
CGtk::StyleContext | This object stores styling information affecting a widget defined by WidgetPath |
CGtk::TextBuffer | Multi-line attributed text that can be displayed by one or more Gtk::TextView widgets |
CGtk::TextChildAnchor | A TextChildAnchor is a spot in the buffer where child widgets can be "anchored" (inserted inline, as if they were characters) |
CGtk::TextMark | Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::Mark |
CGtk::TextTag | Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::Tag |
CGtk::TextTagTable | Typedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::TagTable |
CGtk::Tooltip | Add tips to your widgets |
CGtk::TreeListModel | A list model that can create child models on demand |
CGtk::TreeListRow | A row in a Gtk::TreeListModel |
CGtk::TreeModelFilter | A Gtk::TreeModel which hides parts of an underlying tree model |
CGtk::TreeModelSort | A wrapper which makes an underlying Gtk::TreeModel sortable |
CGtk::TreeSelection | Typedefed as Gtk::TreeView::Selection |
CGtk::TreeStore | A tree-like data structure that can be used with the Gtk::TreeView |
CGtk::UriLauncher | A Gtk::UriLauncher object collects the arguments that are needed to open a uri with an application |
CGtk::WidgetPaintable | Drawing a widget elsewhere |
CGtk::WindowGroup | Limit the effect of grabs |
▼Cstd::exception [external] | |
▼CGlib::Error [external] | |
CGdk::DmabufError | |
CGdk::GLError | |
CGdk::PixbufError | Exception class for Gdk::Pixbuf errors |
CGdk::TextureError | |
CGtk::BuilderError | Exception class for Gdk::Builder errors |
CGtk::ConstraintVflParserError | |
CGtk::CssParserError | |
CGtk::CssParserWarning | |
CGtk::DialogError | |
CGtk::FileChooserError | Exception class for Gdk::FileChooser errors |
CGtk::IconThemeError | Exception class for Gtk::IconTheme errors |
CGtk::PrintError | |
CGtk::RecentManagerError | Exception class for Gtk::RecentManager errors |
CT_func | |