gtkmm 4.17.0
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 CGdk::ColorStateA Gdk::ColorState object provides the information to interpret colors and pixels in a variety of ways
 CGdk::ContentFormatsAdvertising and negotiating of content exchange formats
 CGdk::ContentFormatsBuilderHelper class for building Gdk::ContentFormats
 CGdk::DmabufFormatsGdk::DmabufFormats provides information about supported DMA buffer formats
 CGdk::DragSurfaceSizeInformation for computing drag surface size
 CGdk::EventFunctions for handling events from the window system
 CGdk::FrameTimingsObject holding timing information for a single frame
 CGdk::Graphene::PointA point with 2 coordinates
 CGdk::Graphene::RectThe location and size of a rectangle region
 CGdk::Graphene::SizeSize representation
 CGdk::PopupLayoutInformation for presenting popups
 CGdk::RectangleGdk::Rectangle is a structure holding the position and size of a rectangle
 CGdk::RGBAAn RGBA color
 CGdk::TextureDownloaderThe Gdk::TextureDownloader is used to download the contents of a Gdk::Texture
 CGdk::TimeCoordA Gdk::TimeCoord instance contains a single event of motion history
 CGdk::ToplevelLayoutInformation for presenting toplevels
 CGdk::ToplevelSizeInformation for computing toplevel size
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits<::Cairo::RefPtr< const ::Cairo::Surface > >Specialization for pointers to const cairo surfaces
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits<::Cairo::RefPtr<::Cairo::Surface > >Specialization for pointers to cairo surfaces
 CGlib::ValueBase [external]
 CGlib::ValueBase_Boxed [external]
 CGlib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::ColorState > >
 CGlib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::ContentFormats > >
 CGlib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::DmabufFormats > >
 CGlib::Value< Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::RecentInfo > >
 CGlib::Value<::Cairo::RefPtr< T >, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of<::Cairo::Region, T >::value||std::is_base_of<::Cairo::Surface, T >::value >::type >Specialization of Glib::Value<> for Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Region> and Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface>
 CGtk::AccelKeyDefines accelerator key combinations
 CGtk::BitsetSets of integers
 CGtk::BitsetConstIterAlias: Gtk::Bitset::const_iterator
 CGtk::BorderThis specifies a border around a rectangular area that can be of a different width on each side
 CGtk::Constraint::Strength_WrapperWrapper for enum Strength
 CGtk::CssLocationPresents a location in a file - or other source of data parsed by the CSS engine
 CGtk::CssSectionDefines a part of a CSS document
 CGtk::ExpressionBaseBase class for Gtk::Expression
 CGtk::Expression< T >Expressions to values
 CGtk::ClosureExpression< T >
 CGtk::ConstantExpression< T >
 CGtk::ObjectExpression< T >
 CGtk::PropertyExpression< T >
 CGtk::ExpressionWatch< T >
 CGtk::PadActionEntryClass defining a pad action entry
 CGtk::PageRangeA page range
 CGtk::PaperSizePaperSize handles paper sizes
 CGtk::PrintSettings::KeysPrint settings keys
 CGtk::PrintSetupAn auxiliary object for printing that allows decoupling the setup from the printing
 CGtk::RecentInfoContains information found when looking up an entry of the recently used files list
 CGtk::RecentManager::DataMeta-data passed to add_item()
 CGtk::RequisitionA Gtk::Requisition represents the desired size of a widget
 CGtk::ResponseType_WrapperWrapper for enum ResponseType
 CGtk::ScrollInfoProvides more accurate data on how a scroll operation should be performed
 CGtk::TextIterBaseCommon base class of TextIter and TextConstIter
 CGtk::TextConstIterTypedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::const_iterator
 CGtk::TextIterTypedefed as Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator
 CGtk::TreeIterBaseBase of TreeIter, TreeRow and TreeNodeChildren
 CGtk::TreeIterBase2Base of TreeIter, TreeRow and TreeNodeChildren
 CGtk::TreeConstRowTypedefed as TreeModel::ConstRow
 CGtk::TreeRowTypedefed as TreeModel::Row
 CGtk::TreeIterBase3Base of TreeIter
 CGtk::TreeIter< T >Typedefed as TreeModel::iterator and TreeModel::const_iterator
 CGtk::TreeNodeConstChildrenTypedefed as TreeModel::ConstChildren
 CGtk::TreeNodeChildrenTypedefed as TreeModel::Children
 CGtk::TreeModelColumnBaseBase class of TreeModelColumn templates
 CGtk::TreeModelColumn< Glib::ustring >
 CGtk::TreeModelColumn< ColumnType >
 CGtk::TreeModelColumn< T >A Gtk::TreeModelColumn describes the C++ type of the data in a model column, and identifies that column in the model
 CGtk::TreeModelColumnRecordTypedefed as TreeModel::ColumnRecord
 CGtk::TreePathA path is essentially a potential node
 CGtk::TreeRowReferenceTypedefed as Gtk::TreeModel::RowReference
 CGtk::TreeValueProxy< RowType, ColumnType >
 CGtk::Widget::MeasurementsStructure returned by the non-output-parameter overload of measure()
 CGtk::Widget::MinimumNatural< T >Structure holding the minimum and natural sizes of a widget, in some type
 CGtk::Widget::MinimumNatural< int >
 Csigc::notifiable [external]
 Csigc::trackable [external]
 CGlib::ObjectBase [external]
 CGlib::Interface [external]
 CGlib::Object [external]
 Cstd::exception [external]
 CGlib::Error [external]
 CGdk::PixbufErrorException class for Gdk::Pixbuf errors
 CGtk::BuilderErrorException class for Gdk::Builder errors
 CGtk::FileChooserErrorException class for Gdk::FileChooser errors
 CGtk::IconThemeErrorException class for Gtk::IconTheme errors
 CGtk::RecentManagerErrorException class for Gtk::RecentManager errors